/**************************************************************************** Author : poplaryang 2014- 06 http://blog.csdn.net/u011225840 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ****************************************************************************/ #include "cocos2d.h" #include "cocos-ext.h" #include <vector> using namespace cocos2d; using namespace cocos2d::extension; #define SCROLL_DEACCEL_RATE 0.95f #define SCROLL_DEACCEL_DIST 1.0f /* abstract class the class defines that the what a cycleCell needs to do. */ class CCCycleCell :public CCNode { public: //The cell has been selected ,so you can do something with that, Like highlight or what ever you want. virtual void getSelected() = 0; //The cell must show the different view with the different index. Like, the hours within 12. virtual void updateWithIndex(unsigned int index) = 0; unsigned int getIndex(){return m_index;} protected: unsigned int m_index; }; //The moving direction enum MovingDirection { Left = 1, Right = 2, Up, Down }; //The direction that the view allowd to move, the view can't do the both like CCScrollView. enum Direction { CycleDirectionHorizontal=1, CycleDirectionVertical }; /* The view that can show the data with a cycle way.(forgive my awful English ....) Eg. The clock the view in iphone, the view will show 0 after 23,otherwise ,you move the opposite direction 23,22,21....until 0. */ class CCCycleScrollView: public CCScrollView,public CCScrollViewDelegate { public: CCCycleScrollView(); virtual ~CCCycleScrollView(); /* The background node is the background that will be show cyclely. The nodeCount is the count that every background node can hold the cycleCell. The totalCount is the count that how many different data in the cycle cell.Eg...The hour in a day ,can have the 24 totalCount. */ static CCCycleScrollView* create(std::vector<CCNode*>& background,std::vector<CCCycleCell*>& cycleCell,unsigned int nodeCount =0,unsigned int totalCount = 0,Direction direction = CycleDirectionHorizontal); /* init methods. */ bool initWithViewSize(std::vector<CCNode*>& background,std::vector<CCCycleCell*>& cycleCell,unsigned int nodeCount =0,unsigned int totalCount = 0,Direction direction = CycleDirectionHorizontal); /* TouchDelegate. */ bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); protected: //CCScrollViewDelegate virtual void scrollViewDidScroll(CCScrollView* view); virtual void scrollViewDidZoom(CCScrollView* view); virtual void scrollViewDidStop(CCScrollView* view); //The delegate must be self, so beyound the class ,anyone can't change the scrollview delegate. void setDelegate(){}; /* we should adjust the backgroundNode's position so that the view will cyclely move. */ void adjustBackgroundNode(); /* The similar functions with the CCScrollView */ void deaccelerateScrolling(float dt); /* we should relocate the view to the position where the offset must be integer to make sure that one cycle cell must be selected */ void relocateContainer(); /* find the final point where the view should be relocated */ CCPoint findEndPoint(); /* to change the index of the cycle cell */ void updateCycleCell(bool bothSide = false); //The background node that will show cyclely. CCNode* m_backgroundNodeLeft; CCNode* m_backgroundNodeMiddle; CCNode* m_backgroundNodeRight; CCSize m_backgroundNodeSize; //the last touch point CCPoint m_lastPoint; //the current touch point , use them to tell the direction that the view is moving. CCPoint m_nowPoint; //the current postionNum offset of the container,which tells the view when to adjust the backgroudnode. float m_nowPositionNum; //the last postionNum offset of the container,pay attention to the type of them,one is float and one is integer. int m_lastPositionNum; //if the backgroundnode has been adjust, the position direction includes right and up. bool m_lastPositiveDone; //the same as positive,but the direction includes left and down. bool m_lastNegtiveDone; //the direction that the view is moving. MovingDirection m_moving; //limit the direction that the view can move Direction m_direction; //if the touch can change the direction bool m_isTouchDirection; //The total index of the cycle cell unsigned int m_totalCount; //the number of the cycle cell that every background should hold unsigned int m_nodeCount; };
#include "CCCycleScrollView.h" CCCycleScrollView::CCCycleScrollView(): m_backgroundNodeLeft(NULL), m_backgroundNodeMiddle(NULL), m_backgroundNodeRight(NULL), m_lastPoint(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)), m_nowPoint(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)), m_lastPositionNum(0), m_lastPositiveDone(false), m_lastNegtiveDone(false), m_isTouchDirection(false) { } CCCycleScrollView::~CCCycleScrollView() { } bool CCCycleScrollView::initWithViewSize(std::vector<CCNode*>& background,std::vector<CCCycleCell*>& cycleCell,unsigned int nodeCount ,unsigned int totalCount ,Direction d ) { if (CCLayer::init()) { m_nodeCount = nodeCount; m_totalCount = totalCount; //initial the background node m_backgroundNodeLeft = background[0]; m_backgroundNodeLeft->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); m_backgroundNodeLeft->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)); m_backgroundNodeMiddle = background[1]; m_backgroundNodeMiddle->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); m_backgroundNodeMiddle->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)); m_backgroundNodeRight = background[2]; m_backgroundNodeRight->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); m_backgroundNodeRight->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)); m_backgroundNodeSize = m_backgroundNodeLeft->getContentSize(); if (d==CycleDirectionHorizontal) { m_backgroundNodeLeft->setPosition(ccp(-m_backgroundNodeSize.width,0.0f)); m_backgroundNodeMiddle->setPosition(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)); m_backgroundNodeRight->setPosition(ccp(m_backgroundNodeSize.width,0.0f)); m_eDirection = kCCScrollViewDirectionHorizontal; } else if(d==CycleDirectionVertical) { m_backgroundNodeLeft->setPosition(ccp(0.0f,-m_backgroundNodeSize.height)); m_backgroundNodeMiddle->setPosition(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)); m_backgroundNodeRight->setPosition(ccp(0.0f,m_backgroundNodeSize.height)); m_eDirection = kCCScrollViewDirectionVertical; } //initial the cell in every backNode. int index = 0; for (index=0;index<nodeCount*3;index++) { CCCycleCell* tempCell = cycleCell[index]; tempCell->setTag(index%nodeCount); if (m_eDirection==kCCScrollViewDirectionHorizontal) { tempCell->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)); CCPoint temp = ccp((m_backgroundNodeSize.width/nodeCount)*(index%nodeCount),0.0f); tempCell->setPosition(ccp((m_backgroundNodeSize.width/nodeCount)*(index%nodeCount),0.0f)); } else if (m_eDirection==kCCScrollViewDirectionVertical) { tempCell->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f,0.0f)); tempCell->setPosition(ccp(0.0f,(m_backgroundNodeSize.height/nodeCount)*(index%nodeCount))); } if (index/nodeCount<1) { m_backgroundNodeLeft->addChild(tempCell); } else if (index/nodeCount>=1 && index/nodeCount<2) { m_backgroundNodeMiddle->addChild(tempCell); int temp = index-(nodeCount-1); tempCell->updateWithIndex(index-(nodeCount-1)); } else { m_backgroundNodeRight->addChild(tempCell); } } updateCycleCell(true); if (!this->m_pContainer) { m_pContainer = CCLayer::create(); this->m_pContainer->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); this->m_pContainer->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f, 0.0f)); this->m_pContainer->addChild(m_backgroundNodeLeft); this->m_pContainer->addChild(m_backgroundNodeMiddle); this->m_pContainer->addChild(m_backgroundNodeRight); } this->setViewSize(CCSizeMake(m_backgroundNodeSize.width,m_backgroundNodeSize.height)); setTouchEnabled(true); m_pTouches = new CCArray(); m_bBounceable = true; m_bClippingToBounds = true; m_pContainer->setPosition(ccp(0.0f, 0.0f)); this->addChild(m_pContainer); m_direction = d; m_pDelegate = this; return true; } return false; } CCCycleScrollView* CCCycleScrollView::create(std::vector<CCNode*>& background,std::vector<CCCycleCell*>& cycleCell,unsigned int nodeCount,unsigned int totalCount ,Direction d ) { CCCycleScrollView* pRet = new CCCycleScrollView(); if (pRet && pRet->initWithViewSize(background,cycleCell,nodeCount,totalCount,d)) { pRet->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); } return pRet; } void CCCycleScrollView::ccTouchEnded( CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent ) { if (!this->isVisible()) { return; } if (m_pTouches->count()==1) { this->schedule(schedule_selector(CCCycleScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling)); } m_pTouches->removeObject(pTouch); //没有touch时,需要设置状态 if (m_pTouches->count() == 0) { m_bDragging = false; m_bTouchMoved = false; m_isTouchDirection = false; } } void CCCycleScrollView::ccTouchMoved( CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent ) { m_nowPoint = convertToWorldSpace(convertTouchToNodeSpace(pTouch)); CCScrollView::ccTouchMoved(pTouch,pEvent); } bool CCCycleScrollView::ccTouchBegan( CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent ) { bool result = CCScrollView::ccTouchBegan(pTouch,pEvent); m_lastPoint = convertToWorldSpace(convertTouchToNodeSpace(pTouch)); m_isTouchDirection = true; if (m_pTouches->count()>1) { return false; } return result; } void CCCycleScrollView::adjustBackgroundNode() { //正在向右移动 CCLog("The moving direction is %d",m_moving); CCLog("The now Num is %f",m_nowPositionNum); CCLog("The last Num is%d",m_lastPositionNum); if (m_direction==CycleDirectionHorizontal) { if (m_moving==Right) { if (m_nowPositionNum-m_lastPositionNum>0.5) { m_lastPositiveDone=true; m_lastPositionNum++; } // if (m_lastPositiveDone) { m_backgroundNodeRight->setPosition(ccp(m_backgroundNodeRight->getPositionX()-m_backgroundNodeSize.width*3,0)); CCNode* temp = m_backgroundNodeRight; m_backgroundNodeRight = m_backgroundNodeMiddle; m_backgroundNodeMiddle = m_backgroundNodeLeft; m_backgroundNodeLeft = temp; updateCycleCell(); m_lastPositiveDone = false; } } else if (m_moving==Left) { if (m_lastPositionNum-m_nowPositionNum>=0.5) { m_lastNegtiveDone=true; m_lastPositionNum--; } if (m_lastNegtiveDone) { m_backgroundNodeLeft->setPosition(ccp(m_backgroundNodeLeft->getPositionX()+m_backgroundNodeSize.width*3,0)); CCNode* temp = m_backgroundNodeLeft; m_backgroundNodeLeft = m_backgroundNodeMiddle; m_backgroundNodeMiddle = m_backgroundNodeRight; m_backgroundNodeRight = temp; updateCycleCell(); m_lastNegtiveDone=false; } } }else if (m_direction==CycleDirectionVertical) { if (m_moving==Up) { if (m_nowPositionNum-m_lastPositionNum>0.5) { m_lastPositiveDone=true; m_lastPositionNum++; } if (m_lastPositiveDone) { m_backgroundNodeRight->setPosition(ccp(0.0f,m_backgroundNodeRight->getPositionY()-m_backgroundNodeSize.height*3)); CCNode* temp = m_backgroundNodeRight; m_backgroundNodeRight = m_backgroundNodeMiddle; m_backgroundNodeMiddle = m_backgroundNodeLeft; m_backgroundNodeLeft = temp; updateCycleCell(); m_lastPositiveDone = false; } } else if (m_moving==Down) { if (m_lastPositionNum-m_nowPositionNum>=0.5) { m_lastNegtiveDone=true; m_lastPositionNum--; } if (m_lastNegtiveDone) { m_backgroundNodeLeft->setPosition(ccp(0.0f,m_backgroundNodeLeft->getPositionY()+m_backgroundNodeSize.height*3)); CCNode* temp = m_backgroundNodeLeft; m_backgroundNodeLeft = m_backgroundNodeMiddle; m_backgroundNodeMiddle = m_backgroundNodeRight; m_backgroundNodeRight = temp; updateCycleCell(); m_lastNegtiveDone=false; } } } } void CCCycleScrollView::updateCycleCell(bool bothSide) { if (m_moving==Right ||bothSide ||m_moving==Up) { CCCycleCell* cycleCell = static_cast<CCCycleCell*>(m_backgroundNodeMiddle->getChildByTag(0)); unsigned int index =cycleCell->getIndex(); index--; for (int i=m_nodeCount-1;i>=0;i--) { if (index==0) { index=m_totalCount; } ((CCCycleCell*)m_backgroundNodeLeft->getChildByTag(i))->updateWithIndex(index); index--; } } if (m_moving==Left ||bothSide ||m_moving==Down) { CCCycleCell* cycleCell = static_cast<CCCycleCell*>(m_backgroundNodeMiddle->getChildByTag(m_nodeCount-1)); unsigned int index = cycleCell->getIndex(); CCLog("The left index is %d",index); CCLog("The total count is %d",m_totalCount); index++; for (int i=0;i<m_nodeCount;i++) { if (index>m_totalCount) { index=1; CCLog("Beyond the index"); } ((CCCycleCell*)m_backgroundNodeRight->getChildByTag(i))->updateWithIndex(index); index++; } } } void CCCycleScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling(float dt) { //如果刚好在帧开始前 又有一个触摸点发生了began,造成了滚动状态,则取消并返回 if (m_bDragging) { this->unschedule(schedule_selector(CCCycleScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling)); return; } //好玩的东西来咯 float newX, newY; CCPoint maxInset, minInset; m_pContainer->setPosition(ccpAdd(m_pContainer->getPosition(), m_tScrollDistance)); newX = m_pContainer->getPosition().x; newY = m_pContainer->getPosition().y; m_tScrollDistance = ccpSub(m_tScrollDistance, ccp(newX - m_pContainer->getPosition().x, newY - m_pContainer->getPosition().y)); m_tScrollDistance = ccpMult(m_tScrollDistance, SCROLL_DEACCEL_RATE); //m_nowPoint = ccp(newX,newY); this->setContentOffset(ccp(newX,newY)); //m_isTouchDirection = false; if ((fabsf(m_tScrollDistance.x) <= SCROLL_DEACCEL_DIST && fabsf(m_tScrollDistance.y) <= SCROLL_DEACCEL_DIST)) { this->unschedule(schedule_selector(CCCycleScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling)); //CCLog("stop!!!!"); this->relocateContainer(); //m_isTouchDirection = false; } } void CCCycleScrollView::relocateContainer() { CCPoint newPoint = findEndPoint(); if (m_direction==CycleDirectionHorizontal) { m_nowPositionNum = newPoint.x / m_backgroundNodeSize.width; }else if (m_direction==CycleDirectionVertical) { m_nowPositionNum = newPoint.y / m_backgroundNodeSize.height; } this->setContentOffset(newPoint); //this->adjustBackgroundNode(); } cocos2d::CCPoint CCCycleScrollView::findEndPoint() { CCPoint nowPoint ; nowPoint.x = m_pContainer->getPositionX(); nowPoint.y = m_pContainer->getPositionY(); float adjustWidth = m_backgroundNodeSize.width/m_nodeCount; float adjustHeight = m_backgroundNodeSize.height/m_nodeCount; CCPoint newPoint =ccp(0.0f,0.0f); float interval; int inter; if (m_direction==CycleDirectionHorizontal) { interval = (nowPoint.x)/adjustWidth; inter = (int)interval; if (fabsf(interval-inter)>=0.5) { if (inter<0) { newPoint.x = adjustWidth*(inter-1); } else { newPoint.x = adjustWidth*(inter+1); } } else { newPoint.x = adjustWidth*inter; } if (newPoint.x>nowPoint.x) { m_moving = Right; } else { m_moving = Left; } }else if (m_direction==CycleDirectionVertical) { interval = (nowPoint.y)/adjustHeight; inter = (int)interval; if (fabsf(interval-inter)>=0.5) { if (inter<0) { newPoint.y = adjustHeight*(inter-1); } else { newPoint.y = adjustHeight*(inter+1); } } else { newPoint.y = adjustHeight*inter; } if (newPoint.y>nowPoint.y) { m_moving = Up; } else { m_moving = Down; } } /* CCLog("The final offset is %f",nowPoint.y); CCLog("The float is %f , the int is %d",interval,inter); CCLog("The endpoint is %f",newPoint.y); //CCLog("The adjustwidth is %f",adjustWidth); */ //CCLog("The newPoint y is %f",newPoint.y); m_lastPoint = nowPoint; m_nowPoint = newPoint; return newPoint; } void CCCycleScrollView::scrollViewDidScroll( CCScrollView* view ) { //CCLog("I am scrolling"); CCLog("The last point is %f",m_lastPoint.x); CCLog("The now point is %f",m_nowPoint.x); if (m_direction==CycleDirectionHorizontal) { if (m_isTouchDirection) { if (m_nowPoint.x>m_lastPoint.x) { m_moving = Right; m_lastPoint = m_nowPoint; } else { m_moving= Left; m_lastPoint = m_nowPoint; } } m_nowPositionNum = m_pContainer->getPositionX() / m_backgroundNodeSize.width; }else if (m_direction==CycleDirectionVertical) { if (m_isTouchDirection) { if (m_nowPoint.y>m_lastPoint.y) { m_moving = Up; m_lastPoint = m_nowPoint; } else { m_moving= Down; m_lastPoint = m_nowPoint; } } m_nowPositionNum = m_pContainer->getPositionY() / m_backgroundNodeSize.height; } adjustBackgroundNode(); } void CCCycleScrollView::scrollViewDidZoom( CCScrollView* view ) { } void CCCycleScrollView::scrollViewDidStop( CCScrollView* view ) { } void CCCycleScrollView::ccTouchCancelled( CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent ) { CCScrollView::ccTouchCancelled(pTouch,pEvent); m_isTouchDirection = false; }
class TempCell : public CCCycleCell { public: static TempCell* create() { TempCell* pRet = new TempCell(); if (pRet && pRet->initwith()) { pRet->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); } return pRet; } bool initwith() { if (CCCycleCell::init()) { label = CCLabelTTF::create(); label->setFontSize(80); label->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5,0.5)); label->setPosition(ccp(80,160)); this->setContentSize(CCSizeMake(160,320)); this->addChild(label); return true; } return false; } TempCell(){ } ~TempCell(){ } void getSelected(){ } void updateWithIndex(unsigned int index) { m_index = index; label->setString(CCString::createWithFormat("%d",index)->getCString()); } private: CCLabelTTF* label; };
CCSprite* sprite1 = CCSprite::create("HelloWorld.png"); CCSprite* sprite2 = CCSprite::create("HelloWorld.png"); CCSprite* sprite3 = CCSprite::create("HelloWorld.png"); vector<CCNode*> tempV ; tempV.push_back(sprite1); tempV.push_back(sprite2); tempV.push_back(sprite3); vector<CCCycleCell*> tempC; for (int i=0;i<9;i++) { TempCell* tempCell = TempCell::create(); tempC.push_back(tempCell); } CCCycleScrollView* cycleView = CCCycleScrollView::create(tempV,tempC,3,12,CycleDirectionHorizontal);
cocos2d-x 源码 :可以循环的CCScrollView (代码已经重构过,附使用方法),布布扣,bubuko.com
cocos2d-x 源码 :可以循环的CCScrollView (代码已经重构过,附使用方法)