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未用SQL CTE and case when:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_rptDropboxBatchSummary1] @DataSource varchar(10)=‘ALL‘, @BatchNum varchar(8)=‘ALL‘, @CurrentProcess varchar(10)=‘ALL‘ AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; --select * from PVBatch --select * from pvitem --0.set the source table select IDENTITY(int,1,1) as id,DataSourceID,BatchNum,CurrentProcess,BatchStatus,TotalChequeCount,0 as RejectChequeCount,0 as AcceptChequeCount, 0 as HostPostedCount,convert(varchar(10),‘‘) as SplitBatchNum,Currencycode,0 as SplitBatchAcceptCount,convert(decimal(18,2), 0) as SplitBatchClearingChqAmt,Extracted into #temp_RptBatchs from PVBatch with(nolock) where 1=1 --where (DataSourceID=@DataSource or @DataSource=‘ALL‘) --and (BatchNum=@BatchNum or @BatchNum=‘ALL‘) --and (CurrentProcess=@CurrentProcess or @CurrentProcess=‘ALL‘) --1.get the conditon data from PVItem select i.BatchNum,i.CurrencyCode,ItemStatus,HostPostStatus,isnull(ClearingChqAmt,0) as ClearingChqAmt,b.Extracted into #temp_batchItems from PVItem i with(nolock) join PVBatch b on i.batchnum=b.batchnum where ItemType=‘C‘ and i.batchnum in (select batchnum from #temp_RptBatchs) --2.get the RejectChequeCount and AcceptChequeCount and HostPostedCount --3.set the RejectChequeCount update a set a.RejectChequeCount=b.Rcount from #temp_RptBatchs a, (select count(*) as Rcount,batchnum from #temp_batchItems where itemstatus=‘Reject‘ group by batchnum) b where a.batchnum=b.batchnum --4.get the AcceptChequeCount --5.set the AcceptChequeCount update a set a.AcceptChequeCount=b.Rcount from #temp_RptBatchs a, (select count(*) as Rcount,batchnum from #temp_batchItems where itemstatus=‘Accept‘ group by batchnum) b where a.batchnum=b.batchnum --6.get the HostPostedCount --7.set the HostPostedCount update a set a.HostPostedCount=b.Rcount from #temp_RptBatchs a, (select count(*) as Rcount,batchnum from #temp_batchItems where HostPostStatus=‘P‘ group by batchnum) b where a.batchnum=b.batchnum --8.to get the split batch table group by the currency code select batchNum,batchNum as SplitBatchNum,CurrencyCode,sum(ClearingChqAmt) as SplitClearingChqAmt,0 as SplitBatchAcceptCount,Extracted into #temp_SplitBatch from #temp_batchItems group by CurrencyCode,batchNum,Extracted --9.set the SplitBatchAcceptCount update a set a.SplitBatchAcceptCount=b.AcceptCurrency from (select batchNum,count(itemstatus) as AcceptCurrency,CurrencyCode from #temp_batchItems where itemstatus=‘Accept‘ group by CurrencyCode,batchNum) as b,#temp_SplitBatch a where a.batchnum=b.batchnum and a.CurrencyCode=b.CurrencyCode --10.process the splitbatchnum(120001 --> 130001 (HKD)140001 (USD)150001 (CNY) update the back fifth) update #temp_SplitBatch set splitbatchnum=left(splitbatchnum,len(splitbatchnum)-5)+‘3‘+right(splitbatchnum,4) where currencycode=‘HKD‘ and (Extracted=‘Y‘ or Extracted=‘P‘) update #temp_SplitBatch set splitbatchnum=left(splitbatchnum,len(splitbatchnum)-5)+‘4‘+right(splitbatchnum,4) where currencycode=‘USD‘ and (Extracted=‘Y‘ or Extracted=‘P‘) update #temp_SplitBatch set splitbatchnum=left(splitbatchnum,len(splitbatchnum)-5)+‘5‘+right(splitbatchnum,4) where currencycode=‘CNY‘ and (Extracted=‘Y‘ or Extracted=‘P‘) --11.update and insert the split data into the Rpt table --select * from #temp_RptBatchs --select * from #temp_SplitBatch Select * from #temp_RptBatchs left join #temp_SplitBatch on #temp_RptBatchs.BatchNum = #temp_SplitBatch.BatchNum drop table #temp_RptBatchs drop table #temp_batchItems drop table #temp_SplitBatch END
使用SQL CTE and case when:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_rptDropboxBatchSummary] @DataSource varchar(10)=‘ALL‘, @BatchNum varchar(8)=‘ALL‘, @CurrentProcess varchar(10)=‘ALL‘ AS BEGIN IF @DataSource=‘ALL‘ Begin Set @DataSource=‘0‘ End ;With Batch as( select DataSourceID,PVBatch.BatchNum,CurrentProcess,BatchStatus,TotalChequeCount,Extracted,currencycode from PVBatch where (DataSourceID=@DataSource or @DataSource=‘0‘) and (isnull(@BatchNum,‘‘)=‘‘ or BatchNum=@BatchNum or @BatchNum=‘ALL‘) and (CurrentProcess=@CurrentProcess or @CurrentProcess=‘ALL‘) ), Item as( select BatchNum ,Sum(Case When itemstatus=‘Reject‘ Then 1 Else 0 End) as RejectCount ,Sum(Case When itemstatus=‘Accept‘ Then 1 Else 0 End) as AcceptCount ,Sum(Case When HostPostStatus=‘P‘ Then 1 Else 0 End) as HostPostCount from PVITem Group By BatchNum ), PItem as( select PVBatch.BatchNum ,PVITem.currencycode,PVBatch.Extracted, sum(ClearingChqAmt) as SplitClearingChqAmt , Case When PVITem.currencycode=‘HKD‘ and (PVBatch.Extracted=‘Y‘ or PVBatch.Extracted=‘P‘) Then left(PVBatch.BatchNum,len(PVBatch.BatchNum)-5)+‘3‘+right(PVBatch.BatchNum,4) When PVITem.currencycode=‘USD‘ and (PVBatch.Extracted=‘Y‘ or PVBatch.Extracted=‘P‘) Then left(PVBatch.BatchNum,len(PVBatch.BatchNum)-5)+‘4‘+right(PVBatch.BatchNum,4) When PVITem.currencycode=‘CNY‘ and (PVBatch.Extracted=‘Y‘ or PVBatch.Extracted=‘P‘) Then left(PVBatch.BatchNum,len(PVBatch.BatchNum)-5)+‘5‘+right(PVBatch.BatchNum,4) else PVBatch.BatchNum End as SplitBatchNum ,Sum(Case When itemstatus=‘Accept‘ then 1 else 0 end) as SplitAcceptCount from PVBatch Left join PVITem on PVBatch.BatchNum = PVItem.BatchNum where (PVBatch.DataSourceID=@DataSource or @DataSource=‘0‘) and (@BatchNum=‘ALL‘ or PVBatch.BatchNum=@BatchNum or isnull(@BatchNum,‘‘)=‘‘) and (PVBatch.CurrentProcess=@CurrentProcess or @CurrentProcess=‘ALL‘) Group By PVBatch.BatchNum,PVITem.currencycode,PVBatch.Extracted ) select Batch.*, IsNull(Item.RejectCount,0) RejectCount, IsNull(Item.AcceptCount,0) AcceptCount, IsNull(Item.HostPostCount,0) HostPostCount , Isnull(PITem.currencycode, Batch.currencycode) currencycode, Isnull(PITem.SplitClearingChqAmt,0) SplitClearingChqAmt,PITem.SplitAcceptCount, PItem.SplitBatchNum , Case When row_number() over( PARTITION BY Batch. BatchNum order by SplitBatchNum) = 1 then 0 else 1 end groupflag from Batch Left join Item on Batch. BatchNum = ITem. BatchNum Left join PITem on Batch. BatchNum = PITem.BatchNum order by Batch. BatchNum,PItem.SplitBatchNum End
存储过程使用CTE 和 case when,布布扣,bubuko.com
标签:style class blog code http ext