实现的时候,只是对版本一进行了修改,main 函数内部貌似没有修改,不需要修改。
另:因为我 take 这个课的时候,课程已经开到第八周了,这些作业已经不能提交。所以该代码没有提交通过 oj 判断,需要大家注意一下。如果以后有人拿此代码交了,没有AC,希望能告诉下。(另外,这里我想熟悉下 VS2013 环境,所以代码都是在 VS2013 里写的,提交之前可能需要注释掉 #include "stdafx.h",以及 main 函数的参数表和函数名可能需要修改下。)
// W5-编程作业-魔兽世界之二:装备.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cin; using std::string; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ios_base; //using namespace std; int wlf[5];//dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的初始生命值 //string wrname[5] = { "dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "lion", "wolf" }; string wpname[3] = { "sword","bomb","arrow" };//武器名 class Warrior { int life; string name; public: Warrior(int lf = 0, string nm="wolf") :life(lf),name(nm) {} string get_name() { return name; } int get_life() { return life; } }; class Drag :public Warrior { int wpno;//武器序号 double morale;//士气 public: Drag() {} Drag(int lf, int no, double hd_sx_lf) :wpno(no%3), morale(hd_sx_lf/lf), Warrior(lf, "dragon") //第一个参数是它的生命元,第二个参数是编号,第三个参数是司令部剩余生命元 {} void show() { cout << "It has a " << wpname[wpno] << ",and it's morale is "; cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);//设置使用定点表示法 cout.precision(2);//对于定点表示法,精度为2表示小数点后有2位,一直有效 cout<< morale << endl; } }; class Nin :public Warrior { int wpno1; int wpno2; public: Nin(){} Nin(int lf, int no) :wpno1(no%3), wpno2((no+1)%3), Warrior(lf, "ninja") {}//第一个参数是武士的生命元,第二个参数是其编号 void show() { cout << "It has a "<<wpname[wpno1]<<" and a "<<wpname[wpno2] << endl; } }; class Ice :public Warrior { int wpno; public: Ice(){} Ice(int lf, int no) :wpno(no%3), Warrior(lf, "iceman") {} void show() { cout << "It has a "<<wpname[wpno] << endl; } }; class Lion :public Warrior { int loyalty;//忠诚度 public: Lion(){} Lion(int lf, int hd_sx_lf) :loyalty(hd_sx_lf), Warrior(lf, "lion") {} void show() { cout << "It's loyalty is "<<loyalty << endl; } }; class HeadQ { int lifen;//生命元 int wno;//武士的最大编号 int worrior[5];//5个武士依次的数量 string name; bool stop;//是否停止制造武士 public: HeadQ(int lfn = 0, string snm = "") :lifen(lfn), wno(0), name(snm), stop(0) { memset(worrior, 0, sizeof(worrior)); } bool gen_wr(int time, int k)//生成序号为k的武士 { if (lifen < wlf[k]) { return false; } wno++; worrior[k]++; lifen = lifen - wlf[k];//剩余生命元 if (0 == k) { Drag drg(wlf[k],wno,lifen); cout.fill('0');//设置填充字符,一直有效 cout.width(3);//设域宽为3,一次有效 cout <<time << " " << name << " " << drg.get_name() << " " << wno << " born with strength " << drg.get_life() <<","<<worrior[k] <<" "<<drg.get_name()<<" in "<<name<<" headquarter" << endl; drg.show(); } else if (1 == k) { Nin nnj(wlf[k],wno); cout.fill('0');//设置填充字符,一直有效 cout.width(3);//设域宽为3,一次有效 cout << time << " " << name << " " << nnj.get_name() << " " << wno << " born with strength " << nnj.get_life() << "," << worrior[k] << " " << nnj.get_name() << " in " << name << " headquarter" << endl; nnj.show(); } else if (2 == k) { Ice icm(wlf[k],wno); cout.fill('0');//设置填充字符,一直有效 cout.width(3);//设域宽为3,一次有效 cout << time << " " << name << " " << icm.get_name() << " " << wno << " born with strength " << icm.get_life() << "," << worrior[k] << " " << icm.get_name() << " in " << name << " headquarter" << endl; icm.show(); } else if (3 == k) { Lion lon(wlf[k],lifen); cout.fill('0');//设置填充字符,一直有效 cout.width(3);//设域宽为3,一次有效 cout << time << " " << name << " " << lon.get_name() << " " << wno << " born with strength " << lon.get_life() << "," << worrior[k] << " " << lon.get_name() << " in " << name << " headquarter" << endl; lon.show(); } else if (4 == k) { //没有特别的 Warrior wlf(wlf[k]); cout.fill('0');//设置填充字符,一直有效 cout.width(3);//设域宽为3,一次有效 cout << time << " " << name << " " << wlf.get_name() << " " << wno << " born with strength " << wlf.get_life() << "," << worrior[k] << " " << wlf.get_name() << " in " << name << " headquarter" << endl; } return true; } bool is_stop(int time) { bool flag = 0;//标志是否可以继续制造武士 for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { if (lifen >= wlf[i]) { flag = 1; break; }//只要还可以制造一个武士 } if (flag == 0) { cout.fill('0');//设置填充字符,一直有效 cout.width(3);//设域宽为3,一次有效 cout << time << " " << name << " headquarter stops making warriors" << endl; stop = true; return true; } return false; } bool getstopflag(void) { return stop; } }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int n; cin >> n; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { cout << "Case:" << i << endl; int m; cin >> m; cin >> wlf[0] >> wlf[1] >> wlf[2] >> wlf[3] >> wlf[4]; HeadQ redhq(m, "red");//红方按iceman、lion、wolf、ninja、dragon顺序:2,3,4,1,0 HeadQ bluehq(m, "blue");//蓝方按lion、dragon、ninja、iceman、wolf顺序:3,0,1,2,4 int redsx[5] = { 2, 3, 4, 1, 0 }; int bluesx[5] = { 3, 0, 1, 2, 4 }; int time = 0; int redk = 0; int bluek = 0; while (redhq.getstopflag() == false || bluehq.getstopflag() == false) { while (redhq.getstopflag() == false && redhq.is_stop(time) == false && redhq.gen_wr(time, redsx[redk]) == false)//当没有停止生成武士且生成武士失败时,生成下一个可生成的武士 { redk = (redk + 1) % 5; } redk = (redk + 1) % 5; while (bluehq.getstopflag() == false && bluehq.is_stop(time) == false && bluehq.gen_wr(time, bluesx[bluek]) == false)//当没有停止生成武士且生成武士失败时,生成下一个可生成的武士 { bluek = (bluek + 1) % 5; } bluek = (bluek + 1) % 5; time++; } } return 0; }