Chapter01. Getting Started with Entity Framework / 实体框架入门
1-1. A Brief Tour of the Entity Framework World / 简单浏览实体框架世界 goto
1-2. Using Entity Framework / 使用实体框架
Chapter02. Entity Data Modeling Fundamentals / 实体数据建模基础
2-1. Creating a Simple Model
2-2. Creating a Model from an Existing Database
2-3. Modeling a Many-to-Many Relationship with No Payload
2-4. Modeling a Many-to-Many Relationship with a Payload
2-5. Modeling a Self-Referencing Relationship with a Code-First Approach
2-6. Splitting an Entity Among Multiple Tables
2-7. Splitting a Table Among Multiple Entities
2-8. Modeling Table per Type Inheritance
2-9. Using Conditions to Filter an ObjectSet
2-10. Modeling Table per Hierarchy Inheritance
2-11. Modeling Is-a and Has-a Relationships Between Two Entities
2-12. Creating, Modifying, and Mapping Complex Types
Chapter03. Querying an Entity Data Model / 查询实体数据模型
Chapter04. Using Entity Framework in ASP.NET / 在ASP.NET MVC中使用实体框架
Chapter05. Loading Entities and Navigation Properties / 加载实体和导航属性
Chapter06. Beyond the Basics with Modeling and Inheritance / 建模与继承进阶
Chapter07. Working with Object Services / 应用对象服务
Chapter08. Plain Old CLR Objects / 简单对象(POCO)
Chapter09. Using the Entity Framework in N-Tier Applications / 在N层框架程序中使用实体框架
Chapter10. Stored Procedures / 存储过程
Chapter11. Functions / 函数
Chapter12. Customizing Entity Framework Objects / 自定义实体对象
Chapter13. Improving Performance / 性能优化
Chapter14. Concurrency / 并发
Entity Framework 6 Recipes 2nd Edition(目录索引)