1. others=>‘0‘是什么意思?
q <= (others=>‘0‘); 表示将q的所有位赋值为0,当q位数较多时比较方便。。。
2. if (clk’event and clk=‘1’ )是什么意思?
3.关于conv_std_logic_vector 和 conv_integer 这两个函数的使用问题
This is the library that defines some types and basic arithmetic operations for representing integers in standard ways. This is a Synopsys extention. The source code is in
std_logic_arith. vhd and is freely redistributable.
The unsigned
The signed type
The arithmetic functions: +, -,*
The comparison functions: <,<=, >, >=, =, /=
The shift functions: shl, shr
The conv_integer function
The conv_unsigned function
The conv_signed function
The conv_std_logic_vector function
The conv_integer function
function conv_integer(arg:integer) return integer;
function conv_integer(arg: unsigned)return integer;
function conv_integer(arg: signed) return integer;
function conv_integer(arg: std_ulogic) return small_int;
These functions convert the arg argument to an integer.If the argument contains any undefined elements, a runtime warning is produced and 0 is returned.
The function provided by the std_logic_arith library can‘t convert a std_logic_vector to an integer because it is impossible to determine if it represents an unsigned or signed value. Functions that do this are included in the std_logic_unsigned and std_logic_signed libraries.
signal b : std_logic;
signal u1 :unsigned (3 downto 0);
signal s1 : signed (3 downto 0);
signali1, i2, i3 : integer;
u1 <= "1001";
s1 <="1001";
b <= ‘X‘;
wait for 10 ns;
i1 <=conv_integer(u1); -- 9
i2 <=conv_integer(s1); -- -7
i3 <=conv_integer(b); -- warning produced in simulator
VHDL细节笔记(含std_logic Libraries标准库的技术手册),布布扣,bubuko.com
VHDL细节笔记(含std_logic Libraries标准库的技术手册)