var n,m,s,t,v,i,a,b,c:longint; first,tr,p,q:array[0..20000]of longint; next,eb,ew:array[1..100000]of longint; procedure swap(a,b:longint); var t:longint; begin t:=tr[a];tr[a]:=tr[b];tr[b]:=t; t:=p[a];p[a]:=p[b];p[b]:=t; t:=q[p[a]];q[p[a]]:=q[p[b]];q[p[b]]:=t; end; procedure sw(var a,b:longint); var t:longint; begin t:=a;a:=b;b:=t; end; procedure up(a:longint); begin if a=1 then exit; if tr[a]<tr[a div 2] then begin swap(a,a div 2); up(a div 2); end; end; procedure down(a:longint); var b,c:longint; begin b:=1; while(b<=a div 2)do begin c:=b*2; if(tr[c]>tr[c+1])and(c<n)then c:=c+1; if tr[c]<tr[b] then swap(b,c); b:=c; end; end; procedure input; begin v:=v+1; eb[v]:=b; ew[v]:=c; next[v]:=first[a]; first[a]:=v; end; begin readln(n,m,s,t); v:=0; fillchar(first,sizeof(first),0); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(a,b,c); input; sw(a,b); input; end; fillchar(tr,sizeof(tr),$7f); tr[s+1]:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin p[i]:=i-1; q[i-1]:=i; end; up(s+1); write(‘Case #1: ‘); repeat a:=p[1]; //top if a=t then begin if tr[1]=2139062143 then writeln(‘unreachable‘) else writeln(tr[1]); break; end; b:=first[a]; while(b<>0)do begin c:=eb[b]; if(tr[q[a]]+ew[b]<tr[q[c]])then begin tr[q[c]]:=tr[q[a]]+ew[b]; up(q[c]); end; b:=next[b]; end; swap(1,n); n:=n-1; down(n); until false; end.