如果想了解activemq更详细的启动脚本可以回顾Unix shell脚本和ActiveMQ命令行工具参考
Typing the following will run an ActiveMQ Broker using the out of the box configuration in the foreground
bin/activemq console (译者注:在最新的5.11.1版本中要根据本机操作系统的情况进入对应的目录来才能这个命令,比如我的电脑是64位的win8,则输入以下命令: bin/win64/activemq console
You can then use a Broker Configuration URI to specify how to start and configure your broker using a single URI. For example
bin/activemq console broker:(tcp://localhost:61616,network:static:tcp://remotehost:61616)?persistent=false&useJmx=true
或者你也可以根据需要使用xml配置文件以XBean URI的方式定制消息中间件的启动配置。比如你可以启动一个消息中间并指定对应的xml配置文件:
bin/activemq console xbean:foo.xml
Or you can use a Broker Properties URI to customize the Message Broker using a properties file; which avoids the dependency on Spring, xbean-spring and XML.
或者你也可以使用properties文件的方式以Properties URI的方式;这样也可以避免对Spring,xbean-spring以及xml的依赖。
bin/activemq console properties:foo.propertie
You can monitor ActiveMQ using the Web Console by pointing your browser at
注:在ActiveMQ5.8以后这个web控制台会弹出一个窗口让用户输入用户名密码。 默认的用户名密码为 admin/admin。你可以在conf/jetty-realm.properties文件中修改默认的用户名密码。
See the source code (or WAR) of the Web Console for an example of how to run the broker inside a web application using Spring.
Whether its Apache Geronmio, JBoss, WebLogic or some other J2EE container you should be able to just reconfigure and then deploy the activemq-*.rar which is included in the binary distribution as a deployment unit in your app server. By default the rar is not configured to start an embedded broker. But by setting the brokerXmlConfig on the resource adapter configuration, the resource adapter will start an embedded broker.
For more details see J2EE
From the latest checkout of the code you can run a broker using the ActiveMQ Performance Plugin