Printable Information
The Hepatitis B Foundation has created a variety of materials for those seeking more information about hepatitis B. Our Brochures, Information Sheets, and Newsletter are available in an easy-to-print PDF format.
Information Sheets - B Informed Newsletter
About the Hepatitis B Foundation
This brochure briefly summarizes the history, mission, and programs
of the Hepatitis B Foundation. It is a compact introduction for
those who want to know more about this dynamic organization that
continues to be the only national non-profit solely dedicated to
the cause and cure of hepatitis B.
You Know Has Hepatitis B
This educational brochure provides an overview of hepatitis B, how
it is transmitted, the importance of vaccination, and the urgent
need to find a cure for the 400 million people chronically infected
Yourself and Those You Love
This brochure promotes the important message that hepatitis B is
a vaccine-preventable disease. It describes the problem of hepatitis
B, who is at greatest risk, the importance of prevention, and the
hepatitis B vaccine.
The First Loving Act
This brochure is to reassure adoptive parents that although
hepatitis B is a concern with international and domestic adoptions,
it is a vaccine-preventable disease. The Hepatitis B Foundation
is a valuable resource for adoptive parents who need additional
information and support.
With Chronic Hepatitis B
This informative brochure is written specifically for patients and
their loved ones. It discusses living with chronic hepatitis B,
understanding your blood tests, available treatments, and managing
your health. Recommendations about diet and alcohol, pregnancy and
other special precautions are also included.
With Chronic Hepatitis B- Traditional Chinese
Living With Chronic Hepatitis B Brochure, described above, translated
into Traditional Chinese.
With Chronic Hepatitis B- Simplified Chinese
Living With Chronic Hepatitis B Brochure, described above, translated
into Simplified Chinese.
Meet O‘Liver:
Viral Hepatitis Mascot
This colorful brochure introduces the Hepatitis B Foundation‘s
liver mascot, O‘Liver. It explains in simple language the difference
between hepatitis A, B, and C. It also talks about the important
functions of the liver and how to protect yourself and those you
love from viral hepatitis.
Information Sheets
New! Also available in Chinese Vietnamese Korean Spanish
Getting A Letter from the Blood Bank
Hepatitis B Blood Tests
New! Also available in Chinese
with Chronic Hepatitis B
New! Also available in Chinese
Hepatitis B Guidelines for Pregnant Women
B Treatment Information
New! Also available in Chinese
Hepatitis B Clinical Trials: What You Need To Know
Hepatitis B and Health Care Providers
Hepatitis B Resource Round-Up of Useful Information
Hepatitis B Information Packet
B Informed Newsletter
We publish a free newsletter that includes timely news articles, a regularly updated "Drug Watch", "Hepatitis Vaccine Watch", patient stories, and more.