There‘re many deployment files for configuration. We need to learn how SAFS read these depolyment files.
Let‘s use the IBT as the a small example for reading UseMultiThreadSearch parameter which determines if we use multi-thread algorithm for image comparing.
In the DefaultDriver.java, define a variable USE_MULTIPLE_THREADS to store client‘s choice about using multi-thread:
/** * Set true if image searches using BitTolerance * should attempt to use parallel threading. * The current implementation of multi-threading is poor, * and may actually be slower than NOT using multi-threading. * Current default is ‘false‘. * @see org.safs.image.SmallPieceComparator * @see org.safs.image.ScreenXYBTComparator */ public static boolean USE_MULTIPLE_THREADS = false;
Then, in the DefaultDriver.java file, the initializeMiscConfigInfo() method will call configInfo‘s getNamedValue() method to read the configuration files. So in order to get client‘s choice of whether use multi-thread, we‘ll do:
String useMultiThread = configInfo.getNamedValue(DriverConstant.SECTION_SAFS_IBT, "UseMultiThreadSearch"); if(useMultiThread!=null) { ImageUtils.USE_MULTIPLE_THREADS = StringUtilities.convertBool(useMultiThread); Log.info("SAFS_IBT:UseMultiThreadSearch set to: "+ ImageUtils.USE_MULTIPLE_THREADS); }
The corresponding test.ini file should be written like this:
[SAFS_IBT] UseTwoDimensionMatch=true
Obviously the [SAFS_IBT] is determined by parameter DriverConstant.SECTION_SAFS_IBT in configInfo.getNamedValue() method.