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PRML 3: Linear Discriminants

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  As an alternative for generative models and discriminative models, a discriminant directly assigns a feature vector to one of K classes. One of the simplest discriminant function for 2-class problems should be something like y(x)=sign(w‘*x+b), where w is the pending parameter vector and b is a pending bias. Here x is different from the one we talk about in regression models since it no more comprises a bias term.


  To obtain proper parameters, we can draw on a simple algorithm called Perceptron, which gurantees all the training data shall be correctly classified. This is done by minimizing an error function, each of whose terms should be something like -(w‘*xn+b)*tn, in an iterative way, and this procedure will never terminate if the problem is not linearly separable.

 1 function w = percept(X,t)
 2     % Peceptron Algorithm for Linear Classification
 3     % Precondtion: X is a set of data columns,
 4     %       row vector t is the labels of X (+1 or -1)
 5     % Postcondition: w is the linear model parameter
 6     %       such that y = sign(w‘* x)
 7     [m,n] = size(X);
 8     w = zeros(m,1);
 9     cnt = 0;    % consecutive hit number
10     cur = 1;    % current data item
11     while (cnt<n)
12         % until no misclassification exists
13         if (t(cur)*w‘*X(:,cur)<=0)
14             % error correction, step = 0.2
15             w = w + 0.2*t(cur)*X(:,cur);
16             cnt = 0;
17         else
18             cnt = cnt+1;
19         end
20         cur = mod(cur,n)+1;
21     end
22 end


   Fisher‘s Linear Discriminant is another linear classifier, which makes every endeavor to maximize the class separation by choosing a deisired direction on which the projections of two mean vectors have the largest distance. This goal is attained by finding a maximum point for the Fisher criterion: J(w)=(m2-m1)2/(S12+S22), where m1, m2 and S1, S2 are the means and variances of the projected data respectively.

 1 function w = fisher(X,t)
 2    % Fisher‘s Linear Discriminant for 2-class problems
 3    % Precondtion: X is a set of data columns,
 4    %       row vector t is the labels of X (+1 or -1)
 5    % Postcondition: w is the linear model parameter
 6    %       such that y = sign(w‘* x)
 7    d = size(X,1)-1;
 8    % calculate the mean vectors of the 2 classes:
 9    m1 = zeros(d,1);
10    m2 = zeros(d,1);
11    n1 = 0; n2 = 0;
12    for i = 1:size(t,2)
13        if (t(1,i)>0)
14            n1 = n1+1;
15            m1 = m1+X(1:d,i);
16        else
17            n2 = n2+1;
18            m2 = m2+X(1:d,i);
19        end
20    end
21    m1 = m1/n1;
22    m2 = m2/n2;
23    % calculate the within-class covariance matrix:
24    Sw = zeros(d);
25    for i = 1:size(t,2)
26        if (t(1,i)>0)
27            Sw = Sw+(X(1:d,i)-m1)*(X(1:d,i)-m1)‘;
28        else
29            Sw = Sw+(X(1:d,i)-m2)*(X(1:d,i)-m2)‘;
30        end
31    end
32    w = Sw\(m1-m2);
33    % choose a proper threshold:
34    w0Min = inf;
35    w0Max = -inf;
36    for i = 1:size(t,2)
37        y = w‘*X(1:d,i);
38        if (t(1,i)>0 & y+w0Max<0)
39            w0Max = -y;
40        elseif (t(1,i)0)
41            w0Min = -y;
42        end
43    end
44    w = [w;(w0Min+w0Max)/2];
45 end


  Support Vector Machine (SVM) is another kind of discriminant that can effectively help us consummate the classification on a linearly separable data set, and its objective is to maximize the margin, the distance between the decision boundary and any samples. This is equivalent to the optimization problem of maximizing ½||w||2 given the restrictions yi(w‘*xi+b)≥1 (i=1,2,3...N):

 1 function w = supvect(X,t)
 2     % Support Vector Machine for Linear Classification
 3     % Precondtion: X is a set of data columns,
 4     %       row vector t is the labels of X (+1 or -1)
 5     % Postcondition: w is the linear model parameter
 6     %       such that y = sign(w‘* x)
 7     [m,n] = size(X);
 8     x0 = zeros(m,1);
 9     A = zeros(n,m);
10     for i = 1:n
11         A(i,:) = -t(i)*X(:,i)‘;
12     end
13     b = -ones(n,1);
14     w = fmincon(‘norm‘,x0,A,b);
15 end




  1. Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning [M]. Singapore: Springer, 2006


PRML 3: Linear Discriminants



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