public final class More ...Status implements Serializable { public static final Status STATUS_UNINITIALISED = new Status(0, "STATUS_UNINITIALISED"); public static final Status STATUS_ALIVE = new Status(1, "STATUS_ALIVE"); public static final Status STATUS_SHUTDOWN = new Status(2, "STATUS_SHUTDOWN"); private static final long serialVersionUID = 2732730630423367732L; private static final Status[] STATUSES = {STATUS_UNINITIALISED, STATUS_ALIVE, STATUS_SHUTDOWN}; private final String name; private final int intValue; private Status(int intValue, String name) { this.intValue = intValue; this.name = name; } public static Status More ...convertIntToStatus(int statusAsInt) throws IllegalArgumentException { if ((statusAsInt < STATUS_UNINITIALISED.intValue) || (statusAsInt > STATUS_SHUTDOWN.intValue)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("int value of statuses must be between 1 and three"); } return STATUSES[statusAsInt]; } public String More ...toString() { return name; } public int intValue() { return intValue; } public boolean More ...equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof Status)) { return false; } return ((Status) object).intValue == intValue; } public int More ...hashCode() { return intValue; }