标签:cocos2d-x 加密 解密 cocos2d-x图片加密 cocos2d-x资源加密
Unity3d 游戏资源打包加密(图片/XML/TXT等) C#编码 (一) 介绍如何打包加密游戏资源已经好几月,却没有详细说明如何在游戏中去读取加密的资源,虽然聪明的程序员看一眼就知道如何逆向编码,但是还是详细说明一下,以作完结。
转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
加密只有一篇即可,解密分为两篇,Cocos2d-x 篇 和 Unity3d 篇。
首先,这一篇介绍Cocos2d-x 读取加密的资源。
转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
以下内容需要对Cocos2d-x 稍微深入了解。
转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
class CC_DLL Sprite : public Node, public TextureProtocol { public: static const int INDEX_NOT_INITIALIZED = -1; /// Sprite invalid index on the SpriteBatchNode /// @{ /// @name Creators /** * Creates an empty sprite without texture. You can call setTexture method subsequently. * * @return An autoreleased sprite object. */ static Sprite* create(); /** * Creates a sprite with an image filename. * * After creation, the rect of sprite will be the size of the image, * and the offset will be (0,0). * * @param filename A path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png" * @return An autoreleased sprite object. */ static Sprite* create(const std::string& filename); /** * Creates a sprite with an image filename and a rect. * * @param filename A path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png" * @param rect A subrect of the image file * @return An autoreleased sprite object */ static Sprite* create(const std::string& filename, const Rect& rect); /** * Creates a sprite with a Texture2D object. * * After creation, the rect will be the size of the texture, and the offset will be (0,0). * * @param texture A pointer to a Texture2D object. * @return An autoreleased sprite object */ static Sprite* createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture); /** * Creates a sprite with a texture and a rect. * * After creation, the offset will be (0,0). * * @param texture A pointer to an existing Texture2D object. * You can use a Texture2D object for many sprites. * @param rect Only the contents inside the rect of this texture will be applied for this sprite. * @param rotated Whether or not the rect is rotated * @return An autoreleased sprite object */ static Sprite* createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, const Rect& rect, bool rotated=false);转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
根据上面的流程,我们下一步要做的就是,实例化一个 Texture2D 。
// implementation Texture2D (Image) bool Texture2D::initWithImage(Image *image) { return initWithImage(image, g_defaultAlphaPixelFormat); }
然后我们需要的就是 实例化一个Image。
bool Image::initWithImageFile(const std::string& path) { bool ret = false; _filePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(path); #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN // Emscripten includes a re-implementation of SDL that uses HTML5 canvas // operations underneath. Consequently, loading images via IMG_Load (an SDL // API) will be a lot faster than running libpng et al as compiled with // Emscripten. SDL_Surface *iSurf = IMG_Load(fullPath.c_str()); int size = 4 * (iSurf->w * iSurf->h); ret = initWithRawData((const unsigned char*)iSurf->pixels, size, iSurf->w, iSurf->h, 8, true); unsigned int *tmp = (unsigned int *)_data; int nrPixels = iSurf->w * iSurf->h; for(int i = 0; i < nrPixels; i++) { unsigned char *p = _data + i * 4; tmp[i] = CC_RGB_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA( p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3] ); } SDL_FreeSurface(iSurf); #else Data data = FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile(_filePath); if (!data.isNull()) { ret = initWithImageData(data.getBytes(), data.getSize()); } #endif // EMSCRIPTEN return ret; }
转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
好了,首先我们来按照上面的流程,读取一张未加密图片,例化一个CCSprite 。
一贯作风,还是拿HelloWorld 作为例子,以下代码
Image* image = new Image(); Data data = FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile("Deemo.jpg"); image->initWithImageData(data.getBytes(), data.getSize()); Texture2D* texutre=new Texture2D(); texutre->initWithImage(image); Sprite* sprite=Sprite::createWithTexture(texutre); // position the sprite on the center of the screen sprite->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize / 2) + origin); // add the sprite as a child to this layer this->addChild(sprite);
转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
void HelloWorld::InitUPKFileSystem() { std::string fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename("Deemo.UPK"); std::ifstream fin(fullPath.c_str(),std::ios::binary); if (!fin) { CCLOG("File Open Error"); return; } //首先读取文件数量4byte; char fileCountArr[4]; fin.read(fileCountArr,4); int fileCount=0; memcpy(&fileCount,fileCountArr,4); //然后循环读取文件信息; for (int index=0;index<fileCount;index++) { OneFileInfor oneFileInfor; //读取m_id; char idArr[4]; int id=0; fin.read(idArr,4); memcpy(&id,idArr,4); oneFileInfor.m_id=id; //读取m_StartPos; char startPosArr[4]; int startPos=0; fin.read(startPosArr,4); memcpy(&startPos,startPosArr,4); oneFileInfor.m_StartPos=startPos; //读取m_Size; char sizeArr[4]; int size=0; fin.read(sizeArr,4); memcpy(&size,sizeArr,4); oneFileInfor.m_Size=size; //读取m_Path; char pathArr[256]; std::string path; fin.read(pathArr,256); path=pathArr; oneFileInfor.m_Path=path; m_allFileInforVec.push_back(oneFileInfor); } fin.close(); }
cocos2d::Data HelloWorld::GetDataFromUPK(const char* filepath) { Data ret; //根据文件路径找到文件信息; for (int index=0;index<m_allFileInforVec.size();index++) { OneFileInfor oneFileInfor=m_allFileInforVec[index]; std::string path=filepath; if (oneFileInfor.m_Path==path) { //找到了文件,开始读取文件数据; std::string fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename("Deemo.UPK"); std::ifstream fin(fullPath.c_str(),std::ios::binary); if (!fin) { CCLOG("File Open Error"); return ret; } char* buffer=NULL; buffer=(char*)malloc(oneFileInfor.m_Size); fin.seekg(oneFileInfor.m_StartPos,std::ios::beg); //ios::cur从当前位置偏移;ios::beg从文件开头偏移; fin.read(buffer,oneFileInfor.m_Size); ret.fastSet((unsigned char *)buffer,oneFileInfor.m_Size); fin.close(); break; } } return ret; }
工程下载:转自陈里陈外的博客 http://blog.csdn.net/huutu 星环游戏 http://www.thisisgame.com.cn
Cocos2d-x 游戏资源(图片、XML、TXT等)打包加密 之 解密读取
标签:cocos2d-x 加密 解密 cocos2d-x图片加密 cocos2d-x资源加密