标签:table space maps for database-managed table spaces
Space Map Pages (SMPs) hold track of which extents are used and which are free.
Extent Map Pages (EMPs) store the mapping of extents held by that object.
SMP Extent 0 is always the second extent in the tablespace(If the extent size is 32, and therefore SMP Extent 0 starts at Pool Page 32).
Object Table – stores the extent anchor for the first extent of EMPs, objectID is SQLD_OBJTAB_ID (0xFFFF, 65535).
Extent Map for the Object Table consists of 1 page, always found at the 2nd page of the 1st extent (pool page 1).
DMS: First user object id is 4; SMS: First user object id is 2.
data page 0 has the same structure: (DMS tablespace).
.Slot 0:Data Object Header Control Record
.Slot 1:Free Space Control Record(FSCR)
.Slot 2:Table Directory Record
.Slot 3:Table Description Record
Logical address map for a DMS table space:
Pagesize: 8192; Extentsize: 32
-------------------------------- --------- ------- --------------------
LOB03 3 4 66
TEST1 3 5 1
LOB01 3 33 975
LOB02 3 34 975
Dump Object Table(objectID:65535)
db2dart sample /dd /tsi 3 /oi 65535 /ps 0 /np 4 /v y
Page 0 ofobject 65535 from table space 3.
BPS Page Header:
Page Data Offset = 48
Page Data Length = 8144
Page LSN = 00000000697804A2
Object Page Number = 0
Pool Page Number = 64 --> Extentsize:32, object table 在第3个extent
Object ID = 65535
Object Type = Data Object
Data Page Header:
Slot Count = 42
Total Free Space = 5544
Total Reserve Space = 0
Youngest Reserve Space = n/a
Youngest TID = n/a
Free Space Offset = 915
Maximum Record Size = 152
Data Records:
Slot 0:
Offset Location = 8092 (x1F9C)
Record Length = 32 (x20)
Record Type = Data Object Header Control Record
Page count = 1
Object Creation LSN = 0000000001FBAEDA
Object State = x0000
UDI Since Runstats = 0
DFH flag bits = x00000000
Row Change Timestamp = x00000000000000
Slot 1:
Record Type = Free Space Control Record(FSCR)
Free space entries: --> 500 pages/1 FSCR (x1FBC: page里没有数据)
0: 5848 (x16D8), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
4: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
8: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
12: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
16: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
20: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
24: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
28: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
32: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
492: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
496: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
Slot 2:
Offset Location = 7012 (x1B64)
Record Length = 76 (x4C)
Record Type = Table Directory Record
TDIR version = 2
MetaIndex Does Not Exist
Max Insert Search = 100
Dictionary RID -- Page 0 Slot 0
Mapping Directory RID -- Page 0 Slot 0
Current table row format version = 0
Flags = x0000000106020000
bit representation = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
00000110 00000010 00000000 00000000
Check pending info:
Constraint status = x00
Constraint RID page = 0
last BID page = x00000000
Slot 3:
Offset Location = 6996 (x1B54)
Record Length = 16 (x10)
Record Type = Table Description Record
Number of Columns = 1
Column 1:
Type is Variable Length Character String
Maximum Length = 4000
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 0
Slot 4:
Offset Location = 1068 (x42C)
Record Length = 152 (x98)
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR) (PUNC)
Record Flags = 0
Object Table record:
Type: BASE Version: x00
Pool ObjID Extent Anchor Page 0 Obj State ObjType Life LSN
DATA 3 4 96 0 EXIST VALID 000000006939855B
BKM 3 4 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 000000006939855B
INDEX 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
XDA 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LONG 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOB 3 4 160 0 EXIST VALID 0000000069398CA9
LOBA 3 4 224 0 EXIST VALID 0000000069398CA9
Slot 5:
Offset Location = 916 (x394)
Record Length = 152 (x98)
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR) (PUNC)
Record Flags = 0
Object Table record:
Type: BASE Version: x00
Pool ObjID Extent Anchor Page 0 Obj State ObjType Life LSN
DATA 3 5 1344 0 EXIST VALID 00000000697801AC
BKM 3 5 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 00000000697801AC
INDEX 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
XDA 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LONG 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOB 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOBA 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
Slot 6:
Deleted Record
Slot 7:
Deleted Record
Slot 8:
Deleted Record
Slot 33: --> 和objectID一致
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR) (PUNC)
Object Table record:
Type: BASE Version: x00
Pool ObjID Extent Anchor Page 0 Obj State ObjType Life LSN
DATA 3 33 21664(EMP first extent) 0 EXIST VALID 00000000591F63E2
BKM 3 33 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 00000000591F63E2
INDEX 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
XDA 2 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LONG 2 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOB 2 19 0 0 EXIST VALID 0000000054806C5E
LOBA 2 19 0 0 EXIST VALID 0000000054806C5E
Slot 34:
Offset Location = 2284 (x8EC)
Record Length = 152 (x98)
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR) (PUNC)
Record Flags = 0
Object Table record:
Type: BASE Version: x00
Pool ObjID Extent Anchor Page 0 Obj State ObjType Life LSN
DATA 3 34 20640 0 EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
BKM 3 34 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
INDEX 3 34 49440 0 EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
XDA 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LONG 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOB 3 34 20704 0 EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
LOBA 3 34 20768 0 EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
LOB01 Table EMP(ObjectID: 33):
db2dart sample /demp /tsi 3 /oi 33
Object specific mapping info:
DAT extent anchor: 21664
Traversing extent map for object type: 0
Tablespace ID: 3, Tablespace Seed: 3, Object: 33 EMP page class: 64,
EMP pool page: 21664, # entries: 31
Page LSN = 00000000591F631A
Pool relative page #‘s :
21696 21728 21760 21792 21824 --> extent first page
21856 21888 21920 21952 21984
22016 22048 22080 22112 22144
22176 22208 22240 22272 22304
22336 22368 22400 22432 22464
22496 22528 22560 22592 22624
Tablespace ID: 3, Tablespace Seed: 3, Object: 33 EMP page class: 64,
EMP pool page: 21665, # entries: 0
Page LSN = 00000000591F4C22
Pool relative page #‘s :
Tablespace ID: 3, Tablespace Seed: 3, Object: 33 EMP page class: 64,
EMP pool page: 21666, # entries: 0
Page LSN = 00000000591F4C22
Pool relative page #‘s :
EMP pool page: 21695, # entries: 0
Page LSN = 00000000591F4C22
Pool relative page #‘s :
21695 - 21664 + 1 = 32 pages(1 extent)
LOB01 Table:
db2dart sample /dd /tsi 3 /oi 33 /ps 0 /np 4 /v y
Page 0 of object 33 from table space 3.
BPS Page Header:
Page Data Offset = 48
Page Data Length = 8144
Page LSN = 00000000591F4B5E
Object Page Number = 0
Pool Page Number = 21696 --> 对应EMP 21664 pool page的relative page的第一个extent first page.
Object ID = 33
Object Type = Data Object
Data Page Header:
Slot Count = 16
Total Free Space = 82
Total Reserve Space = 0
Youngest Reserve Space = n/a
Youngest TID = n/a
Free Space Offset = 113
Maximum Record Size = 523
Data Records:
Slot 0:
Offset Location = 8092 (x1F9C)
Record Length = 32 (x20)
Record Type = Data Object Header Control Record
Page count = 975
Object Creation LSN = 00000000591F4B5E
Object State = x0000
UDI Since Runstats = 0
DFH flag bits = x00000000
Row Change Timestamp = x00000000000000
Slot 1:
Offset Location = 7088 (x1BB0)
Record Length = 1004 (x3EC)
Record Type = Free Space Control Record
Free space entries:
0: 82 (x0052), 352 (x0160), 372 (x0174), 331 (x014B)
4: 326 (x0146), 345 (x0159), 279 (x0117), 55 (x0037)
8: 70 (x0046), 410 (x019A), 151 (x0097), 446 (x01BE)
12: 512 (x0200), 391 (x0187), 341 (x0155), 331 (x014B)
16: 313 (x0139), 318 (x013E), 369 (x0171), 313 (x0139)
20: 273 (x0111), 219 (x00DB), 151 (x0097), 238 (x00EE)
24: 63 (x003F), 148 (x0094), 116 (x0074), 83 (x0053)
28: 98 (x0062), 48 (x0030), 93 (x005D), 34 (x0022)
32: 482 (x01E2), 344 (x0158), 374 (x0176), 339 (x0153)
36: 330 (x014A), 354 (x0162), 353 (x0161), 353 (x0161)
40: 323 (x0143), 384 (x0180), 445 (x01BD), 402 (x0192)
44: 160 (x00A0), 78 (x004E), 130 (x0082), 104 (x0068)
48: 20 (x0014), 88 (x0058), 43 (x002B), 490 (x01EA)
52: 330 (x014A), 362 (x016A), 359 (x0167), 345 (x0159)
56: 317 (x013D), 363 (x016B), 345 (x0159), 344 (x0158)
60: 386 (x0182), 345 (x0159), 357 (x0165), 357 (x0165)
64: 338 (x0152), 342 (x0156), 300 (x012C), 478 (x01DE)
68: 432 (x01B0), 56 (x0038), 342 (x0156), 312 (x0138)
72: 324 (x0144), 511 (x01FF), 390 (x0186), 351 (x015F)
76: 341 (x0155), 324 (x0144), 330 (x014A), 283 (x011B)
80: 278 (x0116), 25 (x0019), 40 (x0028), 118 (x0076)
84: 261 (x0105), 186 (x00BA), 147 (x0093), 92 (x005C)
88: 104 (x0068), 116 (x0074), 34 (x0022), 67 (x0043)
92: 482 (x01E2), 481 (x01E1), 346 (x015A), 366 (x016E)
96: 330 (x014A), 340 (x0154), 347 (x015B), 346 (x015A)
100: 363 (x016B), 329 (x0149), 378 (x017A), 401 (x0191)
104: 41 (x0029), 153 (x0099), 72 (x0048), 123 (x007B)
108: 104 (x0068), 31 (x001F), 80 (x0050), 472 (x01D8)
112: 485 (x01E5), 330 (x014A), 378 (x017A), 339 (x0153)
116: 337 (x0151), 338 (x0152), 375 (x0177), 303 (x012F)
120: 366 (x016E), 381 (x017D), 342 (x0156), 97 (x0061)
124: 153 (x0099), 72 (x0048), 123 (x007B), 104 (x0068)
128: 31 (x001F), 80 (x0050), 69 (x0045), 362 (x016A)
132: 332 (x014C), 378 (x017A), 352 (x0160), 327 (x0147)
136: 343 (x0157), 376 (x0178), 306 (x0132), 362 (x016A)
140: 380 (x017C), 339 (x0153), 370 (x0172), 357 (x0165)
144: 353 (x0161), 296 (x0128), 334 (x014E), 407 (x0197)
148: 79 (x004F), 490 (x01EA), 390 (x0186), 150 (x0096)
152: 349 (x015D), 13 (x000D), 462 (x01CE), 334 (x014E)
156: 337 (x0151), 311 (x0137), 333 (x014D), 338 (x0152)
160: 238 (x00EE), 392 (x0188), 130 (x0082), 4 (x0004)
164: 72 (x0048), 175 (x00AF), 150 (x0096), 68 (x0044)
168: 135 (x0087), 88 (x0058), 14 (x000E), 103 (x0067)
172: 460 (x01CC), 352 (x0160), 353 (x0161), 353 (x0161)
176: 354 (x0162), 300 (x012C), 365 (x016D), 376 (x0178)
180: 301 (x012D), 378 (x017A), 366 (x016E), 94 (x005E)
184: 24 (x0018), 127 (x007F), 95 (x005F), 127 (x007F)
188: 83 (x0053), 27 (x001B), 100 (x0064), 410 (x019A)
192: 358 (x0166), 336 (x0150), 371 (x0173), 342 (x0156)
196: 324 (x0144), 358 (x0166), 357 (x0165), 309 (x0135)
200: 378 (x017A), 373 (x0175), 355 (x0163), 346 (x015A)
204: 372 (x0174), 337 (x0151), 318 (x013E), 304 (x0130)
208: 434 (x01B2), 21 (x0015), 496 (x01F0), 436 (x01B4)
212: 24 (x0018), 178 (x00B2), 350 (x015E), 404 (x0194)
216: 348 (x015C), 319 (x013F), 338 (x0152), 301 (x012D)
220: 66 (x0042), 57 (x0039), 407 (x0197), 153 (x0099)
224: 276 (x0114), 387 (x0183), 182 (x00B6), 132 (x0084)
228: 76 (x004C), 127 (x007F), 80 (x0050), 25 (x0019)
232: 91 (x005B), 316 (x013C), 360 (x0168), 363 (x016B)
236: 334 (x014E), 333 (x014D), 378 (x017A), 346 (x015A)
240: 360 (x0168), 303 (x012F), 378 (x017A), 356 (x0164)
244: 369 (x0171), 363 (x016B), 359 (x0167), 351 (x015F)
248: 343 (x0157), 324 (x0144), 329 (x0149), 291 (x0123)
252: 110 (x006E), 30 (x001E), 354 (x0162), 240 (x00F0)
256: 331 (x014B), 509 (x01FD), 459 (x01CB), 343 (x0157)
260: 326 (x0146), 327 (x0147), 342 (x0156), 259 (x0103)
264: 285 (x011D), 451 (x01C3), 147 (x0093), 130 (x0082)
268: 193 (x00C1), 190 (x00BE), 153 (x0099), 85 (x0055)
272: 110 (x006E), 104 (x0068), 37 (x0025), 79 (x004F)
276: 512 (x0200), 490 (x01EA), 333 (x014D), 373 (x0175)
280: 346 (x015A), 310 (x0136), 367 (x016F), 357 (x0165)
284: 339 (x0153), 340 (x0154), 387 (x0183), 342 (x0156)
288: 30 (x001E), 156 (x009C), 77 (x004D), 135 (x0087)
292: 100 (x0064), 17 (x0011), 90 (x005A), 4 (x0004)
296: 477 (x01DD), 332 (x014C), 385 (x0181), 344 (x0158)
300: 326 (x0146), 341 (x0155), 382 (x017E), 298 (x012A)
304: 366 (x016E), 384 (x0180), 348 (x015C), 344 (x0158)
308: 369 (x0171), 337 (x0151), 339 (x0153), 304 (x0130)
312: 480 (x01E0), 531 (x0213), 474 (x01DA), 354 (x0162)
316: 298 (x012A), 253 (x00FD), 63 (x003F), 391 (x0187)
320: 349 (x015D), 344 (x0158), 326 (x0146), 333 (x014D)
324: 268 (x010C), 282 (x011A), 502 (x01F6), 140 (x008C)
328: 600 (x0258), 191 (x00BF), 192 (x00C0), 153 (x0099)
332: 85 (x0055), 110 (x006E), 104 (x0068), 37 (x0025)
336: 79 (x004F), 512 (x0200), 490 (x01EA), 343 (x0157)
340: 364 (x016C), 331 (x014B), 349 (x015D), 339 (x0153)
344: 366 (x016E), 339 (x0153), 334 (x014E), 379 (x017B)
348: 351 (x015F), 364 (x016C), 357 (x0165), 336 (x0150)
352: 320 (x0140), 349 (x015D), 274 (x0112), 172 (x00AC)
356: 487 (x01E7), 407 (x0197), 191 (x00BF), 327 (x0147)
360: 516 (x0204), 458 (x01CA), 343 (x0157), 333 (x014D)
364: 317 (x013D), 318 (x013E), 359 (x0167), 323 (x0143)
368: 213 (x00D5), 325 (x0145), 149 (x0095), 115 (x0073)
372: 192 (x00C0), 141 (x008D), 113 (x0071), 89 (x0059)
376: 95 (x005F), 55 (x0037), 79 (x004F), 512 (x0200)
380: 482 (x01E2), 344 (x0158), 374 (x0176), 339 (x0153)
384: 330 (x014A), 354 (x0162), 353 (x0161), 353 (x0161)
388: 323 (x0143), 384 (x0180), 445 (x01BD), 402 (x0192)
392: 160 (x00A0), 78 (x004E), 130 (x0082), 104 (x0068)
396: 20 (x0014), 88 (x0058), 43 (x002B), 490 (x01EA)
400: 330 (x014A), 362 (x016A), 359 (x0167), 345 (x0159)
404: 317 (x013D), 363 (x016B), 345 (x0159), 344 (x0158)
408: 386 (x0182), 345 (x0159), 357 (x0165), 357 (x0165)
412: 338 (x0152), 342 (x0156), 300 (x012C), 478 (x01DE)
416: 432 (x01B0), 56 (x0038), 342 (x0156), 312 (x0138)
420: 324 (x0144), 511 (x01FF), 390 (x0186), 351 (x015F)
424: 341 (x0155), 324 (x0144), 330 (x014A), 283 (x011B)
428: 278 (x0116), 493 (x01ED), 96 (x0060), 130 (x0082)
432: 191 (x00BF), 192 (x00C0), 153 (x0099), 85 (x0055)
436: 110 (x006E), 104 (x0068), 37 (x0025), 79 (x004F)
440: 2 (x0002), 481 (x01E1), 346 (x015A), 366 (x016E)
444: 330 (x014A), 340 (x0154), 347 (x015B), 346 (x015A)
448: 363 (x016B), 329 (x0149), 378 (x017A), 401 (x0191)
452: 41 (x0029), 153 (x0099), 72 (x0048), 123 (x007B)
456: 104 (x0068), 31 (x001F), 80 (x0050), 472 (x01D8)
460: 485 (x01E5), 330 (x014A), 378 (x017A), 339 (x0153)
464: 337 (x0151), 338 (x0152), 375 (x0177), 303 (x012F)
468: 366 (x016E), 381 (x017D), 391 (x0187), 47 (x002F)
472: 147 (x0093), 87 (x0057), 108 (x006C), 99 (x0063)
476: 43 (x002B), 80 (x0050), 472 (x01D8), 477 (x01DD)
480: 332 (x014C), 385 (x0181), 344 (x0158), 324 (x0144)
484: 347 (x015B), 376 (x0178), 290 (x0122), 373 (x0175)
488: 389 (x0185), 354 (x0162), 351 (x015F), 359 (x0167)
492: 337 (x0151), 325 (x0145), 339 (x0153), 390 (x0186)
496: 123 (x007B), 435 (x01B3), 403 (x0193), 238 (x00EE)
Slot 2:
Offset Location = 7012 (x1B64)
Record Length = 76 (x4C)
Record Type = Table Directory Record
TDIR version = 2
MetaIndex Does Not Exist
Max Insert Search = 0
Dictionary RID -- Page 0 Slot 0
Mapping Directory RID -- Page 0 Slot 0
Current table row format version = 0
Flags = x0000000106000000
bit representation = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
00000110 00000000 00000000 00000000
Check pending info:
Constraint status = x00
Constraint RID page = 0
last BID page = x00000000
Slot 3: --> 表结构
Offset Location = 6308 (x18A4)
Record Length = 704 (x2C0)
Record Type = Table Description Record
Number of Columns = 75
Column 1:
Type is Variable Length Character String
Maximum Length = 128
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 0
Column 2:
Type is Variable Length Character String
Maximum Length = 128
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 4
Column 3:
Type is Fixed Length Character String
Length = 1
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 8
Column 4:
Type is Timestamp
Precision = 20
Scale = 6
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 322
Column 74:
Type is Fixed Length Character String
Length = 1
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 323
Column 75:
Type is Gregorian Date
Length = 4
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 324
Slot 4:
Offset Location = 5788 (x169C)
Record Length = 520 (x208)
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR)
Record Flags = 0
Fixed part length value = 328
Column 1:
Fixed offset: 0
Type is Variable Length Character String
Length = 16 Offset = 328
5853524F 424A4543 54444554 41494C53 XSROBJECTDETAILS --> 列值
Column 2:
Fixed offset: 4
Type is Variable Length Character String
Length = 8 Offset = 344
53595343 41542020 SYSCAT
Column 3:
Fixed offset: 8
Type is Fixed Length Character String
56 V
标签:table space maps for database-managed table spaces