在机器视觉里面,角点检测有好几种;其中,属Fast Corner Detection 比较好用。下面,介绍Fast Corner Detection源码。
读者可以下载自己所需要的版本。下面以Opencv 版本为例。
fatal error C1083: 无法打开包括文件:“cxtypes.h”: No such file or directory
将#include <cxtypes.h>
#include “cv.h”
#include “cxcore.h”
#include “highgui.h”
include <cvaux.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include "cvfast.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Process command line arguments
int numArgs = argc;
//char* OutFileName = argv[numArgs-1];
//char* InFileName = argv[numArgs-2];
const char* OutFileName="1model_out.jpg";
const char* InFileName="1model.jpg";
int inFASTThreshhold = 20;
int inNpixels = 9;
int inModeCrossesVsList = 1;
int inNonMaxSuppression = 0;
int numRemainingArgs = numArgs - 3;
/*if( numArgs <=2 ) {
printf( "Need at least 2 arguments: input_file output_file\n" );
printf( "Re-run with /? to see usage\n" );
if( numArgs < 3 ) {
printf( "Perform FAST feature detection on an image.\n"
"input_image \t Input filename\n"
"output_file \t Output filename\n"
"/l \t\t Output a list of corners (instead of an image)\n"
"/t X \t\t Set threshold to X. Default is 20\n"
"/n X \t\t Use X point fast (allowed range is 9--12, default is 9)\n"
"/s \t\t Perform nonmaximal suppression\n");
return 0;
for( int j=1; j <= numRemainingArgs; j++ )
if( !strcmp( argv[j], "/l" ) ) {
inModeCrossesVsList = 2;
else if( !strcmp( argv[j], "/s" ) ) {
inNonMaxSuppression = 1;
else if( !strcmp( argv[j], "/t" ) ) {
inFASTThreshhold = atoi( argv[j] );
else if( !strcmp( argv[j], "/n" ) ) {
inNpixels = atoi( argv[j] );
if( inNpixels > 12 || inNpixels < 9 ) {
printf( "X point fast requires 8 < X < 13, not %d\n", inNpixels );
return( 0 );
else {
printf( "Unrecognized arguments (%s), re-run with /?\n", argv[j] );
return( 0 );
//Load an image in to 8 bit grey cvd image using IPL
IplImage* I_in = cvLoadImage( InFileName, -1 );
IplImage* IGray = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( I_in ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCvtColor( I_in, IGray, CV_RGB2GRAY );
CvPoint* corners;
int numCorners;
cvCornerFast(IGray, inFASTThreshhold, inNpixels, inNonMaxSuppression, &numCorners, & corners);
if ( inModeCrossesVsList == 1 )
// Put they grey image in to a colour buffer and draw on it
cvCvtColor( IGray, I_in, CV_GRAY2RGB ); // Instead of iplColorToGray( Icanvas, IcanvasGray );
for(int i=0; i < numCorners; i++ )
cvLine( I_in,
cvPoint( corners[i].x-1, corners[i].y ),
cvPoint( corners[i].x+1, corners[i].y ),
CV_RGB(255,0,0) );
cvLine( I_in,
cvPoint( corners[i].x, corners[i].y-1 ),
cvPoint( corners[i].x, corners[i].y+1 ),
CV_RGB(255,0,0) );
cvSaveImage( OutFileName, I_in );
else if (inModeCrossesVsList == 2 )
// Print to txt file.
printf( "Saving list of corners to file %s...", OutFileName );
FILE* fp = fopen( OutFileName, "w" );
for(int i=0; i < numCorners; i++ ) {
fprintf( fp, "%i %i\n", corners[i].x, corners[i].y );
printf( "done.\n" );
fclose( fp );