1. Listing Theorem
A non-empty set is r.e. iff it is the range of a unary total computable funciton.
That means the elements of a r.e. set can be effectively generated.
We can also prove that a set is r.e. iff it is the range of a computable function.
Corollary. Tot = {x | Φx is total} is not r.e.
Otherwise suppose Tot = Ran(f), where f is a total unary computable function, we can construct Φf(x)(X)+1, which differs from every unary computable function.
This proposition can also be proved by Rice-Shapiro Theorem, which will be introduced later.
Corollary. An infinite set is recursive iff it is the range of a total increasing computable function.
Corollary. An infinite r.e. set has an infinite recursive subset.
2. Rice-Shapiro Theorem
Suppose that A is a set of unary computable functions such that the set {x | Φx ∈ A} is r.e., then for any unary computable function f: f ∈ A iff there is a finite function θ ⊆ f with θ ∈ A . (The proof of this one is as hermetic as the previous version of Rice‘s Theorem in decidability.)
According to this theorem, following sets are not recursively enumerable:
3. Special Sets
A set A is a productive set if there is a total computable function g such that whenever Wx⊆A, then g(x)∈ A\Wx. The function g is called a productive function for A. For example, the complement of K is productive with productive function g(x) = x.
Reduction Theorem.
Suppose that set A is productive, and there is a total computable function f such that x∈ A iff f(x)∈ B; then B is productive.
If β is a non-trivial set of unary computable functions who contains fΦ, then the set {x|Φx∈β} is productive.
A set A is creative if it is r.e. and its complement is productive.
Suppose α is a set of unary computable functions and let A = {x|Φx∈α}; if A is r.e but neither empty nor N, then A is creative.
Subset Theorem.
A productive set must contain an infinite r.e. subset, which can be proved by construction based on the following lemma:
For any total computable function g, there is a total computable function k such that for all x, Wk(x) = Wx U {g(x)}.
A simple set is an r.e. set whose complement is infinite but does nnot contain infinite r.e. subset.
A simple set can never be recursive or creative.
We can prove that simple sets exist by constructing Ran(φx(μz(φx(z) > 2x))).
Decidability and R.E. Sets (II)