注意计算机内存储负数是其补码形式! 正数取反后加1就得到负数(其实是负数的补码),例如:7二进制为0111;取反后为1000;然后+1为1001=(-7)补码。
好了理清了上述关系 下面实现一个booth算法乘法器:
bit[1] | bit[2] | 位操作 |
0 | 0 | 无操作 |
0 | 1 | +被乘数 |
1 | 0 | -被乘数 |
1 | 1 | 无操作 |
例如4*2 被乘数为4(0100),乘数为2(0010),都为4bit,因此result应有9bit空间。
第一步:被乘数正数:0100 负数为:1100,result={4’d0,0010,0}
第二步:判断result[1:0] ,为00 则无操作,result向右移一位,补高位与原来高位一致为result={4’d0,0001,0}
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title : <title> // Project : <project> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File : multiplier.v // Author : cs // Created : <credate> // Last modified : <moddate> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description : // <description> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) <copydate> by <company> This model is the confidential and // proprietary property of <company> and the possession or use of this // file requires a written license from <company>. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Modification history : // <modhist> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module multiplier(/*autoarg*/ // Outputs done_flag, mul_result, // Inputs clk, rst_n, start_en, mul_cand_data, mul_data ); //parameter WIDTH = 8; //system interface input clk; input rst_n; input start_en; input [7:0] mul_cand_data; input [7:0] mul_data; output done_flag; output [15:0] mul_result; /*autoinput*/ /*autooutput*/ /*autoreg*/ // Beginning of automatic regs (for this module‘s undeclared outputs) reg done_flag; //reg [2*WIDTH-1:0] mul_result; // End of automatics /*autowire*/ //=========================================================== // state machine //======================================================= parameter IDLE = 3‘d0; parameter IMPROVE = 3‘d1; parameter JUDGE = 3‘d2; parameter MUL_MOV = 3‘d3; parameter MUL_END = 3‘d4; reg [2:0] curr_state; reg [2:0] next_state; reg [7:0] mul_cand_data_ff1; reg [7:0] mul_cand_data_ff2; reg [16:0] mul_result_ff; reg [7:0] cnt; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n == 0) curr_state <= IDLE; else curr_state <= next_state; end always @ (*)begin next_state = IDLE; case(curr_state) IDLE:begin if(start_en) next_state = IMPROVE; else next_state = IDLE; end IMPROVE:begin next_state = JUDGE; end JUDGE:begin next_state = MUL_MOV; end MUL_MOV:begin if(cnt >= 7) next_state = MUL_END; else next_state = JUDGE; end MUL_END:begin next_state = IDLE; end default: next_state = IDLE; endcase // case (curr_state) end // always @ (*) //------------------------------------- //state machine change always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n==0)begin mul_cand_data_ff1 <= 0; mul_cand_data_ff2 <= 0; end else if(curr_state == IMPROVE)begin mul_cand_data_ff1 <= mul_cand_data; mul_cand_data_ff2 <= ~mul_cand_data + 1‘b1; end end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n == 0) mul_result_ff <= 0; else if(curr_state == IMPROVE) mul_result_ff <= {8‘d0,mul_data,1‘b0}; else if(curr_state == JUDGE)begin if(mul_result_ff[1:0]==2‘b01) mul_result_ff <= {(mul_result_ff[16:9] + mul_cand_data_ff1[7:0]),mul_result_ff[8:0]}; else if(mul_result_ff[1:0]== 2‘b10) mul_result_ff <= {(mul_result_ff[16:9] + mul_cand_data_ff2[7:0]),mul_result_ff[8:0]}; end else if(curr_state == MUL_MOV) mul_result_ff <= {mul_result_ff[16],mul_result_ff[16:1]}; end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n == 0) cnt <= 0; else if((curr_state == MUL_MOV)&&(cnt < 7)) cnt <= cnt + 1‘b1; else if((cnt == 7)&&(curr_state == MUL_END)) cnt <= 0; end always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n == 0) done_flag <= 0; else if(curr_state == MUL_END) done_flag <= 1; else done_flag <= 0; end reg[16:0] mul_result_ff2; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n == 0) mul_result_ff2 <= 0; else if(curr_state == MUL_END) mul_result_ff2 <= mul_result_ff; end assign mul_result = mul_result_ff2[16:1]; endmodule //
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title : <title> // Project : <project> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File : test_bench.v // Author : cs // Created : <credate> // Last modified : <moddate> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description : // <description> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) <copydate> by <company> This model is the confidential and // proprietary property of <company> and the possession or use of this // file requires a written license from <company>. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Modification history : // <modhist> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module testbench(); reg clk; reg rst_n; reg start_en; reg [7:0] mul_cand_data; reg [7:0] mul_data; wire done_flag; wire [15:0] mul_result; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ multiplier u_multiplier(/*autoinst*/ // Outputs .done_flag (done_flag), .mul_result (mul_result[15:0]), // Inputs .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), .start_en (start_en), .mul_cand_data (mul_cand_data[7:0]), .mul_data (mul_data[7:0])); always #20 clk = ~clk; initial begin clk = 0; rst_n = 0; # 100 rst_n = 1; end reg [3:0] i; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n==0)begin start_en <= 0; mul_cand_data <= 0; mul_data <= 0; i <= 0; end else case(i) 0:begin if(done_flag)begin start_en = 0; i <= i + 1‘b1; end else begin start_en <= 1‘b1; mul_cand_data <= 8‘d4; mul_data <= 8‘d2; end end // case: 0 1:begin if(done_flag)begin start_en = 0; i <= i + 1‘b1; end else begin start_en <= 1‘b1; mul_cand_data <= 8‘b11111100; mul_data <= 8‘d4; end end // case: 1 2:begin if(done_flag)begin start_en = 0; i <= i + 1‘b1; end else begin start_en <= 1‘b1; mul_cand_data <= 8‘d127; mul_data <= 8‘b10000001; end end // case: 2 3:begin if(done_flag)begin start_en = 0; i <= i + 1‘b1; end else begin start_en <= 1‘b1; mul_cand_data <= 8‘b10000001; mul_data <= 8‘b10000001; end end // case: 3 4:begin i<=4‘d4; end endcase // case (i) end // always@ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) initial begin $fsdbDumpfile ("./testbench.fsdb"); $fsdbDumpvars; // end endmodule