VST1: TVirtualStringTree; //按钮公用函数,根据不同 标签tag区分, Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; //设置屏幕鼠标的形状为crhourGlass with VST1 do try Start := GetTickCount; // Start: Cardinal; case (Sender as TButton).Tag of 0: // add to root begin Count := StrToInt(NodeCountEdit.Text); RootNodeCount := Integer(RootNodeCount) + Count; //TVirtualStringTree的属性,写函数写好添加功能 end; 1: // add as child if Assigned(FocusedNode) then begin Count := StrToInt(NodeCountEdit.Text); ChildCount[FocusedNode] := Integer(ChildCount[FocusedNode]) + Count; //TVirtualStringTree的属性,写函数写好添加子项功能 Expanded[FocusedNode] := True; InvalidateToBottom(FocusedNode); end; end; Label1.Caption := Format(‘Last operation duration: %d ms‘, [GetTickCount - Start]);//计算耗时毫秒 Label3.Caption := Format(‘Nodes in tree: %d‘, [VST1.TotalCount]); finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault;//恢复光标 end; ------------------- VST1.Clear; //清除 VST1.DeleteSelectedNodes;//删除 所选择的项 VST1.TreeOptions.PaintOptions + [toShowBackground] //在子集里面添加可以显示背景图 ------------------ begin with OPD do //TOpenPictureDialog begin if Execute then begin VST1.Background.LoadFromFile(FileName); //加载背景图片,貌似bmp格式会好些 // VST1.Invalidate //隐藏背景图 end; end; end; ---------------- 通过TRadioGroup的第二个单选,巧妙地: with VST2.TreeOptions do if ThemeRadioGroup.ItemIndex = 0 then PaintOptions := PaintOptions + [toThemeAware] //添加子集 else PaintOptions := PaintOptions - [toThemeAware]; RadioGroup1.Enabled := ThemeRadioGroup.ItemIndex = 1; //巧妙地取为 boolean类型 RadioGroup2.Enabled := ThemeRadioGroup.ItemIndex = 1; --------------- TCheckImageKind = ( //定义的枚举类型 ckLightCheck, // gray cross ckDarkCheck, // black cross ckLightTick, // gray tick mark ckDarkTick, // black tick mark ckFlat, // flat images (no 3D border) ckXP, // Windows XP style ckCustom, // application defined check images ckSystem, // System defined check images. ckSystemFlat // Flat system defined check images. ); VST2.CheckImageKind := TCheckImageKind(CheckMarkCombo.ItemIndex);//通过combobox的值巧妙地取出枚举类型值并赋值给 ------------- with Sender as TCheckBox, AlignTree.Header do Options := Options + [hoShowImages];//显示图像 Options := Options + [hoVisible] //可以显示表格 头标题 [coEnabled]是否可以失效 ChangeHeaderText; //显示文字或隐藏 ---------------- 可以做像预览的效果,当页面上无法完全显示时,可以浮动显示整个字段。--有待分析。 Label显示多行字还是不错的,比Memo好看,但后者可以复制操作等。 ------------- Columns = < //设定里面的每一栏 是否可以点击或高亮显示,--有待分析。 item ImageIndex = 1 Options = [coDraggable, coEnabled, coResizable, coShowDropMark, coVisible] Position = 0 Spacing = -1 Width = 200 WideText = ‘Default drawing‘ WideHint = ‘This column is drawn entirely by the tree.‘ end