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HashMap 剖析与理解

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标签:并发   android   hashmap   


ConCurrentHashMap 是一个被忽视的Java Concurrent包下面的类,在满足并发的「安全性」,和「活跃性」的前提下,做到了与不考虑线程安全的 HashMap 同等效率. 作者是大名鼎鼎的Doug Lea,他老人家在Java 并发领域做的贡献,确实是我们的榜样。下篇文章,对ConCurrentHashMap做一个分析,希望这个代码中的闪光点,能够对各位读者产生启发。这里先介绍HashMap做的实现,便于后面我们理解2者的差异,以及[Doug Lea]完成的ConCurrentHashMap类具有那些惊为天人的地方。这里我们先看看JDK里面是如何实现 HashMap 的。

JDK 是如何定义Map接口的



public void put(K,V);
public V get(K);


public void clear();
public boolean containsKey(Object key);
public boolean containsValue(Object value);
public Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet();
public boolean equals(Object object);
public V remove(Object key);
public int size();




This was by design. We feel that mappings are not collections and collections are not mappings. Thus, it makes little sense for Map to extend the Collection interface (or vice versa).
If a Map is a Collection, what are the elements? The only reasonable answer is “Key-value pairs”, but this provides a very limited (and not particularly useful) Map abstraction. You can’t ask what value a given key maps to, nor can you delete the entry for a given key without knowing what value it maps to.
Collection could be made to extend Map, but this raises the question: what are the keys? There’s no really satisfactory answer, and forcing one leads to an unnatural interface.
Maps can be viewed as Collections (of keys, values, or pairs), and this fact is reflected in the three “Collection view operations” on Maps (keySet, entrySet, and values). While it is, in principle, possible to view a List as a Map mapping indices to elements, this has the nasty property that deleting an element from the List changes the Key associated with every element before the deleted element. That’s why we don’t have a map view operation on Lists.




 * Returns a {@code Set} containing all of the mappings in this {@code Map}. Each mapping is
 * an instance of {@link Map.Entry}. As the {@code Set} is backed by this {@code Map},
 * changes in one will be reflected in the other.
 * @return a set of the mappings
public Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet();


HashMap 基础单元

HashMap作为我们经常用的类,几乎没有程序猿不熟悉Map的用法, 没有道理不去熟悉下HashMap的实现原理。


final K key;
V value;
final int hash;
HashMapEntry<K, V> next;

HashMap 如何避免冲突和解决冲突的


  1. 开放地址,亦即如果hash冲突,则在空闲的位置进行插入
  2. hash复用,同一个hash值,链式地加入多个value



@Override public V put(K key, V value) {
    if (key == null) {
        return putValueForNullKey(value);

    int hash = Collections.secondaryHash(key);
    HashMapEntry<K, V>[] tab = table;
    int index = hash & (tab.length - 1);
    for (HashMapEntry<K, V> e = tab[index]; e != null; e = e.next) {
        if (e.hash == hash && key.equals(e.key)) {
            V oldValue = e.value;
            e.value = value;
            return oldValue;

    // No entry for (non-null) key is present; create one
    if (size++ > threshold) {
        tab = doubleCapacity();
        index = hash & (tab.length - 1);
    addNewEntry(key, value, hash, index);
    return null;
// Collections.secondaryHash(key)方法里面使用了
int hash = Collections.secondaryHash(key);
int index = hash & (tab.length - 1);

在这里面可以看到Hash的代码主要是Wang/Jenkins hash方法,这个方法具有两个属性

  1. 雪崩性(更改输入参数的任何一位,就将引起输出有一半以上的位发生变化)
  2. 可逆性(input ==> hash ==> inverse_hash ==> input)

Collections.secondaryHash能够使得hash过后的值的分布更加均匀,尽可能地避免冲突,具体原理点连接,注意这里的前提是table的长度为2的幂次方,从构造函数对capacity的改造可以看出来。hash & (tab.length - 1) 当tab.length为2^n-1的时候,可以保证结果不大于tab.length。

public HashMap(int capacity) {
    // ...
    if (capacity < MINIMUM_CAPACITY) {
        capacity = MINIMUM_CAPACITY;
    } else if (capacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
        capacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
    } else {
        capacity = Collections.roundUpToPowerOfTwo(capacity);
    // ...

这里举一个例子,如果现在Table的容量是16,如果最后的结果是 hash & (16-1),也就是 hash & (00001111)。现在我们试着对hash值是31(00011111), 63(00111111),95(01011111)进行操作,理论上映射到的index值应该是不尽相同的,然而实际的情况确实如下的情形:

31=00011111 ==& 00001111==> 1111=15

63=00111111 ==& 00001111==> 1111=15

95=01011111 ==& 00001111==> 1111=15


31=00011111 ==secondaryHash==> 00011110==& 00001110==> 14

63=00111111 ==secondaryHash==> 00111100==& 00001100==> 12

95=01011111 ==secondaryHash==> 01011010==& 00001010==> 10

HashMap 如何解决容量不足的问题


if (size++ > threshold) {
    tab = doubleCapacity();
    index = hash & (tab.length - 1);


Rehash the bucket using the minimum number of field writes, and this is the most subtle and delicate code in the class.

 * Doubles the capacity of the hash table. Existing entries are placed in
 * the correct bucket on the enlarged table. If the current capacity is,
 * MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, this method is a no-op. Returns the table, which
 * will be new unless we were already at MAXIMUM_CAPACITY.
private HashMapEntry<K, V>[] doubleCapacity() {
    HashMapEntry<K, V>[] oldTable = table;
    int oldCapacity = oldTable.length;
    if (oldCapacity == MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
        return oldTable;
    int newCapacity = oldCapacity * 2;
    HashMapEntry<K, V>[] newTable = makeTable(newCapacity);
    if (size == 0) {
        return newTable;

    for (int j = 0; j < oldCapacity; j++) {
         * Rehash the bucket using the minimum number of field writes.
         * This is the most subtle and delicate code in the class.
        HashMapEntry<K, V> e = oldTable[j];
        if (e == null) {
        int highBit = e.hash & oldCapacity;
        HashMapEntry<K, V> broken = null;
        newTable[j | highBit] = e;
        for (HashMapEntry<K, V> n = e.next; n != null; e = n, n = n.next) {
            int nextHighBit = n.hash & oldCapacity;
            if (nextHighBit != highBit) {
                if (broken == null)
                    newTable[j | nextHighBit] = n;
                    broken.next = n;
                broken = e;
                highBit = nextHighBit;
        if (broken != null)
            broken.next = null;
    return newTable;


int highBit = e.hash & oldCapacity;
newTable[j | highBit] = e;

我们现在来说明,oldCapacity假设为16(00010000), int highBit = e.hash & oldCapacity能够得到高位的值,因为低位全为0,经过与操作过后,低位一定是0。J 在这里是index,J 与 高位的值进行与操作过后,就能得到在扩容后面的新的index值。

设想一下,理论上我们得到的新的值应该是 newValue = hash & (newCapacity - 1),与oldValue = hash & (oldCapacity - 1)的区别仅在于高位上。 因此我们用J | highBit 就可以得到新的index值。

HashMap 是如何解决迭代问题


问题在于如何保证迭代的时候,基于正确的输出,聪明的你一定看出来了,难度在于「多线程情况的处理」。在迭代的时候,外部可以通过调用put和remove的方法,来改变正在迭代的对象。但从设计之处,HashMap自身就不是线程安全的,因此HashMap在迭代的时候使用了一种Fast—Fail的实现方式,在HashIterator里面维持了一个 expectedModCount 的变量,在每次调用的时候如果发现ModCount != expectedModCount,则抛出ConcurrentModificationException 异常。但本身这种检验不能保证在发生错误的情况下,一定能抛出异常,所以我们需要在使用HashMap的时候,心里知道这是「非线程安全」的。

HashMapEntry<K, V> nextEntry() {
    if (modCount != expectedModCount)
        throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
    if (nextEntry == null)
        throw new NoSuchElementException();

    HashMapEntry<K, V> entryToReturn = nextEntry;
    HashMapEntry<K, V>[] tab = table;
    HashMapEntry<K, V> next = entryToReturn.next;
    while (next == null && nextIndex < tab.length) {
        next = tab[nextIndex++];
    nextEntry = next;
    return lastEntryReturned = entryToReturn;

HashMap 是如何实现序列化接口的

HashMap是实现了Serializable接口的,这种Hash的结构如何实现序列化?按照最朴素的想法,按照默认的实现即可,但是细想之下,一个16位的数组如果只存了一个数据,却要把16位的数组到序列化进去,这本身并不可取。于是HashMap 将其他数据申明为transient,比如:

transient int modCount;

避免这些常量参与到序列化的细节里面去,在另一方面重写 writeObject()readObject()方法,通过这样的方式来实现序列化,在代码里面添加了注释,便于大家理解。

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
    // Emulate loadFactor field for other implementations to read
    ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = stream.putFields();
    fields.put("loadFactor", DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);

    // 写入table的容量
    stream.writeInt(table.length); // Capacity
    // 写入目前的Entry数量
    for (Entry<K, V> e : entrySet()) {
        // 迭代地写入Key和Value
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException,
            ClassNotFoundException {
    int capacity = stream.readInt();
    if (capacity < 0) {
        throw new InvalidObjectException("Capacity: " + capacity);
    if (capacity < MINIMUM_CAPACITY) {
        capacity = MINIMUM_CAPACITY;
    } else if (capacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
        capacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
    } else {
        capacity = Collections.roundUpToPowerOfTwo(capacity);

    // 得到size大小
    int size = stream.readInt();
    if (size < 0) {
        throw new InvalidObjectException("Size: " + size);

    init(); // Give subclass (LinkedHashMap) a chance to initialize itself
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K key = (K) stream.readObject();
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V val = (V) stream.readObject();
        // 构造函数里面,会计算hash放置到响应的地方
        constructorPut(key, val);

HashMap 剖析与理解

标签:并发   android   hashmap   


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