标签:libgdx 2的n次幂 texture width and he 宽高都必须是2的n次幂 libgdx关于载入图片规格
对于libgdx来说,对载入的图片要求是:宽高都必须是2的N次幂的图片才行,否则会提示:texture width and height must be powers of two。
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap.Format; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture;
// 如工程目录assets/texture/001.png下: filePath = "texture/001.png" /** 载入任意尺寸的图像,创建Texture */ public static Texture loadTexture(String filePath) { Pixmap pic = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal(filePath)); pic = Format2power(pic); // 图像尺寸转化为2的幂 return new Texture(pic); // 从Pixmap构建Texture } /** 将Pic转化为尺寸为2的幂的图像 */ public static Pixmap Format2power(Pixmap Pic) { int width = Pic.getWidth(), height = Pic.getHeight(); // 获取图像的尺寸 Pixmap image = new Pixmap(closestTwoPower(width), closestTwoPower(height), Format.RGBA8888); if (image.getWidth() == width && image.getHeight() == height) return image; // 若原图像尺寸为2的幂,则直接返回原图像 int color; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { color = Pic.getPixel(i, j); // 原图像像素信息 image.drawPixel(i, j, color); // 生成图像 } } return image; } /** 获取最接近于n的2的幂 */ public static int closestTwoPower(int n) { int power = 1; while (power < n) power <<= 1; return power; }
标签:libgdx 2的n次幂 texture width and he 宽高都必须是2的n次幂 libgdx关于载入图片规格