#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const long long max_size = 2000; // max length of strings
const long long N = 5; // number of closest words that will be shown
const long long max_w = 50; // max length of vocabulary entries
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *f;
char st1[max_size];
char *bestw[N];//指针数组,大小为N,其中的每一个元素指向char型的指针。
char file_name[max_size], st[100][max_size];
float dist, len, bestd[N], vec[max_size];
long long words, size, a, b, c, d, cn, bi[100];
char ch;
float *M;
char *vocab;
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: ./distance <FILE>\nwhere FILE contains word projections in the BINARY FORMAT\n");
return 0;
strcpy(file_name, argv[1]);
f = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Input file not found\n");
return -1;
fscanf(f, "%lld", &words);//vocab_size
fscanf(f, "%lld", &size); //维数
vocab = (char *)malloc((long long)words * max_w * sizeof(char));
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a] = (char *)malloc(max_size * sizeof(char));
M = (float *)malloc((long long)words * (long long)size * sizeof(float));
if (M == NULL) {
printf("Cannot allocate memory: %lld MB %lld %lld\n", (long long)words * size * sizeof(float) / 1048576, words, size);
return -1;
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) {
a = 0;
while (1) {
vocab[b * max_w + a] = fgetc(f);
if (feof(f) || (vocab[b * max_w + a] == ‘ ‘)) break;
if ((a < max_w) && (vocab[b * max_w + a] != ‘\n‘)) a++;
vocab[b * max_w + a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) fread(&M[a + b * size], sizeof(float), 1, f);
len = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) len += M[a + b * size] * M[a + b * size];
len = sqrt(len);
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) M[a + b * size] /= len;//将坐标归一化
while (1) {
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestd[a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a][0] = 0;
printf("Enter word or sentence (EXIT to break): ");
a = 0;
while (1) {
st1[a] = fgetc(stdin);
if ((st1[a] == ‘\n‘) || (a >= max_size - 1)) {
st1[a] = 0;
printf("st1:%s words:%lld \n",st1,words);
if (!strcmp(st1, "EXIT")) break;
cn = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
while (1) {//把st中的每个单词分别存储到st1二维数组中,共cn个。
st[cn][b] = st1[c];
st[cn][b] = 0;
if (st1[c] == 0) break;
if (st1[c] == ‘ ‘) {
b = 0;
for (a = 0; a < cn; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) if (!strcmp(&vocab[b * max_w], st[a])) break;
if (b == words) b = -1;
bi[a] = b;
printf("\nWord: %s Position in vocabulary: %lld\n", st[a], bi[a]);
if (b == -1) {
printf("Out of dictionary word!\n");
break; //只要有一个词不在词汇表都终止for循环
if (b == -1) continue;
printf("\n Word Cosine distance\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] = 0;
for (b = 0; b < cn; b++) {//遍历每个词,如果输入多个词vec[a]是各个词向量的累加和
if (bi[b] == -1) continue;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] += M[a + bi[b] * size];
len = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) len += vec[a] * vec[a];
len = sqrt(len);
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] /= len;//将vec归一化,当只输入一个词时,不起作用。
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestd[a] = -1;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a][0] = 0;
for (c = 0; c < words; c++) {//遍历词汇表
a = 0;
for (b = 0; b < cn; b++) //a的作用:如果遍历词和查询词相同,则跳过此词
if (bi[b] == c) a = 1;
if (a == 1) continue;
dist = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) //求向量的内积
dist += vec[a] * M[a + c * size];
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) { //为dist寻找插入位置
if (dist > bestd[a]) {
for (d = N - 1; d > a; d--) {
bestd[d] = bestd[d - 1];
strcpy(bestw[d], bestw[d - 1]);
bestd[a] = dist;
strcpy(bestw[a], &vocab[c * max_w]);
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) printf("%50s\t\t%f\n", bestw[a], bestd[a]);
return 0;