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Load a new color palette in LibreOffice

时间:2014-06-24 13:58:41      阅读:216      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:des   cWeb   style   class   tar   ext   

The list of colors used in LibreOffice has already been defined in “Options=>Colors”, which is loaded from the file /home/orlando/.config/libreoffice/4/user/config/standard.soc (the file extension soc may be abbreviation for StarOffice Color). If a new color palette is to be used, of course, we can replace standard.soc with another one. There is also an alternative, via which we can use a new color palette dynamically. In any of the LibreOffice component programs, we should first create a shape, right-click on it and select “Area”. In the “Area” dialog, select “Colors” tab. We can then either load a new color palette or save the current one for it may be modified by us and needs to be saved. This is shown in the following figure:


In LibreOffice Draw, less procedures are required: there is no need to create the shape, the “Area” dialog can directly be open by clicking “Format=>Area”. Besides additonal color palettes provided by LibreOffice, there are also good ones on the internet, for example:

Sorted standard colors:


Standard colors used in LibreOffice 3:


A complete list of colors with meaningful names:


Similar to this working mode, other object style definitions can also be stored and loaded. They are listed as follows:

  • Dashed line types

    • Standard style file name: standard.sod

    • Configuration dialog: “Line=>Line Styles”

  • Arrow types

    • Standard style file name: standard.soe

    • Configuration dialog: “Line=>Arrow Styles”

  • Gradient types

    • Standard style file name: standard.sog

    • Configuration dialog: “Area=>Gradients”

  • Hatch types

    • Standard style file name: standard.soh

    • Configuration dialog: “Area=>Hatching”

  • Bigmap types

    • Standard style file name: standard.sob

    • Configuration dialog: “Area=>Bitmaps”

Load a new color palette in LibreOffice,布布扣,bubuko.com

Load a new color palette in LibreOffice

标签:des   cWeb   style   class   tar   ext   


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