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对用OpenGL ES 2.0实现OpenGL ES 1.1的顶点着色器的研究

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对用OpenGL ES 2.0实现OpenGL ES 1.1的顶点着色器的研究

       想要彻底研究OpenGL ES 2.0与前一代OpenGL的区别,还是要费很大一番精力的。最近在仔细研读《OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide》,虽然这本书最早出版日期是2008年,距今已经7年了,而著作的日期或许还要早上半年到1年,但是目前OpenGL ES 2.0是主流三维开发框架,因此这本书的知识直到现在,依然受用。

       OpenGL ES 2.0是桌面版OpenGL 2.0的一个子集,它清除了一些冗余并且难以实现的API,只保留简单的部分,这样让硬件实现变得容易起来。而OpenGL ES 2.0对于上层的开发者来说,几乎没有什么变化,只要会写着色器,会玩转OpenGL 2.0,那么我想OpenGL ES 2.0自然也不在话下。

       在OpenGL ES 1.1或者是OpenGL 1.5及以下中,光照和变换(T&L)部分是通过固定渲染管线来操作的,也就是说,相关数据结构已经填好,只需要自己填充主要的部分就好了。但是到了OpenGL ES 2.0,由于去掉了固定渲染管线,开发者需要自己设计渲染框架,一切渲染的手法都由开发者来完成,这虽然提高了要求,但是增加了自由度,开发者可以利用知识写出精简的渲染方法出来。

       而通过OpenGL ES 2.0模拟出OpenGL ES 1.1的渲染管线也是可以的,《OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide》一书中就使用顶点着色器实现了相关的方法。最近我在研究这样的着色器,为了以后备忘参考,将该着色器贴出来,并且附上我的部分注释。

// OpenGL ES 2.0 vertex shader that implements the following
// OpenGL ES 1.1 fixed function pipeline
// - compute lighting equation for up to eight directional/point/
// - spot lights
// - transform position to clip coordinates
// - texture coordinate transforms for up to two texture coordinates
// - compute fog factor
// - compute user clip plane dot product (stored as v_ucp_factor)
#define NUM_TEXTURES 2
#define GLI_FOG_MODE_EXP 1
#define GLI_FOG_MODE_EXP2 2
struct light// 光源的结构体
    vec4 position; // light position for a point/spot light or
    // normalized dir. for a directional light
    vec4 ambient_color;
    vec4 diffuse_color;
    vec4 specular_color;
    vec3 spot_direction;
    vec3 attenuation_factors;
    float spot_exponent;
    float spot_cutoff_angle;
    bool compute_distance_attenuation;
struct material// 材质的结构体
    vec4 ambient_color;
    vec4 diffuse_color;
    vec4 specular_color;
    vec4 emissive_color;
    float specular_exponent;

// 一些属性
const float c_zero = 0.0;
const float c_one = 1.0;
const int indx_zero = 0;
const int indx_one = 1;

uniform mat4 mvp_matrix; // combined model-view +
// projection matrix
uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; // model view matrix
uniform mat3 inv_modelview_matrix; // inverse model-view

// matrix used
// to transform normal
uniform mat4 tex_matrix[NUM_TEXTURES]; // texture matrices
uniform bool enable_tex[NUM_TEXTURES]; // texture enables
uniform bool enable_tex_matrix[NUM_TEXTURES]; // texture matrix

// enables
uniform material material_state;
uniform vec4 ambient_scene_color;
uniform light light_state[8];
uniform bool light_enable_state[8]; // booleans to indicate
// which of eight
// lights are enabled

uniform int num_lights;// number of lights enabled = sum of
// light_enable_state bools set to TRUE
uniform bool enable_lighting; // is lighting enabled
uniform bool light_model_two_sided; // is two-sided lighting
// enabled

uniform bool enable_color_material; // is color material
// enabled

uniform bool enable_fog; // is fog enabled
uniform float fog_density;
uniform float fog_start, fog_end;
uniform int fog_mode; // fog mode - linear, exp,

// or exp2
uniform bool xform_eye_p; // xform_eye_p is set if we need

// Peye for user clip plane,
// lighting, or fog
uniform bool rescale_normal; // is rescale normal enabled
uniform bool normalize_normal; // is normalize normal enabled
uniform float rescale_normal_factor; // rescale normal factor if

uniform vec4 ucp_eqn; // user clip plane equation –
// - one user clip plane specified

uniform bool enable_ucp; // is user clip plane enabled
// vertex attributes - not all of them may be passed in
attribute vec4 a_position; // this attribute is always specified
attribute vec4 a_texcoord0;// available if enable_tex[0] is true
attribute vec4 a_texcoord1;// available if enable_tex[1] is true
attribute vec4 a_color; // available if !enable_lighting or
// (enable_lighting && enable_color_material)

attribute vec3 a_normal; // available if xform_normal is set
// (required for lighting)
// varying variables output by the vertex shader
varying vec4 v_texcoord[NUM_TEXTURES];
varying vec4 v_front_color;
varying vec4 v_back_color;
varying float v_fog_factor;
varying float v_ucp_factor;
// temporary variables used by the vertex shader
vec4 p_eye;
vec3 n;
vec4 mat_ambient_color;
vec4 mat_diffuse_color;

lighting_equation(int i)// 针对光照做一系列公式运算
    vec4 computed_color = vec4(c_zero, c_zero, c_zero, c_zero);
    vec3 h_vec;
    float ndotl, ndoth;
    float att_factor;
    att_factor = c_one;
    vec3 VPpli;// 视点到光源的向量(view point to light)
    if(light_state[i].position.w != c_zero)
        float spot_factor;
        vec3 att_dist;
        // this is a point or spot light
        // we assume "w" values for PPli and V are the same
        VPpli = light_state[i].position.xyz - p_eye.xyz;
        if(light_state[i].compute_distance_attenuation)// 计算衰减
            // compute distance attenuation
            att_dist.x = c_one;
            att_dist.z = dot(VPpli, VPpli);
            att_dist.y = sqrt(att_dist.z);
            att_factor = c_one / dot(att_dist,
        VPpli = normalize(VPpli);// 归一化
        if(light_state[i].spot_cutoff_angle < 180.0)// 计算聚光灯的半角内的光照
            // compute spot factor
            spot_factor = dot(-VPpli, light_state[i].spot_direction);
            if(spot_factor >= cos(radians(
                spot_factor = pow(spot_factor,
                spot_factor = c_zero;
            att_factor *= spot_factor;
        // directional light
        VPpli = light_state[i].position.xyz;
    if(att_factor > c_zero)
        // process lighting equation --> compute the light color
        computed_color += (light_state[i].ambient_color *
                           mat_ambient_color);// 计算环境光
        ndotl = max(c_zero, dot(n, VPpli));
        computed_color += (ndotl * light_state[i].diffuse_color *
                           mat_diffuse_color);// 计算漫反射光
        h_vec = normalize(VPpli + vec3(c_zero, c_zero, c_one));
        ndoth = dot(n, h_vec);
        if (ndoth > c_zero)// 计算镜面反射
            computed_color += (pow(ndoth,
                                   material_state.specular_exponent) *
                               material_state.specular_color *
        computed_color *= att_factor; // multiply color with
        // computed attenuation factor
        // * computed spot factor
    return computed_color;
compute_fog()// 计算雾
    float f;
    // use eye Z as approximation
    if(fog_mode == GLI_FOG_MODE_LINEAR)
        f = (fog_end - p_eye.z) / (fog_end - fog_start);
    else if(fog_mode == GLI_FOG_MODE_EXP)
        f = exp(-(p_eye.z * fog_density));
        f = (p_eye.z * fog_density);
        f = exp(-(f * f));
    f = clamp(f, c_zero, c_one);
    return f;

do_lighting()// 计算总光照
    vec4 vtx_color;
    int i, j;
    vtx_color = material_state.emissive_color +
            (mat_ambient_color * ambient_scene_color);
    j = (int)c_zero;
    for (i=(int)c_zero; i<8; i++)
        if(j >= num_lights)
        if (light_enable_state[i])
            vtx_color += lighting_equation(i);
    vtx_color.a = mat_diffuse_color.a;
    return vtx_color;

main(void)// 入口函数
    int i, j;
    // do we need to transform P
        p_eye = modelview_matrix * a_position;
        n = inv_modelview_matrix * a_normal;// 这样的model view通常需要需要求逆
        if(rescale_normal)// 如果涉及到了缩放,那么要缩放
            n = rescale_normal_factor * n;// 这样就达到了求法线矩阵的目的
        if (normalize_normal)
            n = normalize(n);
        mat_ambient_color = enable_color_material ? a_color
                                                  : material_state.ambient_color;
        mat_diffuse_color = enable_color_material ? a_color
                                                  : material_state.diffuse_color;
        v_front_color = do_lighting();// 对正面执行光照
        v_back_color = v_front_color;
        // do 2-sided lighting
            n = -n;
            v_back_color = do_lighting();
        // set the default output color to be the per-vertex /
        // per-primitive color
        v_front_color = a_color;
        v_back_color = a_color;
    // do texture xforms
    v_texcoord[indx_zero] = vec4(c_zero, c_zero, c_zero, c_one);
            v_texcoord[indx_zero] = tex_matrix[indx_zero] *
            v_texcoord[indx_zero] = a_texcoord0;
    v_texcoord[indx_one] = vec4(c_zero, c_zero, c_zero, c_one);
            v_texcoord[indx_one] = tex_matrix[indx_one] * a_texcoord1;
            v_texcoord[indx_one] = a_texcoord1;
    v_ucp_factor = enable_ucp ? dot(p_eye, ucp_eqn) : c_zero;
    v_fog_factor = enable_fog ? compute_fog() : c_one;
    gl_Position = mvp_matrix * a_position;// 计算最终的位置


对用OpenGL ES 2.0实现OpenGL ES 1.1的顶点着色器的研究



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