require.js for dependency management and modular code 模块化代码,依赖管理
backbone.js for basic application strcture and separation of concerns 应用架构,分成设计
marionette.js for composite application architecture and saving lots of backbone boilerplate 复杂应用架构,减少代码重复
underscore.js for general object,array and function utilities 通用的object, array ,function 工具方法
underscore.string for extended string manipulation functionality 扩展字符串处理功能
handlebars.js for client side templating 客户端模板
jquery for dom manipulation, ajax, promises, and much more
jquery plugins:qtip,slimscroll, isotope, jquery ui sortable and jqueryt validations
imagesloaded for capturing and synchronizing image load events
less for css pre-processing
grunt.js for build automation (tasks like pre-compilation, minifying and concatenating code)