It is important to get the support that you need as you manage your hepatitis B. Support groups, both in-person and online, are a great way to find the emotional support you need from people who are going through similar experiences. Often, you can find many answers through support groups from people who have lived with chronic hepatitis B for many years, and are happy to share their knowledge and experiences with you.
It might be difficult to find an in-person support group near you that focuses on hepatitis B. However, there is an international online support group (the Hepatitis B Information and Support List: HB-List) at www.hblist.org. This group, run by volunteers who live with chronic hepatitis B, has been online for over 6 years, and is a great resource for patients, families, and others affected by hepatitis B.
The Hepatitis B Foundation sponsors the annual B Informed Conference, the only patient-focused hepatitis B conference. Patients, family members, and health care providers get the chance to share stories and experiences, learn about the latest updates in treatment and research, and form a strong hepatitis B community of friends. Click here to learn more about past B Informed Conferences, and join us for
Page Last Modified: February 6, 2012