import javax.swing.table.*;
* Adapt a collection of rockets for display in a JTable.
* @author Steven J. Metsker
public class RocketTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
protected Rocket[] rockets;
protected String[] columnNames = new String[] { "Name", "Price", "Apogee" };
* Construct a rocket table from an array of rockets.
* @param rockets
* an array of rockets
public RocketTableModel(Rocket[] rockets) {
this.rockets = rockets;
* @return the number of columns in this table.
public int getColumnCount() {
return columnNames.length;
* @param index
* which column is interesting
* @return the name of the indicated column
public String getColumnName(int i) {
return columnNames[i];
* @return the number of rows in this table.
public int getRowCount() {
return rockets.length;
* @param row
* which row is interesting
* @param col
* which column is interesting
* @return the value at the indicated row and column.
public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
switch (col) {
case 0:
return rockets[row].getName();
case 1:
return rockets[row].getPrice();
case 2:
return new Double(rockets[row].getApogee());
return null;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Font;
import javax.swing.*;
public class ShowRocketTable {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JTable table = new JTable(getRocketTable());
JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(table);
pane.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(300, 100));
display(pane, " Rockets");
public static void display(Component c, String title) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame(title);
private static RocketTableModel getRocketTable() {
Rocket r1 = new Rocket("Shooter", 1.0, new Dollars(3.95), 50.0, 4.5);
Rocket r2 = new Rocket("Orbit", 2.0, new Dollars(29.03), 5000, 3.2);
return new RocketTableModel(new Rocket[] { r1, r2 });
private static void setFonts() {
Font font = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18);
UIManager.put("Table.font", font);
UIManager.put("TableHeader.font", font);
public class Dollars {
public static final Dollars cent = new Dollars(0.01);
static final int CENTS_PER_DOLLAR = 100;
long cents;
public Dollars(double value) {
this.cents = Math.round(value * CENTS_PER_DOLLAR);
public boolean isZero() {
return cents == 0;
public Dollars plus(Dollars that) {
return new Dollars(1.0 * (this.cents + that.cents) / CENTS_PER_DOLLAR);
public Dollars times(int multiplier) {
return new Dollars((this.cents * multiplier) / CENTS_PER_DOLLAR);
public Dollars dividedBy(int divisor) {
double newCents = (1.0 * cents / divisor) / CENTS_PER_DOLLAR;
return new Dollars(newCents);
public double dividedBy(Dollars that) {
return (1.0 * this.cents) / that.cents;
public boolean isLessThan(Dollars that) {
return this.cents < that.cents;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("$");
long dollars = cents / CENTS_PER_DOLLAR;
long pennies = cents % CENTS_PER_DOLLAR;
if (pennies < 10) result.append(‘0‘);
return result.toString();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!obj.getClass().equals(this.getClass()))
return false;
Dollars that = (Dollars) obj;
return this.cents == that.cents;
public int hashCode() {
return (int) cents;
public long asCents() {
return cents;
public class Rocket extends Firework {
private double apogee;
private double thrust;
* Allow creation of empty objects to support reconstruction from persistent
* store.
public Rocket() {
* Create a rocket with all its expected properties. See the superclass for
* descriptions of other parameters
* @param apogee
* The height (in meters) that the rocket is expected to reach
* @param thrust
* The rated thrust (or force, in newtons) of this rocket
public Rocket(String name, double mass, Dollars price, double apogee,
double thrust) {
super(name, mass, price);
* The height (in meters) that the rocket is expected to reach.
public double getApogee() {
return apogee;
public void setApogee(double value) {
apogee = value;
* The rated thrust (or force, in newtons) of this rocket.
public double getThrust() {
return thrust;
public void setThrust(double value) {
thrust = value;
public class Firework {
* @return a firework of the given name. This method supports a "Strategy"
* example, but it isn‘t really implemented.
* @param name
* a name to lookup
public static Firework lookup(String name) {
return new Firework(name, 9.0, new Dollars(3));
* @return a random firework from our shelves. This method is not actually
* implemented -- it‘s here as part of a "Strategy" example.
public static Firework getRandom() {
return new Firework("Random firework", 10.0, new Dollars(15));
private String name;
private double mass;
private Dollars price;
* Allow creation of empty objects to support reconstruction from persistent
* store.
public Firework() {
public Firework(String name, double mass, Dollars price) {
* The unique name of this type of firework
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String value) {
name = value;
* The mass, in kilograms, of one instance of this type
public double getMass() {
return mass;
public void setMass(double value) {
mass = value;
* The price (in dollars) of one instance of this type
public Dollars getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(Dollars value) {
price = value;
* @return a textual representation of this firework.
public String toString() {
return getName();