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REM 判断文件是否存在

IF EXIST example.txt ECHO found it

REM 组合命令和js的短路径操作类似

DIR example.txt && ECHO found it too

REM 追加方式到处内容到文件

ECHO not bad day >> exmple.txt

REM 最简单的组合命令

ECHO hello & ECHO world!

REM 这是注释,为了让地球人看懂

ECHO comments example

REM |(前一个命令的输出 作为后一个命令的输入) more 一屏一屏的显示后面的内容 Enter 1行, 空格 1屏

:: help | more

:: more longArticle.txt

:: type longArticle.txt

REM || 短路径操作 参考js

DIR setup_*.exe || echo can see me

DIR foo.ttt & DIR foo.txt || ECHO can not see me 2

DIR foo.ttt && DIR foo.txt || ECHO can see me 2

REM 输入重定向 < >& <&

:: more < longArticle.txt

REM 输出重定向 > >>

:: echo has some good idea > haha.txt
:: echo come on >> haha.txt

REM call命令 从1个批处理调用另1个批处理 且接受入参

call hi.bat sindy

:: hi.bat
:: echo hello, %1

REM choice命令 提示用户输入1个字母进行选择 它的返回码为1234……

CHOICE /C abc /M apple,banana,coffee

if errorlevel 3 goto coffee
if errorlevel 2 goto banana
if errorlevel 1 goto apple

echo you like apple
goto end

echo you like banana
goto end

echo you like coffee
goto end

echo goodbye

REM find命令 find string 注意这个string需要双引号

netstat -an > a.txt
type a.txt | find "5355" && echo yes,you found the string

REM if命令 判断入参

if "%1"=="" goto usage

if "%1"=="/?" goto usage

if "%1"=="help" goto usage

:: if not "%1"="" goto somejob

ECHO this is something about how to use bat

REM 判断文件是否存在

IF EXIST *.jpg DEL *.jpg

:: IF NOT EXIST *.jpg MKDIR pic

:: DOS程序在运行完后都有返回码),如果和定义的错误码符合(这里定义的错误码为1),则执行相应的操作(这里相应的操作为pause & edit %1.asm部分)

::masm %1.asm

::if not errorlevel 1 link %1.obj

::pause & edit %1.asm

:: ------------------------

::masm %1.asm

::if exist %1.obj link %1.obj

::else pause & edit %1.asm

REM IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number do command

REM IF [NOT] string1==string2 do command

REM IF [NOT] EXIST filename do command





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