As the name suggests this custom variable allows marketers to track the source that is sending the visits. If you have partnered with a website then you can track visits from the website using
Points to remember for utm_source
In the above example, F1gmat is different from F1GMAT
This variable is used to track the advertising medium like email, Banner Ad or Pay per Click Ads.
Points to remember for utm_medium
For example, in the above case, let us assume that we are tracking visits from F1GMAT’s Email newsletter then the tracking url will be: http://www.bytefive.com?utm_source=F1GMAT&utm_medium=email
This variable is used to track a campaign at a higher level. Let us say that you want to track the campaigns of “X” Business School from F1GMAT, we can use the name of the Business School like: http://www.bytefive.com?utm_source=F1GMAT&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=X
Points to remember for utm_campaign
Please note that the above three custom variables (utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign) are mandatory when you are creating custom urls. The order of the usage is not important. There are two more optional Google Analytics custom campaign variables:
For example: In your newsletter if you are doing A/B testing where the first version has the Link with the call to action “Sign Up Now” and the second version has the link with the call to action “Sign Up”. To differentiate and track which call to action is more effective, we can use the custom variable in the newsletter as: Version 1 http://www.bytefive.com?utm_source=F1GMAT&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=X&utm_content=SignUpNow
Version 2
To make things easier for you, Google has provided a URL Builder