This problem is similar to the one Best time to sell and buy stock. To maximize the profit, in each time interval [a, b]
, we choose day i
such that prices[i]
is the local minimum ofprices[a..b]
and day j
such that prices[j]
is the local maximum of prices[a..b]
. Then the max profit in interval [a, b]
is prices[j] - prices[i]
if j > i
or simply 0 otherwise.
Suppose we are given n days [1..n]
, we need to find the first local minimum (supposed to bebuy
) and the first local maximum (called sell
), then if buy < sell
, the transaction is valid and we earn the profit, after which we update both buy and sell to be the starting point of the next interval sell + 1
. Otherwise if buy > sell
, we need to update sell to be at least buy + 1
(updating sell to buy is meaningless since it will give profit of 0, which can be handled by initializing max_profit
to be 0).
Well, now comes the following code, with comments.
1 int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) { 2 int max_profit = 0, buy = 0, sell = 0; 3 while (buy < prices.size() && sell < prices.size()) { 4 if (buy < prices.size() - 1 && prices[buy] > prices[buy + 1]) buy++; // move buy to local minimum 5 else if (sell < prices.size() - 1 && prices[sell] < prices[sell + 1]) sell++; // move sell to local maximum 6 else 7 if (buy < sell){ 8 // the transaction is valid, take it and update buy and sell to be the starting point of the next interval 9 max_profit += prices[sell] - prices[buy]; 10 buy = ++sell; 11 } 12 else sell = buy + 1; // the date to sell need to be after the day to buy 13 } 14 return max_profit; 15 }
[LeetCode] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II