注意os_cfg.h 和 app_cfg.h 在源码里是没有的,一般是拷贝Micrium\Software\EvalBoards里面的。
修改 startup_stm32f10x_hd.s
把PendSV_Handler 替换成 OS_CPU_PendSVHandler
把SysTick_Handler 替换成 OS_CPU_SysTickHandler
如果编译器报错说这两个函数没有声明,那在前面再添加 IMPORT 声明下。如下:
DCD SVC_Handler ; SVCall Handler DCD DebugMon_Handler ; Debug Monitor Handler DCD 0 ; Reserved ; DCD PendSV_Handler ; PendSV Handler IMPORT OS_CPU_PendSVHandler DCD OS_CPU_PendSVHandler ; DCD SysTick_Handler ; SysTick Handler IMPORT OS_CPU_SysTickHandler DCD OS_CPU_SysTickHandler ; External Interrupts DCD WWDG_IRQHandler ; Window Watchdog DCD PVD_IRQHandler ; PVD through EXTI Line detect DCD TAMPER_IRQHandler ; Tamper
#ifndef OS_CFG_H #define OS_CFG_H /* ---------------------- MISCELLANEOUS ----------------------- */ #define OS_APP_HOOKS_EN 0 /* Application-defined hooks are called from the uC/OS-II hooks */ #define OS_ARG_CHK_EN 1 /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) argument checking */ #define OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN 1 /* uC/OS-II hooks are found in the processor port files */ #define OS_DEBUG_EN 0 /* Enable(1) debug variables */ #define OS_EVENT_MULTI_EN 0 /* Include code for OSEventPendMulti() */ #define OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE 16 /* Determine the size of the name of a Sem, Mutex, Mbox or Q */ #define OS_LOWEST_PRIO 31 /* Defines the lowest priority that can be assigned ... */ /* ... MUST NEVER be higher than 254! */ #define OS_MAX_EVENTS 10 /* Max. number of event control blocks in your application */ #define OS_MAX_FLAGS 5 /* Max. number of Event Flag Groups in your application */ #define OS_MAX_MEM_PART 5 /* Max. number of memory partitions */ #define OS_MAX_QS 4 /* Max. number of queue control blocks in your application */ #define OS_MAX_TASKS 16 /* Max. number of tasks in your application, MUST be >= 2 */ #define OS_SCHED_LOCK_EN 0 /* Include code for OSSchedLock() and OSSchedUnlock() */ #define OS_TICK_STEP_EN 0 /* Enable tick stepping feature for uC/OS-View */ #define OS_TICKS_PER_SEC 1000 /* Set the number of ticks in one second */ /* --------------------- TASK STACK SIZE ---------------------- */ #define OS_TASK_TMR_STK_SIZE 128 /* Timer task stack size (# of OS_STK wide entries) */ #define OS_TASK_STAT_STK_SIZE 128 /* Statistics task stack size (# of OS_STK wide entries) */ #define OS_TASK_IDLE_STK_SIZE 128 /* Idle task stack size (# of OS_STK wide entries) */ /* --------------------- TASK MANAGEMENT ---------------------- */ #define OS_TASK_CHANGE_PRIO_EN 0 /* Include code for OSTaskChangePrio() */ #define OS_TASK_CREATE_EN 1 /* Include code for OSTaskCreate() */ #define OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSTaskCreateExt() */ #define OS_TASK_DEL_EN 1 /* Include code for OSTaskDel() */ #define OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE 16 /* Determine the size of a task name */ #define OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN 1 /* Include variables in OS_TCB for profiling */ #define OS_TASK_QUERY_EN 0 /* Include code for OSTaskQuery() */ #define OS_TASK_STAT_EN 0 /* Enable (1) or Disable(0) the statistics task */ #define OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN 0 /* Check task stacks from statistic task */ #define OS_TASK_SUSPEND_EN 0 /* Include code for OSTaskSuspend() and OSTaskResume() */ #define OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN 1 /* Include code for OSTaskSwHook() */ /* ----------------------- EVENT FLAGS ------------------------ */ #define OS_FLAG_EN 0 /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) code generation for EVENT FLAGS */ #define OS_FLAG_ACCEPT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSFlagAccept() */ #define OS_FLAG_DEL_EN 1 /* Include code for OSFlagDel() */ #define OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE 16 /* Determine the size of the name of an event flag group */ #define OS_FLAGS_NBITS 16 /* Size in #bits of OS_FLAGS data type (8, 16 or 32) */ #define OS_FLAG_QUERY_EN 1 /* Include code for OSFlagQuery() */ #define OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_EN 1 /* Include code for Wait on Clear EVENT FLAGS */ /* -------------------- MESSAGE MAILBOXES --------------------- */ #define OS_MBOX_EN 0 /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) code generation for MAILBOXES */ #define OS_MBOX_ACCEPT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMboxAccept() */ #define OS_MBOX_DEL_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMboxDel() */ #define OS_MBOX_PEND_ABORT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMboxPendAbort() */ #define OS_MBOX_POST_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMboxPost() */ #define OS_MBOX_POST_OPT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMboxPostOpt() */ #define OS_MBOX_QUERY_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMboxQuery() */ /* --------------------- MEMORY MANAGEMENT -------------------- */ #define OS_MEM_EN 0 /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) code generation for MEMORY MANAGER */ #define OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE 16 /* Determine the size of a memory partition name */ #define OS_MEM_QUERY_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMemQuery() */ /* ---------------- MUTUAL EXCLUSION SEMAPHORES --------------- */ #define OS_MUTEX_EN 0 /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) code generation for MUTEX */ #define OS_MUTEX_ACCEPT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMutexAccept() */ #define OS_MUTEX_DEL_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMutexDel() */ #define OS_MUTEX_QUERY_EN 1 /* Include code for OSMutexQuery() */ /* ---------------------- MESSAGE QUEUES ---------------------- */ #define OS_Q_EN 0 /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) code generation for QUEUES */ #define OS_Q_ACCEPT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSQAccept() */ #define OS_Q_DEL_EN 1 /* Include code for OSQDel() */ #define OS_Q_FLUSH_EN 1 /* Include code for OSQFlush() */ #define OS_Q_PEND_ABORT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSQPendAbort() */ #define OS_Q_POST_EN 1 /* Include code for OSQPost() */ #define OS_Q_POST_FRONT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSQPostFront() */ #define OS_Q_POST_OPT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSQPostOpt() */ #define OS_Q_QUERY_EN 1 /* Include code for OSQQuery() */ /* ------------------------ SEMAPHORES ------------------------ */ #define OS_SEM_EN 0 /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) code generation for SEMAPHORES */ #define OS_SEM_ACCEPT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSSemAccept() */ #define OS_SEM_DEL_EN 1 /* Include code for OSSemDel() */ #define OS_SEM_PEND_ABORT_EN 1 /* Include code for OSSemPendAbort() */ #define OS_SEM_QUERY_EN 1 /* Include code for OSSemQuery() */ #define OS_SEM_SET_EN 1 /* Include code for OSSemSet() */ /* --------------------- TIME MANAGEMENT ---------------------- */ #define OS_TIME_DLY_HMSM_EN 1 /* Include code for OSTimeDlyHMSM() */ #define OS_TIME_DLY_RESUME_EN 1 /* Include code for OSTimeDlyResume() */ #define OS_TIME_GET_SET_EN 1 /* Include code for OSTimeGet() and OSTimeSet() */ #define OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN 1 /* Include code for OSTimeTickHook() */ /* --------------------- TIMER MANAGEMENT --------------------- */ #define OS_TMR_EN 0 /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) code generation for TIMERS */ #define OS_TMR_CFG_MAX 16 /* Maximum number of timers */ #define OS_TMR_CFG_NAME_SIZE 16 /* Determine the size of a timer name */ #define OS_TMR_CFG_WHEEL_SIZE 8 /* Size of timer wheel (#Spokes) */ #define OS_TMR_CFG_TICKS_PER_SEC 10 /* Rate at which timer management task runs (Hz) */ #endif
然后在 os_cpu_c.c 中添加一个获取时钟频率的函数:
INT32U OS_CPU_SysTickClkFreq(void) { RCC_ClocksTypeDef rcc_clocks; RCC_GetClocksFreq(&rcc_clocks); return ((INT32U)rcc_clocks.HCLK_Frequency); }
#include "common.h" extern const unsigned char gImage_image[153600]; static OS_STK startup_task_stk[STARTUP_TASK_STK_SIZE]; void HW_Init(void) { SystemInit(); TFT_Init(); RB_LED_GPIO_Init(); ili9320_Clear(Green); RB_Comm_GPIOOUT_Init(); RB_Time2_Mode_Config(); RB_Time2_NVIC_Configuration(); } void HW_Set_Init(void) { ili9320_DrawPicture(0,0,240,320,(u16*)gImage_image); } int main() { HW_Init(); SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/OS_TICKS_PER_SEC); OSInit(); OSTaskCreate(RB_Task_LED,(void *)0,&startup_task_stk[STARTUP_TASK_STK_SIZE-1], STARTUP_TASK_PRIO); OSStart(); return 0; }
#include "ucos_app.h" static OS_STK task_led1_stk[TASK_LED1_STK_SIZE]; static OS_STK task_led2_stk[TASK_LED2_STK_SIZE]; void RB_Task_LED(void *p_arg) { (void)p_arg; OSTaskCreate(RB_Task_led1,(void *)0,&task_led1_stk[TASK_LED1_STK_SIZE-1], TASK_LED1_PRIO); OSTaskCreate(RB_Task_led2,(void *)0,&task_led2_stk[TASK_LED2_STK_SIZE-1], TASK_LED2_PRIO); while(1) { RB_LED_ReadWrite(2,0); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0,0,100); RB_LED_ReadWrite(2,1); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0,0,100); } } void RB_Task_led1(void *p_arg) { (void)p_arg; while(1) { RB_LED_ReadWrite(3,0); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0,0,200); RB_LED_ReadWrite(3,1); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0,0,200); } } void RB_Task_led2(void *p_arg) { (void)p_arg; while(1) { RB_LED_ReadWrite(4,0); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0,0,300); RB_LED_ReadWrite(4,1); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0,0,300); } }
#ifndef __APP_CFG_H__ #define __APP_CFG_H__ #define STARTUP_TASK_PRIO 4 //任务优先级 #define TASK_LED1_PRIO 5 #define TASK_LED2_PRIO 6 #define STARTUP_TASK_STK_SIZE 80 //设置栈大小 #define TASK_LED1_STK_SIZE 80 #define TASK_LED2_STK_SIZE 80 #endif
移植主要参考的是 野火的教程 :《从0开始移植UCOS II到野火M3开发板教程(V2.0》