关键词:Rapidio, 嵌入式, linux
Read/write operations directed to specificmemory address
Functional units:
– LSU (Load/Store Unit)
– MAU (Memory Access Unit)
Message Passing(消息交换)
Mailbox and Letter designators
Functional units:
– TXU (Message Transmit Unit)
– RXU (Message Receive Unit)
24 Interrupt outputs / 8Interrupt outputs
1 MB LSU transaction size with queuingcapability/ single 4 KB LSU transaction size
A Tx/Rx pair on a single device is called a“link”or “lane”
srio 驱动抽象对象 Master Port, Device,Switch, Network
Each of these componentsis mapped into a subsystem structure. The RapidIO subsystem uses thesestructures as the root handle for manipulating the hardware componentsabstracted by the structures.
Riotools quick setup:
1. Load the RIO driver moduleusing modprobe rio.
2. Verify the module hassuccessfully loaded using the lsmodcommand. The output shouldcontain references to the rio module.
3. Ensure all your RIO devices areattached and powered on.
4. Upload the host card firmwareto the driver and boot the attached devices (ignore anywarning or errormessages): rioboot –f
5. Create a configuration file(/etc/rio/rio.cf) based on what is attached to your system: rioboot -w > /etc/rio/rio.cf.new
6. Modify the new configurationfile (/etc/rio/rio.cf.new) to give your RTA‘s names and assign ports to them.Then rename the file as /etc/rio/rio.cf.
7. Upload the changes to the driver:rioboot –u
8. Create device nodes for theattached RTA‘s: riomkdev
9. Your system now has a number ofdevice nodes (/dev/ttySR*) relating to the ports on the attached RTA‘s.
1)双DSP,采用TI TCI6487多核DSP,1.2GHz,每个DSP有两路1×RapidIO接口
2) XilinxVirtex-5 LX110T-2 FPGA,一路4×RapidIO接口
Tsi578芯片是Tundra公司推出的RapidIO交换产品,后并入IDT公司,该芯片基于RapidIO 1.3规范,共有16路串行通道,可以灵活配置为8×4或16×1的端口工作方式,(同上)2.5或3.125Gbaud的传输速率。