_______ _ _ _ (_______) | | | | | | _ ___ | | ___ ____ _____ __| | | | _____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ _____ | | / _ \| |/ _ \ / ___) ___ |/ _ | | || ___ |/___)/___) | \ / _ \ / ___) ___ | | |____| |_| | | |_| | | | ____( (_| | | || ____|___ |___ | | | | | |_| | | | ____| \______)___/ \_)___/|_| |_____)\____| \_)_____|___/(___/ |_|_|_|\___/|_| |_____)
The prefix ‘c’ means colored!:)
cless file cmore file ccat [-bn] file
All above 3 commands are the same with less, more and cat except that the output with syntax color detected by the content!
You can type man cat
, man less
,man more
for more info.
Assume that you have pip installed! If not please follow
How to install pipALSO assume that you are using oh-my-zsh, I recommend you to have a try!
How to install oh-my-zsh
Intall Pygments (
$ sudo pip install pygments
Then run
$ pygmentize
If you get something NOT LIKE ‘command not found: pygmentizea’, then congtatulations!
$ cp -r colored-less-more-cat ~/.colored-less-more-cat
$ sudo vim ~/.zshrc
Add the following code into your .zshrc file.
source ~/.colored-less-more-cat/
Save, open another Terminal tab,type cless .zshrc
,cmore .zshrc
,ccat .zshrc
,FLY HIGH with colored output!