Given an integer n and an integer m, please calculate the minimal multiple of n which consists of exactly m different digits.
This problem has several test cases. The first line of the input is an integer T (0 < T ≤ 150) indicates the number of test cases. Each test case is a line of 2 integers n (0 < n ≤ 1000) and m (0 < m ≤ 10)
For each test case, if you can find the minimal multiple of n and x satisfying the above condition, please output a line as "x=n*y", otherwise output "Impossible" in a single line.
3 37 1 2 2 100 1
111=37*3 10=2*5 Impossible
Author: CAO, Peng
Contest: The 12th Zhejiang University Programming Contest
换个思路,采用BFS从高位试数字,用二进制或运算来记录哪一些数字是出现过的,还有到目前为止除以x后的余数,最大状态总数1024*1000,还要记录路径,因为要输出结果,目标状态是选取了恰好 m 个不同数字,且余数为 0 。路径可以直接用状态在队列里的下标来表示就可以,这种表示法的队列要求用数组,不能用STL。