package charpter3; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class MyLinkedList<AnyType> implements Iterable<AnyType>{ private static class Node <AnyType>{ public AnyType data ; public Node< AnyType> prev ; public Node<AnyType> next ; public Node(AnyType d, Node< AnyType> p, Node<AnyType> n){ data =d ; prev = p; next = n ; } } private int theSize ; private int modCount =0; private Node<AnyType> beginMarker ; private Node<AnyType> endMarker; public MyLinkedList(){ clear (); } public void clear() { beginMarker = new Node<AnyType>(null, null, null) ; endMarker = new Node<AnyType>(null, beginMarker, null) ; beginMarker.next = endMarker; theSize =0; modCount ++; } public int size(){ return theSize; } public boolean isEmpty (){ return size()==0; } /** * add to the last * @param x * @return */ public boolean add (AnyType x ){ add(size(), x); return true ; } public void add (int idx , AnyType x){ addBefore(getNode(idx), x) ; } public AnyType get (int idx ){ return getNode(idx).data ; } /** * * @param idx * @param newVal * @return oldVal */ public AnyType set(int idx , AnyType newVal ){ Node<AnyType> p = getNode(idx) ; AnyType oldVal = p.data ; p.data = newVal ; return oldVal ; } public AnyType remove (int idx ){ return remove(getNode(idx)) ; } public Node<AnyType> getNode(int idx){ Node<AnyType> p; if (idx<0|| idx>size()){ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException() ; } //分两种,加快速度 if (idx>size()/2){ p= beginMarker.next ; for (int i =0;i<idx;i++){ p=p.next ; } }else { p= endMarker; for (int i=0;i>idx ;i--){ p=p.prev ; } } return p; } /** * before add:pre--->p * after add: pre--->x--->p * @param p * @param x */ public void addBefore(Node<AnyType> p ,AnyType x){ Node<AnyType> newNode = new Node<AnyType>(x, p.prev, p); newNode.prev.next= newNode; p.prev = newNode ; theSize++; modCount++; } /** * pre--->p--->next * @param p * @return */ private AnyType remove (Node<AnyType> p){ p.next.prev= p.prev; p.prev.next=p.next; theSize--; modCount++; return p.data ; } public Iterator<AnyType> iterator() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new LinkedListIterator() ; } private class LinkedListIterator implements Iterator<AnyType>{ private Node<AnyType> current = beginMarker.next ; private int expectedModCount = modCount ; private boolean okToRemove = false ; public boolean hasNext() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return current!= endMarker; } public AnyType next() { if (modCount!= expectedModCount){ throw new ConcurrentModificationException() ; } if (!hasNext()){ throw new NoSuchElementException() ; } AnyType nextItem = current.data ; current = current.next; okToRemove = true ; return nextItem; } @Override public void remove() { if (modCount!= expectedModCount){ throw new ConcurrentModificationException() ; } if (!okToRemove){ throw new IllegalStateException() ; } MyLinkedList.this.remove(current.prev) ; okToRemove = false ; expectedModCount++ ; } } }