This is on ubuntu 14.04 LTS
1. you need to install virtuoso (you can refer to my previous post)
2. open your virtuoso service
3. do
./isql 1111
to invoke the virtuosl‘s isql interface
4. copy and past the following: (source: click me )
/** * Dumps the result of the given select-sparql query into a file * or a sequence of files based on a file size limit. * * @param query A select query. Only the first three variables in the projection will be dumped * @param out_file A base filename. ‘.nt‘ will be autmatically appended. * @param file_length_limit A result set is split to multiple files according to this limit. * If it is greater 0 a sequence number will be appended to the filename. */ drop procedure dump_query_nt; create procedure dump_query_nt(in query varchar, in out_file varchar, in file_length_limit integer := -1) { declare file_name varchar; declare env, ses any; declare ses_len, max_ses_len, file_len, file_idx integer; declare state, msg, descs any; declare chandle any; declare sub any; declare sql any; set isolation = ‘uncommitted‘; max_ses_len := 10000000; file_len := 0; file_idx := 1; if(file_length_limit >= 0) { file_name := sprintf (‘%s-%06d.nt‘, out_file, file_idx); } else { file_name := sprintf (‘%s.nt‘, out_file); } string_to_file (file_name || ‘.query‘, query, -2); env := vector (0, 0, 0); ses := string_output (); state := ‘00000‘; sql := sprintf(‘sparql define input:storage "" %s‘, query); exec(sql, state, msg, vector (), 0, descs, null, chandle); if (state <> ‘00000‘) { signal (state, msg); } while(exec_next(chandle, state, msg, sub) = 0) { if (state <> ‘00000‘) { signal (state, msg); } http_nt_triple (env, sub[0], sub[1], sub[2], ses); ses_len := length (ses); if (ses_len > max_ses_len) { file_len := file_len + ses_len; if (file_length_limit >= 0 and file_len > file_length_limit) { string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); file_len := 0; file_idx := file_idx + 1; file_name := sprintf (‘%s-%06d.nt‘, out_file, file_idx); env := vector (0, 0, 0); } else { string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); } ses := string_output (); } } if (length (ses)) { string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); } exec_close(chandle); };
5. hit enter to regester this dump_query_nt function
6. an example of usage of this function is as follows:
dump_query_nt(‘Select ?s ?p ?o { ?s a ?c . ?s ?p ?o . }‘, ‘/tmp/result‘);
you input this in the prompt, make sure /temp/result directory is accessible for virtuoso. you could go to virtuoso.ini (under certain directory) to config it.
how to dump query results into nt format in virtuoso