Hepatitis B Foundation
2012 B Informed Parent Conference on Hepatitis B
Saturday, May 19, 2012, Philadelphia, PA
A Outreach Program for Parents of Children Chronically Infected
with HBV
Since 2001, the HBF patient conference has served as a
beacon of hope for patients and families living with hepatitis B and,
after eleven years, continues to be the only meeting of its kind. In
2012 we concentrated on the unique health and personal issues and
challenges of raising a child chronically infected with hepatitis B.
Keynote Speaker Presentations
Hepatitis B: For Families
Barbara Haber, MD
1990-2012: Professor of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2012: Merck Hepatology
Download PowerPoint (10.12MB)
Pediatric Hepatitis B Treatment
Karen F. Murray, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Chief, Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Seattle Children’s and University of Washington School of Medicine
Download Powerpoint (7.3MB)
Sponsored by the Hepatitis B Foundation
in collaboration with
Children‘s Hospital of Philadelphia
HBV Adoption List
Seattle Children‘s Hospital
Hepatitis B Information & Support List
For questions, please contact:
Peggy Farley
Hepatitis B Foundation
3805 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 U.S.A.
Tel: (215)589-6328
E-mail: Peggy.farley@hepb.org
Jackie Corwell
Hepatitis B Foundation
3805 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 U.S.A.
Tel: (215)589-6410
E-mail: Jackie.corwell@hepb.org