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新建Azure VM或者对现有的VM使用PIP

时间:2015-04-17 22:30:38      阅读:224      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:新建azure vm或者对现有的vm使用pip



  1. 从公网申请PIP地址并分配给现有的VM Instance

PS C:\> Get-AzureVM -ServiceName jeffcentos -Name centosPIP | Set-AzurePublicIP -PublicIPName jeffPIP2 | Update-AzureVM

详细信息: 19:17:38 - Completed Operation: Get Deployment

详细信息: 19:17:41 - Completed Operation: Get Deployment

详细信息: 19:17:41 - Begin Operation: Update-AzureVM

详细信息: 19:18:12 - Completed Operation: Update-AzureVM

OperationDescription                    OperationId                             OperationStatus

--------------------                    -----------                             ---------------

Update-AzureVM                          57d21c72-4fe0-448e-9bb8-b13e1b4b50c0    Succeeded

2. 在新建VM时保留PIP


PS C:\> New-AzureReservedIP –ReservedIPName "JEFFPIP" –Label "jeffPIP" –Location "China North"

详细信息: 18:54:18 - Begin Operation: New-AzureReservedIP

详细信息: 18:54:51 - Completed Operation: New-AzureReservedIP

OperationDescription                    OperationId                             OperationStatus

--------------------                    -----------                             ---------------

New-AzureReservedIP                     b882b7f3-8661-4d37-a92a-8360ba520cd1    Succeeded


PS C:\> Get-AzureReservedIP

详细信息: 18:55:52 - Begin Operation: Get-AzureReservedIP

详细信息: 18:55:53 - Completed Operation: Get-AzureReservedIP

ReservedIPName       : JEFFPIP

Address              :

Id                   : 35b80824-29b8-4491-bd10-2fec1922048a

Label                : jeffPIP

Location             : China North

State                : Created

InUse                : False

ServiceName          :

DeploymentName       :

OperationDescription : Get-AzureReservedIP

OperationId          : a1b79933-22f2-4a15-a2ea-61b94764e066

OperationStatus      : Succeeded


PS C:\> New-AzureVMConfig -Name ‘centos‘ -InstanceSize Small -ImageName jeffcentos-20150402-800866 | Add-AzureProvisioni

ngConfig -Linux -LinuxUser "azureuser" -Password "P@ssw0rd123" | New-AzureVM -ServiceName "testpip" –ReservedIPName "JEF

FPIP"  -VNetName ‘chinnort‘

警告: Subnet should be specified when deploying VMs in a VNET: centos

详细信息: 19:03:16 - Begin Operation: New-AzureVM - Create Deployment with VM centos

详细信息: 19:04:23 - Completed Operation: New-AzureVM - Create Deployment with VM centos

OperationDescription                    OperationId                             OperationStatus

--------------------                    -----------                             ---------------

New-AzureVM                             03626a98-22ed-45b0-bd3f-5c8f66a57067    Succeeded


PS C:\> Get-AzureReservedIP

详细信息: 19:09:16 - Begin Operation: Get-AzureReservedIP

详细信息: 19:09:19 - Completed Operation: Get-AzureReservedIP

ReservedIPName       : JEFFPIP

Address              :

Id                   : 35b80824-29b8-4491-bd10-2fec1922048a

Label                : jeffPIP

Location             : China North

State                : Created

InUse                : True

ServiceName          : testpip

DeploymentName       : testpip

OperationDescription : Get-AzureReservedIP

OperationId          : c2494b48-d504-4535-b885-ee45043dd785

OperationStatus      : Succeeded


PS C:\> New-AzureVMConfig -Name ‘centos‘ -InstanceSize Small -ImageName jeffcentos-jeffcentos-0-201504020640350599 | Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Linux -LinuxUser "azureuser" -Password "P@ssw0rd123" | New-AzureVM -ServiceName "testpip" –ReservedIPName "JEFFPIP"  -VNetName ‘chinnort‘

New-AzureVMConfig : Must specify MediaLocation or set a current storage account using Set-AzureSubscription.

所在位置 行:1 字符: 1

+ New-AzureVMConfig -Name ‘centos‘ -InstanceSize Small -ImageName jeffcentos-jeffc ...

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [New-AzureVMConfig], ArgumentException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceManagement.IaaS.NewAzure



PS C:\> Set-Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "订阅账号" -CurrentStorageAccountName "存储账号"。


本文出自 “jeff-微软公有云” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://jeffcsc.blog.51cto.com/8669937/1634232

新建Azure VM或者对现有的VM使用PIP

标签:新建azure vm或者对现有的vm使用pip


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