char *p = NULL;
cout << p;
int *q = NULL;
cout << q;
上述代码在windows下面使用vs,一个会报错一个不会报错~ 但是在linux下面并不会报错~
using namespace std;
int main()
char a[] = "hello,world!";
cout << "a‘s address is " << &a << endl;
char *p = a;
cout <<"the p‘s value is: " << (void *)(p) << endl;
cout << "the content is: " << p << endl;
p = NULL;
cout <<"the p‘s value is: " << (void *)(p) << endl;
cout << "the content is: " << p << endl;
if(cout.bad()) {
cout << endl;
cout << " If @p __sb is NULL, the stream will set failbit in its error state." << endl;
int *q = NULL;
cout <<"q‘s value is " << q << endl;
cout << "the content is " << *q << endl;
return 0;
zy@zyPc:~/code/C/pointer$ ./a.out
a‘s address is 0xbf897d7f
the p‘s value is: 0xbf897d7f
the content is: hello,world!
the p‘s value is: 0
the content is:
If @p __sb is NULL, the stream will set failbit in its error state.
q‘s value is 0
段错误 (核心已转储)
- @brief Extracting from another streambuf.
- @param __sb A pointer to a streambuf
*- This function behaves like one of the basic arithmetic extractors,
- in that it also constructs a sentry object and has the same error
- handling behavior.
* If @p __sb is NULL, the stream will set failbit in its error state.
*- Characters are extracted from @p __sb and inserted into @c *this
- until one of the following occurs:
- the input stream reaches end-of-file,
- insertion into the output sequence fails (in this case, the
- character that would have been inserted is not extracted), or
- an exception occurs while getting a character from @p __sb, which
- sets failbit in the error state
*- If the function inserts no characters, failbit is set.
operator<<(__streambuf_type* __sb);