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[翻译] 精益文档

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Lean Documentation (原文)

Posted by Tomas Björkholm on Apr 09, 2015


My amateur research has given me the insight that the three most important things for greater effectiveness and good quality are knowledge, knowledge and knowledge.  Knowledge is best acquired through a dialog but a dialog is only efficient if it includes someone with knowledge. Unfortunately, there are situations when such a person is not around.


This article will help you write effective and useful documentation for those situations where documentation is the only available source of knowledge. The practices presented in this article are based on my experiences working on a project at a big multinational company.


It all started when a developer said he had an idea for improving the project documentation. We gathered a team of people who were interested in improving the documentation and agreed to a few rules.


The rules for great documentation


  • 快速而又容易创建和更新。过时的信息比没有信息更为糟糕。
  • 容易提供正确的答案。如果不容易查找,没人会使用。
  • 不是要代替人与人之间的交流。人和交流,更重于过程和工具,对吗?

The documentation should:

  • Be quick and easy both to create and update. Information that is out of date can be worse than no information at all.
  • Easily provide correct answers. If it’s not easy to find no one will use it anyway.
  • Not replace human interaction. Individuals and interaction over processes and tools, right?


To reach the goal of fulfilling the rules, we set up six practices:

实践1 - 明确文档的使用者,以及使用文档的原因

Practice 1 – Identify your consumers and their reasons for using the documentation


  • 管理人员,他们需要我们正在做的事情的一个简短总结。
  • 新的开发人员,他们需要快速的介绍。
  • 系统以前的开发人员,他们在做了几年其它的事情之后回到了该项目。
  • 排错人员,他们帮助解决问题。

While this sounds obvious, it is rarely done. For our project, our improvement team identified four target groups.

  • Managers who need a short summary of what we’re working on.
  • New developers who need a quick introduction.
  • Former developers of the system who come back to the project after a few years of doing something else.
  • Trouble shooters who help customers with their problems.



The first target group was pleasantly surprised when we asked them about their documentation needs. First of all, no one had ever asked them before. Wow! Secondly, they never even used the massive documents that they had. This target group only needed the answer to three things. In total, three lines of documentation was all that was needed. The rest was waste both for the reader and the writer. OMG!

实践2 - 象谷歌地球那样组织

Practice 2 – Structure it like Google Earth


People use documentation to find answers to the questions they have. The quality of the documentation can be measured by the time it takes to find the answers. We used Google Earth as a model.

你有没有在谷歌地球上找过你住的房子(逐级向下浏览,而不是搜索地址)?你要花多长时间?也许30到60秒?在地球表面找到你的房子,就象在一万五千亿(1.5 × 10^12)个答案中找到一个答案。如果你查找一个答案,那不应该超过60秒,即使你的系统复杂又庞大。

Have you ever tried to find your house on Google Earth (drilling down, not searching on address)? How long did it take? Maybe 30 to 60 seconds? Finding your house on the surface of the Earth is like finding 1 answer among 1,5 trillion (1,5 * 1012) answers. If you are looking for an answer it shouldn’t take more than 60 seconds, even if your system is complex and huge.

在文档中这是怎样的?我们用在谷歌地球中的各级高度之间移动的层级类比:月亮高度,卫星高度,飞机高度,直升机高度,等等。每个级别都有一个简短的描述,我们称之为电梯演讲(elevator pitch),最多有9种继续到下一级的可能。

How does this apply to documentation? We followed a hierarchy analogous to moving through the levels in Google Earth: moon level, satellite level, airplane level, helicopter level and so on. Each level has a short description, which we called an elevator pitch, and up to nine possibilities to continue down the next level.


要记得并非所有的文档工具都适于逐级向下浏览(drill down)的方式。一个包含Word文档的目录结构就可能不是个好主意。而含有指向下一级的链接的维基(wiki)就好得多。

Keep in mind that not all documentation tools are well suited for a drill down approach. A directory structure with Word documents is probably not a good idea. A wiki with links to next levels is much better.

实践3 - 保持精简

Practice 3 – Keep it small


  • 文档应当是不受限于时间和空间的交流。这不应当代替实时的交流。
  • 我们应当记录结果,而非需求。这意味着我们在发布新功能时更新或替换文档,而不是在获得需求时添加文档。这样保证文档准确地反应了系统的当前状态。
  • 文档的好处必须超过创建和维护它的代价。不要浪费时间来记录已经写成代码的东西。文档应当提供大尺度的概述,以及有足够的信息能够帮助读者快速找到必要的代码。

We discussed the reason for documentation and come up with the following principles to minimize the size:

  • Documentation should be communication without constraints in time or location. It’s not a replacement for communication in real time.
  • We should only document results not requirements. That means we update or replace the documents when we launch new functionality instead of adding new documents when we get the requirements. This approach ensures that the documentation accurately reflects the current state of the system.
  • The benefit of having documentation must be greater than the cost of creating and maintaining it. Don’t waste time on documenting what is already written as code. The documentation should provide a big picture overview, and enough information to help the reader quickly find the necessary code.


Having the right amount of documentation is a balance between too short to be useful and too long to read. If you don’t use it, you will not update it and then it’s worthless or even worse harmful if it’s old and misleading.

下面是我从 Henrik Kniberg 得到的建议:

  • 保持尽可能少的文档 - 但不能更少了
  • 保持文档尽可能短 - 但不能更短了

就是这么简单 :-)。

Here is the advice I got from Henrik Kniberg:

  • Have as few documents as possible – but not fewer
  • Have as short documents as possible – but not shorter

It’s that easy :-).

实践4 - 文字要引人入胜

Practice 4 - Make the text inviting to read


Long, irrelevant text is boring. How can you make your text relevant?


We tried this: We asked a potential consumer to interview someone with knowledge. The reader knows what they want to know and how to structure the text better than the expert. The expert can only guess what the reader wants to know and how it should be structured.



A typical anti pattern is when someone is leaving the company and their manager asks them to spend their remaining time at the company documenting everything they know. For most people that is more of a punishment than value adding work.

实践5 - 融入可视元素

Practice 5 – Incorporate visuals


Even though the text should be short, further down in the hierarchy, on leaf level, the text might need to be longer and contain more detail. How can this be done without losing the reader?  Popular Science to the rescue! Rather than writing your documentation like a scientific report, use the approachable style that Popular Science magazine uses, with lots of visual elements and short easy to read paragraphs.


Adding visuals helps your documentation consumers find what they need quickly. The reader’s eyes will go from picture to picture just like when you read a newspaper.


实践6 - 使其便于维护

Practice 6 - Make it easy to maintain


The biggest challenge in writing good documentation is to keep it up to date.

这要求一些纪律和一条简单的童子军(Boy Scout)规则,“总是保持营地比你发现时更干净”。在文档中,这意味着:如果一份文档没有给你需要的信息-一经发现就用正确的信息更新。

This requires some discipline and a simple Boy Scout rule, “always leave the campground cleaner than you found it.” In documentation this means: if the document does not give you the information you need – update it with the correct information as soon as you have figured it out.


The likelihood of maintaining up-to-date documentation decreases as the distance between what you change and where to document increases. Comments in code are closer to the change so they are more likely to be updated than a document in another tool. If you use a wiki for your documentation you can easily integrate comments in code.


If the documentation is difficult to update, or can’t be updated as soon as an issue is detected, it’s less likely to be updated. Use a tool for easy updates or even simultaneous updates. The same goes for images so make sure to use a tool that creates and updates images directly in the tool. MediaWiki with PlantUML and Confluence with Gliffy are two examples.


The result


Our documentation came to a test when a new group of people working in another city needed to change code that is usually maintained by our department. A short introduction and an e-mail with a link to the documentation area was the only contact we had and much to our surprise that was also all that was needed. We had reached our goal. We had documentation that was quick and easy to create and maintain, and that effectively helped users find the answers they needed.


I hope our rules and practices can help you create better documentation.


Good luck!

声明:标题中的精益(Lean)和丰田制造商没有任何关系。这只是我所使用的形容词 lean (意味着:有效率,没有浪费)。

Disclaimer: Lean in the title has nothing to do with the car manufacturer Toyota. It is the adjective lean (meaning: efficient and with no wastage) I’m referring to.

要感谢 Ellen Gottesdiener 的支持和帮助。感谢 Jonas Boegård, Henrik Rasmussen 和 Igor Soloviev 提供的好主意。也要感谢 Mia Starck 和 Yassal Sundman 对文字的帮助。

Thanks to Ellen Gottesdiener for her support and help. Thanks to Jonas Boegård, Henrik Rasmussen and Igor Soloviev for all their good ideas. Thanks also to Mia Starck and Yassal Sundman for their help with the language.

注:在第一段中提到的“知识,知识,还是知识”指:领域知识 (了解业务),系统知识 (了解系统的领域和架构),以及近期的产品需求知识 (知道我们正在构建的东西)。本文介绍的文档方法最适用于领域知识和系统知识,以及如何弥合二者之间的间隙

Note: the “knowledge, knowledge and knowledge” mentioned in the first paragraph refer to: domain knowledge (knowing the business), system knowledge (knowing the domain and architecture of the system) and immediate product need knowledge (knowledge about what we are building right now). The documentation methods described in this article are best suited to domain and system knowledge, and to bridging the gap between the two.


About the Author


Tomas Björkholm 在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Crisp公司任职敏捷教练和培训师。他热衷于培训团队,特别是大企业中的团队。他的使命是让敏捷方法容易理解和适应。Tomas 写了两本书,瑞典文的《敏捷方法向导》,和即将出版的《30天学会Kanban开发》

Tomas Björkholm works as an Agile coach and trainer at Crisp in Stockholm, Sweden. He has a great passion for growing teams especially within large enterprises. His mission is to make Agile easy to understand and to adapt. Tomas has written two books, a guide to Agile in Swedish and the soon to come “Kanban development in 30 days”.



[翻译] 精益文档



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