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时间:2015-05-08 08:11:07      阅读:189      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]




Run loops 是线程相关的的基础框架的一部分。一个 run loop 就是一个事件处理 的循环,用来不停的调度工作以及处理输入事件。

使用 run loop的目的是让你的线程在有工作的时候忙于工作,而没工作的时候处于休眠状态。



Run loop 接收输入事件来自两种不同的来源:

输入源(input source)和定时源 (timer source)。




Run loop 模式是所有要监视的输入源和定时源以及要通知的 run loop 注册观察 者的集合。

可以将 Run loop 观察者和以下事件关联:

Run loop 入口

Run loop 何时处理一个定时器

Run loop 何时处理一个输入源

Run loop 何时进入睡眠状态

Run loop 何时被唤醒,但在唤醒之前要处理的事件

Run loop 终止


每次运行 Run loop,你线程的 Run loop 对会自动处理之前未处理的消息,并通知相关的观察者。具体的顺序如下:

1. 通知观察者 Run loop 已经启动。

2. 通知观察者任何即将要开始的定时器。

3. 通知观察者任何即将启动的非基于端口的源。

4. 启动任何准备好的非基于端口的源。

5. 如果基于端口的源准备好并处于等待状态,立即启动;并进入步骤 9。

6. 通知观察者线程进入休眠。

7. 将线程置于休眠直到任一下面的事件发生:



   Run loop 设置的时间已经超时;

   Run loop 被显式唤醒。

8. 通知观察者线程将被唤醒。

9. 处理未处理的事件

   如果用户定义的定时器启动,处理定时器事件并重启 Run loop。进入步骤 2。


   如果 Run loop 被显式唤醒而且时间还没超时,重启 Run loop,进入步骤 2。

10. 通知观察者 Run loop 结束。


Run loop 在你要和线程有更多的交互时才需要,比如以下情况:



Cocoa 中使用任何performSelector...的方法;





do {

    [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopModebeforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];

} while (!done);










BOOL threadProcess1Finished =NO;


    NSLog(@"Enter threadProce1.");


    for (int i=0; i<5;i++) {

        NSLog(@"InthreadProce1 count = %d.", i);



    threadProcess1Finished =YES;    

    NSLog(@"Exit threadProce1.");



BOOL threadProcess2Finished =NO;


    NSLog(@"Enter threadProce2.");


    for (int i=0; i<5;i++) {

        NSLog(@"InthreadProce2 count = %d.", i);




    threadProcess2Finished =YES;   

    NSLog(@"Exit threadProce2.");



- (IBAction)buttonNormalThreadTestPressed:(UIButton *)sender {




    threadProcess1Finished =NO;

    NSLog(@"Start a new thread.");





    // 通常等待线程处理完后再继续操作的代码如下面的形式。

    // 在等待线程threadProce1结束之前,调用buttonTestPressed,界面没有响应,直到threadProce1运行完,才打印buttonTestPressed里面的日志。

    while (!threadProcess1Finished) {       

        [NSThreadsleepForTimeInterval: 0.5];






- (IBAction)buttonRunloopPressed:(id)sender {

    NSLog(@"Enter buttonRunloopPressed");

    threadProcess2Finished =NO;

    NSLog(@"Start a new thread.");





    // 使用runloop,情况就不一样了。

    // 在等待线程threadProce2结束之前,调用buttonTestPressed,界面立马响应,并打印buttonTestPressed里面的日志。

    // 这就是runloop的神奇所在

    while (!threadProcess2Finished) {

        NSLog(@"Begin runloop");


                                 beforeDate: [NSDate distantFuture]];

        NSLog(@"End runloop.");


    NSLog(@"Exit buttonRunloopPressed");



- (IBAction)buttonTestPressed:(id)sender{

    NSLog(@"Enter buttonTestPressed");

    NSLog(@"Exit buttonTestPressed");




2013-04-07 14:25:22.829 Runloop[657:11303] EnterbuttonNormalThreadTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:25:22.830 Runloop[657:11303] Start a new thread.

2013-04-07 14:25:22.831 Runloop[657:1250f] Enter threadProce1.

2013-04-07 14:25:22.832 Runloop[657:1250f] In threadProce1 count = 0.

2013-04-07 14:25:23.833 Runloop[657:1250f] In threadProce1 count = 1.

2013-04-07 14:25:24.834 Runloop[657:1250f] In threadProce1 count = 2.

2013-04-07 14:25:25.835 Runloop[657:1250f] In threadProce1 count = 3.

2013-04-07 14:25:26.837 Runloop[657:1250f] In threadProce1 count = 4.

2013-04-07 14:25:27.839 Runloop[657:1250f] Exit threadProce1.

2013-04-07 14:25:27.840 Runloop[657:11303]Exit buttonNormalThreadTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:25:27.841 Runloop[657:11303]Enter buttonTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:25:27.842 Runloop[657:11303] Exit buttonTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:25:27.843 Runloop[657:11303] Enter buttonTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:25:27.844 Runloop[657:11303] Exit buttonTestPressed


2013-04-07 14:43:41.790 Runloop[657:11303] Enter buttonRunloopPressed

2013-04-07 14:43:41.790 Runloop[657:11303] Start a new thread.

2013-04-07 14:43:41.791 Runloop[657:11303] Begin runloop

2013-04-07 14:43:41.791 Runloop[657:14f0b] Enter threadProce2.

2013-04-07 14:43:41.792 Runloop[657:14f0b] In threadProce2 count = 0.

2013-04-07 14:43:42.542 Runloop[657:11303] End runloop.

2013-04-07 14:43:42.543 Runloop[657:11303] Begin runloop

2013-04-07 14:43:42.694 Runloop[657:11303]Enter buttonTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:43:42.694 Runloop[657:11303]Exit buttonTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:43:42.695 Runloop[657:11303] End runloop.

2013-04-07 14:43:42.696 Runloop[657:11303] Begin runloop

2013-04-07 14:43:42.793 Runloop[657:14f0b] In threadProce2 count = 1.

2013-04-07 14:43:43.326 Runloop[657:11303] End runloop.

2013-04-07 14:43:43.327 Runloop[657:11303] Begin runloop

2013-04-07 14:43:43.438 Runloop[657:11303]Enter buttonTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:43:43.438 Runloop[657:11303]Exit buttonTestPressed

2013-04-07 14:43:43.439 Runloop[657:11303] End runloop.

2013-04-07 14:43:43.440 Runloop[657:11303] Begin runloop

2013-04-07 14:43:43.795 Runloop[657:14f0b] In threadProce2 count = 2.

2013-04-07 14:43:44.797 Runloop[657:14f0b] In threadProce2 count = 3.

2013-04-07 14:43:45.798 Runloop[657:14f0b] In threadProce2 count = 4.

2013-04-07 14:43:46.800 Runloop[657:14f0b] Exit threadProce2.




- (void)viewDidLoad



    // Doany additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.








- (void)newThreadProcess


    @autoreleasepool {


        NSRunLoop* myRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];


        //设置Run loop observer的运行环境 

        CFRunLoopObserverContext context = {0,self,NULL,NULL,NULL};


        //创建Run loop observer对象 



        //第三个参数用于标识该observer是在第一次进入runloop时执行还是每次进入run loop处理时均执行 




        CFRunLoopObserverRef observer =CFRunLoopObserverCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,kCFRunLoopAllActivitiesYES0, &myRunLoopObserver, &context);




            CFRunLoopRef cfRunLoop = [myRunLoop getCFRunLoop];



            CFRunLoopAddObserver(cfRunLoop, observer, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);









        NSInteger loopCount = 2;


            //启动当前threadloop直到所指定的时间到达,在loop运行时,runloop会处理所有来自与该run loop联系的inputsource的数据 

            //对于本例与当前run loop联系的inputsource只有一个Timer类型的source 

            //Timer每隔1秒发送触发事件给runlooprun loop检测到该事件时会调用相应的处理方法。 


            //由于在run loop添加了observer且设置observer对所有的runloop行为都感兴趣。  



            [myRunLoop runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:5.0]];

            //run loop的运行时间到达时,会退出当前的runloopobserver同样会检测到runloop的退出行为并调用其回调函数,第二个参数所传递的行为是kCFRunLoopExit


        }while (loopCount);




void myRunLoopObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,CFRunLoopActivityactivity,void *info)


    switch (activity) { 

            //The entrance of the run loop, beforeentering the event processing loop.  

            //This activity occurs once for each callto CFRunLoopRun and CFRunLoopRunInMode 

        case kCFRunLoopEntry

            NSLog(@"run loop entry"); 


            //Inside the event processing loop beforeany timers are processed 

        case kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers

            NSLog(@"run loop before timers"); 


            //Inside the event processing loop beforeany sources are processed 

        case kCFRunLoopBeforeSources

            NSLog(@"run loop before sources"); 


            //Inside the event processing loop beforethe run loop sleeps, waiting for a source or timer to fire.  

            //This activity does not occur ifCFRunLoopRunInMode is called with a timeout of 0 seconds.  

            //It also does not occur in a particulariteration of the event processing loop if a version 0 source fires 

        case kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting

            NSLog(@"run loop before waiting"); 


            //Inside the event processing loop afterthe run loop wakes up, but before processing the event that woke it up.  

            //This activity occurs only if the run loopdid in fact go to sleep during the current loop 

        case kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting

            NSLog(@"run loop after waiting"); 


            //The exit of the run loop, after exitingthe event processing loop.  

            //This activity occurs once for each callto CFRunLoopRun and CFRunLoopRunInMode 

        case kCFRunLoopExit

            NSLog(@"run loop exit"); 



             A combination of all the precedingstages

             case kCFRunLoopAllActivities:









- (void)timerProcess{


    for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {       

        NSLog(@"In timerProcess count = %d.", i);






2012-12-18 09:51:14.174 Texta[645:14807] run loop entry

2012-12-18 09:51:14.175 Texta[645:14807] run loop before timers

2012-12-18 09:51:14.176 Texta[645:14807] run loop before sources

2012-12-18 09:51:14.177 Texta[645:14807] run loop before waiting

2012-12-18 09:51:15.174 Texta[645:14807] run loop after waiting

2012-12-18 09:51:15.176 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 0.

2012-12-18 09:51:16.178 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 1.

2012-12-18 09:51:17.181 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 2.

2012-12-18 09:51:18.183 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 3.

2012-12-18 09:51:19.185 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 4.

2012-12-18 09:51:20.187 Texta[645:14807] run loop exit

2012-12-18 09:51:20.189 Texta[645:14807] run loop entry

2012-12-18 09:51:20.190 Texta[645:14807] run loop before timers

2012-12-18 09:51:20.191 Texta[645:14807] run loop before sources

2012-12-18 09:51:20.191 Texta[645:14807] run loop before waiting

2012-12-18 09:51:21.174 Texta[645:14807] run loop after waiting

2012-12-18 09:51:21.176 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 0.

2012-12-18 09:51:22.178 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 1.

2012-12-18 09:51:23.181 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 2.

2012-12-18 09:51:24.183 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 3.

2012-12-18 09:51:25.185 Texta[645:14807] In timerProcess count = 4.

2012-12-18 09:51:26.187 Texta[645:14807] run loop exit




BOOL StopFlag =NO;

- (void)viewDidLoad



     // Doany additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.


    StopFlag =NO;

    NSLog(@"Start a new thread.");




    while (!StopFlag) {



                                 beforeDate: [NSDate distantFuture]];









    NSLog(@"Enter newThreadProc.");


    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

        NSLog(@"InnewThreadProc count = %d.", i);




    StopFlag =YES;


    NSLog(@"Exit newThreadProc.");




2012-12-18 08:50:34.220 Runloop[374:11303] Start a new thread.

2012-12-18 08:50:34.222 Runloop[374:11303] Begin runloop

2012-12-18 08:50:34.222 Runloop[374:14b03] Enter newThreadProc.

2012-12-18 08:50:34.223 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 0.

2012-12-18 08:50:35.225 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 1.

2012-12-18 08:50:36.228 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 2.

2012-12-18 08:50:37.230 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 3.

2012-12-18 08:50:38.233 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 4.

2012-12-18 08:50:39.235 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 5.

2012-12-18 08:50:40.237 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 6.

2012-12-18 08:50:41.240 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 7.

2012-12-18 08:50:42.242 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 8.

2012-12-18 08:50:43.245 Runloop[374:14b03] In newThreadProc count = 9.

2012-12-18 08:50:44.247 Runloop[374:14b03] Exit newThreadProc.

2012-12-18 08:51:00.000 Runloop[374:11303] End runloop.

2012-12-18 08:51:00.001 Runloop[374:11303] OK










BOOL StopFlag =NO;

- (void)viewDidLoad



     // Doany additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.


    StopFlag =NO;

    NSLog(@"Start a new thread.");




    while (!StopFlag) {



                                 beforeDate: [NSDatedistantFuture]];









    NSLog(@"Enter newThreadProc.");


    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

        NSLog(@"InnewThreadProc count = %d.", i);







    NSLog(@"Exit newThreadProc.");



    StopFlag = YES;




2012-12-18 09:05:17.161 Runloop[410:11303] Start a new thread.

2012-12-18 09:05:17.163 Runloop[410:14a03] Enter newThreadProc.

2012-12-18 09:05:17.164 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 0.

2012-12-18 09:05:17.165 Runloop[410:11303] Begin runloop

2012-12-18 09:05:18.166 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 1.

2012-12-18 09:05:19.168 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 2.

2012-12-18 09:05:20.171 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 3.

2012-12-18 09:05:21.173 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 4.

2012-12-18 09:05:22.175 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 5.

2012-12-18 09:05:23.178 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 6.

2012-12-18 09:05:24.180 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 7.

2012-12-18 09:05:25.182 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 8.

2012-12-18 09:05:26.185 Runloop[410:14a03] In newThreadProc count = 9.

2012-12-18 09:05:27.188 Runloop[410:14a03] Exit newThreadProc.

2012-12-18 09:05:27.188 Runloop[410:11303] End runloop.

2012-12-18 09:05:27.189 Runloop[410:11303] OK





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