方法一:登录你的github帐号,选择fork的项目,点击左上角绿色的图标,鼠标放上去以后提示:compare ,review, create a pull reques。
方法二 :将fork后自己的项目clone到本地。
git clone https://github.com/hakits/libpcap.git
$ git remote -v origin https://github.com/hakits/libpcap.git (fetch) origin https://github.com/hakits/libpcap.git (push)将fork之前的项目添加到本地的远程分支中,即作者的分支:
$ git remote add libpcap https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap.git $ git remote -v libpcap https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap.git (fetch) libpcap https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap.git (push) origin https://github.com/hakits/libpcap.git (fetch) origin https://github.com/hakits/libpcap.git (push)
$ git fetch libpcap From https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap * [new branch] android-libpcap-0.9.8 -> libpcap/android-libpcap-0.9.8 * [new branch] bare -> libpcap/bare * [new branch] lbl -> libpcap/lbl * [new branch] libpcap-1.6 -> libpcap/libpcap-1.6 * [new branch] libpcap-1.7 -> libpcap/libpcap-1.7 * [new branch] libpcap_0_6 -> libpcap/libpcap_0_6 * [new branch] libpcap_0_7 -> libpcap/libpcap_0_7 * [new branch] libpcap_0_8 -> libpcap/libpcap_0_8 * [new branch] libpcap_0_8rel1 -> libpcap/libpcap_0_8rel1 * [new branch] libpcap_0_9 -> libpcap/libpcap_0_9 * [new branch] libpcap_1.1 -> libpcap/libpcap_1.1 * [new branch] libpcap_1.2 -> libpcap/libpcap_1.2 * [new branch] libpcap_1.3 -> libpcap/libpcap_1.3 * [new branch] libpcap_1.4 -> libpcap/libpcap_1.4 * [new branch] libpcap_1.5 -> libpcap/libpcap_1.5 * [new branch] libpcap_1_0 -> libpcap/libpcap_1_0 * [new branch] libpcap_1_0_rel0b -> libpcap/libpcap_1_0_rel0b * [new branch] libpcap_1_4rel0 -> libpcap/libpcap_1_4rel0 * [new branch] linux-2-2-packet -> libpcap/linux-2-2-packet * [new branch] master -> libpcap/master * [new branch] origin -> libpcap/origin
-a 查看所有的分支
-v 查看各个分支最后一个提交对象的信息
$ git branch -av * master 48aacf2 Merge pull request #433 from msekletar/master remotes/libpcap/android-libpcap-0.9.8 91f35ab copy config.h from subdirectory on Android rather than run configure remotes/libpcap/bare feab221 regenerated configure with --with-libnl switch remotes/libpcap/lbl 9de7b67 pcap-0.4 remotes/libpcap/libpcap-1.6 4fec216 Fix previous change. remotes/libpcap/libpcap-1.7 b846943 Fix check for <linux/if_bonding.h>. remotes/libpcap/libpcap_0_6 6c7150d Update the version number. remotes/libpcap/libpcap_0_7 85aac6d Get ready for libpcap 0.7.2 remotes/libpcap/libpcap_0_8 fec98c1 Corrected the definition of IN_EXPERIMENTAL (0xfxxxxxxx is the experimental space) remotes/libpcap/libpcap_0_8rel1 9ad5954 spec file for 0.8
$ git merge libpcap/master Already up-to-date.
$ git push origin master Counting objects: 5, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 289 bytes, done. Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) To git@github.com:hakits/libpcap.git 48aacf2..9556d05 master -> master
过一段时间后又需要同步项目了仅需要执行 git fetch libpcap 命令以下的操作即可。