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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Demo.Service.Interface.Admin.Report;
using Demo.Domain.Admin;
using Demo.Const;
using Simpo;

namespace Demo.Service.Admin.Report
    /// <summary>
    /// 招生业绩趋势
    /// </summary>
    public class PerformanceTrendService : Service, IPerformanceTrendService
        #region 统计招生业绩趋势
        /// <summary>
        /// 统计招生业绩趋势
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schoolAreaId">校区ID</param>
        /// <param name="deptIds">部门ID集合</param>
        /// <param name="employeeUserId">员工ID</param>
        /// <param name="startYear">开始年份</param>
        /// <param name="endYear">结束年份,若为-1,则按月统计</param>
        public List<PerformanceTrend> GetList_Trend(int schoolAreaId, string deptIds, int employeeUserId, int startYear, int endYear)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (endYear == Constants.OptionAllVal)//按月度
                    select _Year, _Month, 
                    count(CustomerId) as DJKH,
                    sum(IsStudent) as CJKH,

                    (select count(cfr1.Id)
                    from FM_CustomerFollowRecord cfr1
                    join FM_Customer cus1 on cfr1.CustomerId=cus1.Id
                    join Sys_User u1 on cus1.RegistUserId=u1.Id
                    join FM_Employee emp1 on u1.RelationId=emp1.Id
                    join FM_Dept dpt1 on emp1.DeptId=dpt1.Id
                    join FM_SchoolArea scl1 on dpt1.SchoolId=scl1.Id
                    where year(cus1.RegistTime)=t._Year
                    and month(cus1.RegistTime)=t._Month 
                    {0} {1} {2} ) as GJCS,

                    ((select sum(psf2.PayAmount)
                    from FM_PayStepFlow psf2
                    join FM_PayFlow pf2 on psf2.PayFlowId=pf2.Id
                    join FM_Customer cus2 on pf2.CustomerCode=cus2.Code
                    join Sys_User u2 on cus2.RegistUserId=u2.Id
                    join FM_Employee emp2 on u2.RelationId=emp2.Id
                    join FM_Dept dpt2 on emp2.DeptId=dpt2.Id
                    join FM_SchoolArea scl2 on dpt2.SchoolId=scl2.Id
                    where psf2.DelFlg<>1
                    and year(cus2.RegistTime)=t._Year
                    and month(cus2.RegistTime)=t._Month
                    {3} {4} {5} ) - 

                    ISNULL((select sum(rf3.RefundAmount)
                    from FM_RefundFlow rf3
                    join FM_Customer cus3 on rf3.CustomerCode=cus3.Code
                    join Sys_User u3 on cus3.RegistUserId=u3.Id
                    join FM_Employee emp3 on u3.RelationId=emp3.Id
                    join FM_Dept dpt3 on emp3.DeptId=dpt3.Id
                    join FM_SchoolArea scl3 on dpt3.SchoolId=scl3.Id
                    where rf3.DelFlg<>1 and rf3.SettleFlg=1
                    and year(cus3.RegistTime)=t._Year
                    and month(cus3.RegistTime)=t._Month
                    {6} {7} {8} ),0)) as CJE

                    from ( ",
                    schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus1.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                    strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt1.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                    employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus1.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : "",

                    schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and pf2.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                    strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt2.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                    employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus2.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : "",

                    schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and rf3.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                    strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt3.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                    employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus3.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : ""));
                sb.Append(string.Format(@"select _Year, 
                    count(CustomerId) as DJKH,
                    sum(IsStudent) as CJKH,

                    (select count(cfr1.Id)
                    from FM_CustomerFollowRecord cfr1
                    join FM_Customer cus1 on cfr1.CustomerId=cus1.Id
                    join Sys_User u1 on cus1.RegistUserId=u1.Id
                    join FM_Employee emp1 on u1.RelationId=emp1.Id
                    join FM_Dept dpt1 on emp1.DeptId=dpt1.Id
                    join FM_SchoolArea scl1 on dpt1.SchoolId=scl1.Id
                    where year(cus1.RegistTime)=t._Year
                    {0} {1} {2} ) as GJCS,

                    ((select sum(psf2.PayAmount)
                    from FM_PayStepFlow psf2
                    join FM_PayFlow pf2 on psf2.PayFlowId=pf2.Id
                    join FM_Customer cus2 on pf2.CustomerCode=cus2.Code
                    join Sys_User u2 on cus2.RegistUserId=u2.Id
                    join FM_Employee emp2 on u2.RelationId=emp2.Id
                    join FM_Dept dpt2 on emp2.DeptId=dpt2.Id
                    join FM_SchoolArea scl2 on dpt2.SchoolId=scl2.Id
                    where psf2.DelFlg<>1
                    and year(cus2.RegistTime)=t._Year
                    {3} {4} {5} ) - 

                    ISNULL((select sum(rf3.RefundAmount)
                    from FM_RefundFlow rf3
                    join FM_Customer cus3 on rf3.CustomerCode=cus3.Code
                    join Sys_User u3 on cus3.RegistUserId=u3.Id
                    join FM_Employee emp3 on u3.RelationId=emp3.Id
                    join FM_Dept dpt3 on emp3.DeptId=dpt3.Id
                    join FM_SchoolArea scl3 on dpt3.SchoolId=scl3.Id
                    where rf3.DelFlg<>1 and rf3.SettleFlg=1
                    and year(cus3.RegistTime)=t._Year
                    {6} {7} {8} ),0)) as CJE

                    from ( ",
                    schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus1.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                    strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt1.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                    employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus1.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : "",

                    schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and pf2.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                    strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt2.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                    employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus2.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : "",

                    schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and rf3.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                    strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt3.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                    employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus3.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : ""));

                year(cus.RegistTime) as _Year,
                month(cus.RegistTime) as _Month,
                cus.Id as CustomerId,
                cus.IsStudent as IsStudent
                from FM_Customer cus

                left join Sys_User u on cus.RegistUserId=u.Id
                left join FM_Employee emp on u.RelationId=emp.Id
                left join FM_Dept dpt on emp.DeptId=dpt.Id
                left join FM_SchoolArea scl on dpt.SchoolId=scl.Id

                where cus.DelFlg<>{0}", (int)Flag.Yes, DictType.CD08));

            // 校区
            if (schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal)
                sb.Append(string.Format(" and cus.SchoolAreaId={0} ", schoolAreaId));
            // 部门
            if (!strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds))
                sb.Append(string.Format(" and dpt.Id in ({0}) ", deptIds));
            // 登记人
            if (employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal)
                sb.Append(string.Format(" and cus.RegistUserId={0} ", employeeUserId));

            sb.Append(" ) t ");

            if (endYear == Constants.OptionAllVal)//按月度
                sb.Append(string.Format(" where t._Year={0} group by t._Year, t._Month ", startYear));
                sb.Append(" group by t._Year ");

            return this.FindListBySql<PerformanceTrend>(sb.ToString());

        #region 统计招生业绩排行
        /// <summary>
        /// 统计招生业绩排行
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schoolAreaId">校区ID</param>
        /// <param name="deptIds">部门ID集合</param>
        /// <param name="employeeUserId">员工ID</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">统计时段开始</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">统计时段结束</param>
        public List<PerformanceRank> GetList_Rank(int schoolAreaId, string deptIds, int employeeUserId, string startDate, string endDate)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                emp.Name as EmployeeName,
                dpt.Name as DeptName,
                count(cus.Id) as DJKH,
                sum(cus.IsStudent) as CJKH,

                (select count(cfr1.Id)
                from FM_CustomerFollowRecord cfr1
                join FM_Customer cus1 on cfr1.CustomerId=cus1.Id
                join Sys_User u1 on cus1.RegistUserId=u1.Id
                join FM_Employee emp1 on u1.RelationId=emp1.Id
                join FM_Dept dpt1 on emp1.DeptId=dpt1.Id
                join FM_SchoolArea scl1 on dpt1.SchoolId=scl1.Id
                where cus1.RegistUserId=cus.RegistUserId
                and cus1.RegistTime>=‘{1}‘
                and cus1.RegistTime<=‘{2}‘
                {3} {4} {5} ) as GJCS,

                ((select sum(psf2.PayAmount)
                from FM_PayStepFlow psf2
                join FM_PayFlow pf2 on psf2.PayFlowId=pf2.Id
                join FM_Customer cus2 on pf2.CustomerCode=cus2.Code
                join Sys_User u2 on cus2.RegistUserId=u2.Id
                join FM_Employee emp2 on u2.RelationId=emp2.Id
                join FM_Dept dpt2 on emp2.DeptId=dpt2.Id
                join FM_SchoolArea scl2 on dpt2.SchoolId=scl2.Id
                where psf2.DelFlg<>1 
                and cus2.RegistUserId=cus.RegistUserId
                and cus2.RegistTime>=‘{1}‘
                and cus2.RegistTime<=‘{2}‘
                {6} {7} {8} ) - 

                ISNULL((select sum(rf3.RefundAmount)
                from FM_RefundFlow rf3
                join FM_Customer cus3 on rf3.CustomerCode=cus3.Code
                join Sys_User u3 on cus3.RegistUserId=u3.Id
                join FM_Employee emp3 on u3.RelationId=emp3.Id
                join FM_Dept dpt3 on emp3.DeptId=dpt3.Id
                join FM_SchoolArea scl3 on dpt3.SchoolId=scl3.Id
                where rf3.DelFlg<>1 and rf3.SettleFlg=1
                and cus3.RegistUserId=cus.RegistUserId
                and cus3.RegistTime>=‘{1}‘
                and cus3.RegistTime<=‘{2}‘
                {9} {10} {11} ),0)) as CJE
                from FM_Customer cus

                left join Sys_User u on cus.RegistUserId=u.Id
                left join FM_Employee emp on u.RelationId=emp.Id
                left join FM_Dept dpt on emp.DeptId=dpt.Id
                left join FM_SchoolArea scl on dpt.SchoolId=scl.Id

                where cus.DelFlg<>{0}
                and cus.RegistTime>=‘{1}‘
                and cus.RegistTime<=‘{2}‘", (int)Flag.Yes, startDate + " 00:00:00", endDate + " 23:59:59",
                schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus1.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt1.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus1.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : "",

                schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and pf2.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt2.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus2.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : "",

                schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and rf3.SchoolAreaId=" + schoolAreaId : "",
                strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds) ? "" : " and dpt3.Id in (" + deptIds + ")",
                employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal ? " and cus3.RegistUserId=" + employeeUserId : ""));

            // 校区
            if (schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal)
                sb.Append(string.Format(" and cus.SchoolAreaId={0} ", schoolAreaId));
            // 部门
            if (!strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(deptIds))
                sb.Append(string.Format(" and dpt.Id in({0}) ", deptIds));
            // 登记人
            if (employeeUserId != Constants.OptionAllVal)
                sb.Append(string.Format(" and cus.RegistUserId={0} ", employeeUserId));

            sb.Append(string.Format(" group by cus.RegistUserId, emp.Name, dpt.Name ", startDate));

            return this.FindListBySql<PerformanceRank>(sb.ToString());

        #region 来源途径分析
        /// <summary>
        /// 来源途径分析
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schoolAreaId">校区ID</param>
        /// <param name="stuOrCus">类型</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">统计时段开始</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">统计时段结束</param>
        public List<StuCusSource> GetList_Source(int schoolAreaId, int stuOrCus, string startDate, string endDate)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (stuOrCus == (int)StuOrCus.Customer) //客户
                    dict.Name as Source,
                    count(cus.Id) as Num

                    from FM_Customer cus

                    join FM_SchoolArea scl on scl.Id=cus.SchoolAreaId
                    join Sys_Dict dict on dict.Type=‘{3}‘ and dict.Code=cus.Source

                    where cus.DelFlg<>{0}
                    and cus.RegistTime>=‘{1}‘
                    and cus.RegistTime<=‘{2}‘", (int)Flag.Yes, startDate + " 00:00:00", endDate + " 23:59:59", DictType.CD02));
            else //学员
                    dict.Name as Source,
                    count(stu.Id) as Num

                    from FM_Student stu

                    join FM_SchoolArea scl on scl.Id=stu.SchoolAreaId
                    join Sys_Dict dict on dict.Type=‘{3}‘ and dict.Code=stu.Source

                    where stu.DelFlg<>{0}
                    and stu.RegistTime>=‘{1}‘
                    and stu.RegistTime<=‘{2}‘", (int)Flag.Yes, startDate + " 00:00:00", endDate + " 23:59:59", DictType.CD02));

            // 校区
            if (schoolAreaId != Constants.OptionAllVal)
                sb.Append(string.Format(" and scl.Id={0} ", schoolAreaId));

            sb.Append(" group by dict.Name");

            return this.FindListBySql<StuCusSource>(sb.ToString());

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