5)然后将这4个8bit的字节转换成10进制,对照Base64编码表 ,得到对应编码后的字符。
(注:1. 要求被编码字符是8bit的,所以须在ASCII编码范围内,\u0000-\u00ff,中文就不行。
2. 如果被编码字符长度不是3的倍数的时候,则都用0代替,对应的输出字符为=)
L u c y
ASCII: 76 117 99 121
8bit字节: 01001100 01110101 01100011 01111001 00000000 00000000
6bit字节: 010011 000111 010101 100011 011110 010000 000000 000000
十进制: 19 7 21 35 30 16 (异常) (异常)
对应编码: T H V j e Q = =
<span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> //b64对应表 const char b64_alphabet[65] = { "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/=" }; char * http_base64_encode(const char *text) { /* The tricky thing about this is doing the padding at the end, * doing the bit manipulation requires a bit of concentration only */ char *buffer = NULL; char *point = NULL; int inlen = 0; int outlen = 0; /* check our args */ if (text == NULL) return NULL; /* Use 'buffer' to store the output. Work out how big it should be... * This must be a multiple of 4 bytes */ inlen = strlen(text); /* check our arg...avoid a pesky FPE */ if (inlen == 0) { buffer = malloc(sizeof(char)); buffer[0] = '\0'; return buffer; } outlen = (inlen * 4) / 3;//得到输出长度 if ((inlen % 3) > 0) /* got to pad */ outlen += 4 - (inlen % 3); buffer = malloc(outlen + 1); /* +1 for the \0 */ memset(buffer, 0, outlen + 1); /* initialize to zero */ /* now do the main stage of conversion, 3 bytes at a time, * leave the trailing bytes (if there are any) for later */ for (point = buffer; inlen >= 3; inlen -= 3, text += 3) { *(point++) = b64_alphabet[*text >> 2]; *(point++) = b64_alphabet[(*text << 4 & 0x30) | *(text + 1) >> 4]; *(point++) = b64_alphabet[(*(text + 1) << 2 & 0x3c) | *(text + 2) >> 6]; *(point++) = b64_alphabet[*(text + 2) & 0x3f]; } /* Now deal with the trailing bytes */ if (inlen) { /* We always have one trailing byte */ *(point++) = b64_alphabet[*text >> 2]; *(point++) = b64_alphabet[(*text << 4 & 0x30) | (inlen == 2 ? *(text + 1) >> 4 : 0)]; *(point++) = (inlen == 1 ? '=' : b64_alphabet[*(text + 1) << 2 & 0x3c]); *(point++) = '='; } *point = '\0'; return buffer; }</span>