13:58:20 call new_procedure('2000','zhangsan') Error Code: 1318. Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE student.new_procedure; expected 0, got 2 0.000 sec
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `new_procedure`() BEGIN set @a=101; while @a<2000 do set @b = rand_string(10); set @c=1; insert into example1 values(@a,@b,@c); set @a=@a+1; if(@a%2=0) then set @c=0; end if; end while; END该存储过程没有用到参数,故调用时不需要加参数
call new_procedure;
Error Code: 1318. Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE student.new_procedure; expected 0, got