<?php namespace NoahBuscher\Macaw; /** * method static Macaw get(string $route, Callable $callback) * method static Macaw post(string $route, Callable $callback) * method static Macaw put(string $route, Callable $callback) * method static Macaw delete(string $route, Callable $callback) * method static Macaw options(string $route, Callable $callback) * method static Macaw head(string $route, Callable $callback) */ class Macaw { public static $halts = false; public static $routes = array(); public static $methods = array(); public static $callbacks = array(); public static $patterns = array( ‘:any‘ => ‘[^/]+‘, ‘:num‘ => ‘[0-9]+‘, ‘:all‘ => ‘.*‘, ); public static $error_callback; /** * Defines a route w/ callback and method * 注册路由,把注册的方法(GET,POST..),uri,closure分别push到对应的数组中 */ public static function __callstatic( $method, $params ) { $uri = $params[0]; $callback = $params[1]; array_push( self::$routes, $uri ); array_push( self::$methods, strtoupper( $method ) ); array_push( self::$callbacks, $callback ); } /** * Defines callback if route is not found * 可以自定义没找到路由时执行的方法 */ public static function error( $callback ) { self::$error_callback = $callback; } /** * 自定义是否匹配到一次就停止,true停止,false不停止即可以定义多个同名路由,通过foreach全部执行 * @param boolean $flag true / false * @return none */ public static function haltOnMatch( $flag = true ) { self::$halts = $flag; } /** * Runs the callback for the given request * 根据当前的uri匹配对应的路由并执行 */ public static function dispatch() { $uri = parse_url( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI‘], PHP_URL_PATH ); //路径部分(包括前边的/),不包括参数 $method = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_METHOD‘]; //方法 GET / POST / PUT / DELETE $searchs = array_keys( static::$patterns ); $replaces = array_values( static::$patterns ); $found_route = false; //check if route is defined without regex,检查是否定义了路由(非:any,:all形式的) if ( in_array( $uri, self::$routes ) ) { $route_pos = array_keys( self::$routes, $uri ); //返回匹配路由的键值,可能多个(同名路由) foreach ( $route_pos as $route ) { if ( self::$methods[$route] == $method ) { //寻找路由对应的方法名(GET,POST...),确定是否注册。 $found_route = true; //if route is not an object,检测对应闭包函数是function还是controller route if ( !is_object( self::$callbacks[$route] ) ) { //grab all parts based on a / separator 控制器路由 $parts = explode( ‘/‘, self::$callbacks[$route] ); //collect the last index of the array $last = end( $parts ); //grab the controller name and method call $segments = explode( ‘@‘, $last ); //instanitate controller $controller = new $segments[0](); //call method $controller->$segments[1](); if ( self::$halts )return; //匹配一次就停止? }else { //call closure call_user_func( self::$callbacks[$route] ); if ( self::$halts )return; } } } }else { //check if defined with regex 是否注册了正则路由(:any,:num..) $pos = 0; foreach ( self::$routes as $route ) { if ( strpos( $route, ‘:‘ ) !== false ) { $route = str_replace( $searchs, $replaces, $route ); } if ( preg_match( ‘#^‘.$route.‘$#‘, $uri, $matched ) ) { if ( self::$methods[$pos] == $method ) { $found_route = true; array_shift( $matched ); if ( !is_object( self::$callbacks[$pos] ) ) { //grab all parts based on a / separator $parts = explode( ‘/‘, self::$callbacks[$pos] ); //collect the last index of the array $last = end( $parts ); //grab the controller name and method call $segments = explode( ‘@‘, $last ); //instanitate controller $controller = new $segments[0](); //call method and pass any extra parameters to the method $controller->$segments[1]( implode( ",", $matched ) ); if ( self::$halts ) { return; }else { call_user_func_array( self::$callbacks[$pos], $matched ); if ( self::$halts ) return; } } } } $pos++; } } //return the error callback if the route was not found if ( $found_route == false ) { if ( !self::$error_callback ) { self::$error_callback = function() { header( $_SERVER[‘SERVER_PROTOCOL‘]." 404 Not Found" ); //请求页面时通信协议的名称和版本。例如,“HTTP/1.0”。 echo ‘404‘; } } call_user_func( self::$error_callback ); } } }