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时间:2015-06-02 00:16:10      阅读:182      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


1.行转列:有两种写法,一种是case when end写法,另一种写法是pivot(oracle 11g新增)

select job,
          sum(case deptno when 10 then sal end) as sal10,
          sum(case deptno when 20 then sal end) as sal20,
          sum(case deptno when 30 then sal end) as sal30,
          sum(sal) as allsal
from emp
group by job
order by 1;
select *  
from (select job,sal,deptno from emp)
pivot(sum(sal) as s for deptno in(10 as d10,20,30 as d30))
order by 1;

pivot的维护比case when end简洁,当增加一个统计属性时,只需增加一个sum函数。

pivot一次只能实现一个属性的行专列,多个属性的行转列只能采用case when end

执行计划:pivot在执行时,还是被翻译成了case when end.

2.列转行:有两种写法,一种是union all,另一种是unpivot分析函数

select10as deptno, deptno_10_ct as rc from test
union all
select 20 as deptno, deptno_20_ct as rc from test
select * from test
unpivot (rc for deptno in(deptno_10_ct,deptno_20_ct));

union all 的执行计划显示需要两次全表扫描,而unpivot则只需一次


select deptno,rc.sal
from test
unpivot include null(rc for deptno in(deptno_10_ct as 10,deptno_20_ct as 20))
unpivot include null(sal for deptno1 in(deptno_10_s as 10,deptno_20_s as 20))
where deptno =deptno1;

需要注意:unpivot转置的列属性要一致;include null是当遇到空值时也转置,xxx for col in 默认所有列。


select case when lag(job) over(order by job,ename)=job then null else job end as fjob,ename as fename
from emp1
where deptno=20
order by job,ename

注意order by优先使用select 中别名.


select ntile(3) over(order by empno) as g,empno,ename,job
from emp
where job in (MANAGER,CLERK);


select deptno,job,sum(sal)
from emp
group by rollup((deptno,job));

采用group by的一个扩展 rollup函数。


select case grouping(deptno) when 1 then 总计  else to_char(deptno) end as code,
          case when grouping(deptno)=1 then null when grouping(job)=1 then 小计 else job end as gz,
          case when grouping(job)=1 then null when grouping(mgr)=1 then 小小计 else to_char(mgr) end as mmgr,
          max(case when empno in(7788,7654,7902) then empno end) as max_empno,
          sum(sal) as salsum
from emp1
group by rollup((deptno,job,mgr));

分组后,实现数据的立方上下钻取,可以采用cube分析函数,也是group by的一个扩充

select case grouping(deptno)|| grouping(job)
          when 00 then gdepjob
          when 10 then gdep
          when 01 then gjob
          when 11 then gall end as gelem,
         deptno,job,sum(sal) as allsal
from emp
group by cube(deptno,job)
order by grouping(job) desc,grouping(deptno)desc, deptno asc;


select ename,sal,
          sum(sal) over(order by sal) as sal1,
          sum(sal) over(order by sal range between unbounded preceding and current row) as sal2,
          sum(sal) over(order by sal rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as sal3,
          sum(sal) over() as sal4,
          sum(sal) over(order by sal range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as sal5,
          sum(sal) over(order by sal rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as sal6
from emp
where deptno =30;


with l as
(select level as lv from dual connect by level<=9),
m as 
(select a.lv as alv,b.lv as blv,
           to_char(b.lv)|| x|| to_char(a.lv)|| = || rpad(to_char(a.lv*b.lv),2, ) as text
  from l a,l b
  where b.lv<=a.lv)
select listagg(m.text,  ) within GROUP(order by m.blv) as 小九九
from m
group by m.alv;




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