标签:style class http tar ext color
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 $fontSize: 12px; body{ font-size:$fontSize; } /* 测试注释 */ $side : left; .rounded { border-#{$side}-radius: 5px; }
注释的问题,sass有两种注释方式,一种是标准的css注释方式/* */,另一种则是//双斜杆形式的单行注释,不过这种单行注释不会被转译出来。
@import "reset.css"; @import "a"; p{ background: #0982c1; }
sass使用PHP风格的$开头的变量命名风格,使用ruby风格#{ }占位符
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 $borderDirection: top !default; $fontSize: 12px !default; $baseLineHeight: 1.5 !default; //应用于class和属性 .border-#{$borderDirection}{ border-#{$borderDirection}:1px solid #ccc; } //应用于复杂的属性值 body{ font:#{$fontSize}/#{$baseLineHeight}; } $base: ".module"; #{$base} { {$base}-something { background: red; } } //------------------------------- .border-top { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; } body { font: 12px/1.5; } .module.module-something { background: red; }
$baseLineHeight: 2; $baseLineHeight: 1.5 !default; body{ line-height: $baseLineHeight; } //------------------------------- body{ line-height:2; }
//一维数组 $array: 5px 10px 20px 30px; //二维数组 $array2: 5px 10px, 20px 30px; $array3: (5px 10px) (20px 30px);
$linkColor: #08c #333 #ccc; a{ color:nth($linkColor,1); &:hover{ color:nth($linkColor,2); } } //css style //------------------------------- a{ color:#08c; } a:hover{ color:#333; }
join($list1, $list2, $separator:auto) //合并两个数组 join(10px 20px, 30px 40px) => 10px 20px 30px 40px join((blue, red), (#abc, #def)) => blue, red, #abc, #def join(10px, 20px) => 10px 20px join(10px, 20px, comma) => 10px, 20px join((blue, red), (#abc, #def), space) => blue red #abc #def index($list, $value) //取得目标在数组的位置,以1开始 index(1px solid red, solid) => 2 index(1px solid red, dashed) => null index((width: 10px, height: 20px), (height 20px)) => 2 length($list) //取得数组的长度 length(10px) => 1 length(10px 20px 30px) => 3 length((width: 10px, height: 20px)) => 2 list_separator($list) //取得数组的分隔符 list-separator(1px 2px 3px) => space list-separator(1px, 2px, 3px) => comma list-separator(‘foo‘) => space nth($list, $n) //取得数组在某一位置上的元素 nth(10px 20px 30px, 1) => 10px nth((Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif), 3) => sans-serif nth((width: 10px, length: 20px), 2) => length, 20px
$heading: (h1: 2em, h2: 1.5em, h3: 1.2em);
map-get //取得对象的某一属性的值 map-get(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "foo") => 1 map-get(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "bar") => 2 map-get(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "baz") => null map-remove($map, $key) //删掉某一键值对 map-remove(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "bar") => ("foo": 1) map-remove(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "baz") => ("foo": 1, "bar": 2) map-keys($map) //取得它的所有属性名,以数组形式返回 map-keys(("foo": 1, "bar": 2)) => "foo", "bar" map-values($map) //取得它的所有属性值,以数组形式返回 map-values(("foo": 1, "bar": 2)) => 1, 2 map-values(("foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 1)) => 1, 2, 1 map-has-key($map, $key) //判定它是否拥有某一个属性 map-has-key(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "foo") => true map-has-key(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "baz") => false map-merge($map1, $map2) //合并两个对象 map-merge(("foo": 1), ("bar": 2)) => ("foo": 1, "bar": 2) map-merge(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), ("bar": 3)) => ("foo": 1, "bar": 3)
流程控制: @if,@else, @for,@each和@while
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 $boolean: true !default; @mixin simple-mixin { @if $boolean { display: block; } @else { display: none; } } .some-selector { @include simple-mixin; } //------------------------------ .some-selector { display: block; }
@if $width != auto { $width: if(unitless($width), $width + px, $width); }
@for有两种形式, @for xxx form yyy through zzz或@for xxx form yyy to zzz,需要用户指定开始值与结束值,它们都应该是数字。
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 $name: for !default; //相当于JS的 for(var $i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++){} @for $i from 1 through 4 { .#{$name}-#{$i}{ width: 60px + $i; } } //------------------------------ .for-1 { width: 61px; } .for-2 { width: 62px; } .for-3 { width: 63px; } .for-4 { width: 64px; }
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 $name: for !default; //相当于JS的 for(var $i = 1; $i < 4; $i++){} @for $i from 1 to 4 { .#{$name}-#{$i}{ width: 60px + $i; } } //------------------------------ .for-1 { width: 61px; } .for-2 { width: 62px; } .for-3 { width: 63px; }
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 $name: for !default; //由于开始值大于结束值,因此是递减,相当于for(var $e = 5; $e >= 1; $e--){} @for $e from 5 through 1 { .#{$name}-#{$e}{ width: 60px + $e; } } //------------------------------ .for-5 { width: 65px; } .for-4 { width: 64px; } .for-3 { width: 63px; } .for-2 { width: 62px; } .for-1 { width: 61px; }
@each 是用于遍历数组与对象的。
如果是遍历数组, @each跟着的是元素的变量名,随便起,接着是in,最后是数组名。
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 $list: adam john wynn mason kuroir; @mixin author-images { @each $author in $list { .photo-#{$author} { background: url("/images/avatars/#{$author}.png") no-repeat; } } } .author-bio { @include author-images; } //------------------------------ .author-bio .photo-adam { background: url("/images/avatars/adam.png") no-repeat; } .author-bio .photo-john { background: url("/images/avatars/john.png") no-repeat; } .author-bio .photo-wynn { background: url("/images/avatars/wynn.png") no-repeat; } .author-bio .photo-mason { background: url("/images/avatars/mason.png") no-repeat; } .author-bio .photo-kuroir { background: url("/images/avatars/kuroir.png") no-repeat; }
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 @each $key, $val in (h1: 2em, h2: 1.5em, h3: 1.2em) { #{$key} { font-size: $val; } } //------------------------------ h1 { font-size: 2em; } h2 { font-size: 1.5em; } h3 { font-size: 1.2em; }
@charset "utf-8";//必须设置了这个才能编译有中文的注释 $types: 4; $type-width: 20px; @while $types > 0 { .while-#{$types} { width: $type-width + $types; } $types: $types - 1; } //------------------------------ .while-4 { width: 24px; } .while-3 { width: 23px; } .while-2 { width: 22px; } .while-1 { width: 21px; }
to be continue...
标签:style class http tar ext color