标签:处理器 自己动手写cpu chisel risc-v rocket
在《Chisel实验笔记(一)》中我们得到了verilog文件,在《Chisel实验笔记(二)》中我们使用Icarus Verilog、GtkWave对的道德verilog文件进行了仿真测试,实际上,时欧诺个Chisel可以得到对应的C++文件,从而可以直接进行仿真,本文就介绍产生C++文件,进行测试的实验过程。
import Chisel._ class Max2 extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val in0 = UInt(INPUT, 8) val in1 = UInt(INPUT, 8) val out = UInt(OUTPUT, 8) } io.out := Mux(io.in0 > io.in1, io.in0, io.in1) } class Max2Tests(c: Max2) extends Tester(c) { for (i <- 0 until 10) { // FILL THIS IN HERE val in0 = rnd.nextInt(1 << 8) val in1 = rnd.nextInt(1 << 8) poke(c.io.in0, in0) poke(c.io.in1, in1) // FILL THIS IN HERE step(1) expect(c.io.out, if(in0 > in1) in0 else in1) } } object max2 { def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit={ val margs=Array("--backend","c","--genHarness","--compile","--test") chiselMainTest(margs, () => Module(new Max2())){c => new Max2Tests(c)} } }相比《Chisel实验笔记(一)》中的Max2.scala代码,其中增加了Max2Tests类,这是专门用来测试的,相当于verilog中的testbench,在这个Max2Test类中,进行了10次循环,每次测试,都随机得到两个8位的数,使用poke将这两个随机数分别赋值给Max2的in0、in1,然后使用expect判断Max2的输出out是否是是in0、in1中较大的那个值。
> run [info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /home/riscv/Documents/chisel_max/target/scala-2.10/classes... [warn] there were 8 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details [warn] one warning found [info] Running max2 CPP elaborate [info] [0.025] // COMPILING < (class Max2)>(0) [info] [0.028] giving names [info] [0.034] executing custom transforms [info] [0.034] adding clocks and resets [info] [0.038] inferring widths [info] [0.042] checking widths [info] [0.043] lowering complex nodes to primitives [info] [0.043] removing type nodes [info] [0.043] compiling 5 nodes [info] [0.044] computing memory ports [info] [0.044] resolving nodes to the components [info] [0.049] creating clock domains [info] [0.050] pruning unconnected IOs [info] [0.051] checking for combinational loops [info] [0.052] NO COMBINATIONAL LOOP FOUND [info] [0.058] populating clock domains CppBackend::elaborate: need 0, redundant 0 shadow registers [info] [0.067] generating cpp files CppBackend: createCppFile Max2.cpp [info] [1.729] g++ -c -o ./Max2-emulator.o -I../ -Inull/csrc/ ./Max2-emulator.cpp RET 0 [info] [2.155] g++ -c -o ./Max2.o -I../ -Inull/csrc/ ./Max2.cpp RET 0 [info] [2.302] g++ -o ./Max2 ./Max2.o ./Max2-emulator.o RET 0 SEED 1432871199400 STARTING ./Max2 RESET 5 POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0x6b POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0x99 STEP 1 -> 1 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0x99 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 153 == 153 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0xc POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0xa7 STEP 1 -> 2 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0xa7 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 167 == 167 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0x51 POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0x80 STEP 1 -> 3 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0x80 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 128 == 128 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0xc7 POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0x8f STEP 1 -> 4 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0xc7 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 199 == 199 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0x21 POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0x60 STEP 1 -> 5 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0x60 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 96 == 96 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0xd6 POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0xaf STEP 1 -> 6 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0xd6 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 214 == 214 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0x96 POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0x98 STEP 1 -> 7 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0x98 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 152 == 152 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0xa4 POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0x6b STEP 1 -> 8 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0xa4 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 164 == 164 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0xe6 POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0x6c STEP 1 -> 9 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0xe6 EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 230 == 230 PASS POKE Max2.io_in0 <- 0x7b POKE Max2.io_in1 <- 0x3c STEP 1 -> 10 PEEK Max2.io_out -> 0x7b EXPECT Max2.io_out <- 123 == 123 PASS RAN 10 CYCLES PASSED PASSED [success] Total time: 3 s, completed May 29, 2015 11:46:41 AM
标签:处理器 自己动手写cpu chisel risc-v rocket