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据此,我们不会过多地讨论 Command Design Pattern的理论而关于命令模式的理论都引自于GOF。我们希望能从应用中吸收甚至升华模式中的精粹。
命令模式(Command Pattern):将一个请求封装为一个对象,从而使我们可用不同的请求对客户进行参数化;对请求排队或者记录请求日志,以及支持可撤销的操作。命令模式又称为动作(Action)模式或事务(Transaction)模式。
Command Pattern: Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests,queue or log requests,and support undoable operations.
public interface ICommand { void Execute(object parameters=null); }
parameters - 可选参数,可作为执行命令时的参数或作为在命令间传递的上下文对象
public abstract class CommandBase<TReceiver>:ICommand where TReceiver:class { public TReceiver Receiver{ get; private set;} public CommandBase(){ Receiver=null; } public CommandBase(TReceiver receiver) { this.Receiver=receiver; } public abstract void Execute(object parameters=null); }
我们可以为Command对象增加IErrorHandler错误处理的接口,这样可以在多命令执行时当命令的执行出现异常可以及时阻断或记录异常信息。一般由 Invoker 调用
public interface IErrorHandler { void OnError(Exception e); }
public interface ICanUndo { void Undo(); }
public class Command<TReceiver>:ICommand,ICanUndo,IErrorHandler where TReceiver:class { protected object Receiver {get;private set;} public Command(){ this.Receiver=null; } public Command(TReceiver receiver) { this.Receiver=receiver; } public Command(TReceiver receiver,Action<object> executionHandler):this(receiver) { this.ExecutionHandler=executionHandler; } public Command(TReceiver receiver,Action<object> executionHandler,Action<Exception> errorHandler):this(receiver,executionHandler) { this.ErrorHandler=errorHandler; } public void Execute(object parameters=null) { if (ExecutionHandler==null) this.OnExecute(parameters); else this.ExecutionHandler(parameters); } public virtual void Undo(){} public void HandleError(Exception e) { if (ErrorHandler==null) this.OnError(e); else this.ErrorHandler(e); } public Action<object> ExecutionHandler {get;set;} public Action<Exception> ErrorHandler {get;set;} protected virtual void OnError(Exception e) {} protected virtual void OnExecute(object parameters=null){} }
在CommandBase类内我们加入了两个Action属性 ExecutionHandler 和 ErrorHandler 这样做的目的在于使命令对象能在实例化时可支持动态方法重载。这样做的好处在于可以从某程度上减少Command类,由其对于某些只起到解耦作用的简单Command只需要向Command注入方法体而不是添加一个类。
public void Main() { var receiver=new Order(); var dynamicCmd=new Command(receiver,(o)=>{ Receiver.State=1; }); ... }
如以上代码所示,此类Command实质上可能只有几行代码,这样的话就可以使用动态命令的形式,实例化Receiver和Command的同时注入 Execute 的方法代码。
Invoker 的实现决定了整个Command Design Pattern的应用方向,Invoker 对命令的执行方式将决定模式的整体行为,向Invoker增加不同的行为和改变命令集的执行方式就会产生多种不同的Invoker实现。如可以加入执行命令的过滤器就实现了“条件命令集”,增加可持久化的命令执行状态上下文则Invoker就会具有事务的特性,增加异步执行命令的行为就能使Invoker能执行长时间或持久运行的事务或命令等等。
public interface ICommandFilter { bool ShouldExecute(ICommand command); } public class CommandFilterCollection:ICollection<ICommandFilter>,List<ICommandFilter> { public bool ShouldExecute(ICommand command) { foreach (var filter in Filters) { if (!filter.ShouldExecute(command)) return false; } return true; } }
public class Macro { public Macro() { Commands=new List<Command>(); Filters=new CommandCollection(); } public ICollect<ICommand> Commands{get;private set;} public CommandFilterCollection Filters {get;private set;} public Exception LastError { get;private set;} public virtual void Run() { foreach (var cmd in Commands) { if (Filters.ShouldExecute(cmd)) cmd.Execute(); } } public void OnError(Action<Exception> act) { if (act!=null) { act(this.LastError); } } public void Add(param ICommand[] cmd){ Commands.AddRange(cmd); } public Remove(ICommand cmd) { Commands.Remove(cmd); } }
public void Main() { var cmd1=new Command1(); var cmd2=new Command2(); var cmd3=new Command3(); var macro=new Macro(); macro.Add(cmd1,cmd2,cmd3); macro.OnError(e=>{ console.Write(e.Message); }); macro.Run(); }
public void Main() { var delExeCmd=new Command(null,(o)=>{ //Do delete exe file that file name starts with o.startsWith here }); var delBatCmd=new Command(null,(o)=>{ //Do delete bat file that file name starts with o.startsWith here }); var delJpgCmd=new Command(null,(o)=>{ // Do delete jpg file that file name starts with o.startsWith here. }); var cmdTable=new CommandTable(); cmdTable.Add("clean", delExeCmd,delBatCmd); cmdTable.Run("clean",new {startsWith=new string[]{"AB","EF"}}); }
由此范例我们可以推导出Add和Run这两个方法,且从行为上看,CommandTable实质就是一组用名称重组的宏命令集,换言之 CommandTable 是Macro的集合式应用
public class CommandTable { public Dictionary<string,Macro> CommandSet{get;set;} public void Add(string commandName,params ICommand[] commands) { var macro=new Macro(); macro.Add(commands); this.CommandSet.Add(commandName,macro); } public void Run(string commandName,object parameters=null) { var macro=this.CommandSet[commandName]; macro.Run(parameters); } }
public void Main() { // Initialize cmd1 - cmdn ... var cmdQueue=new CommandQueue(); cmd.Enqueue(cmd1); ... cmd.Enqueue(cmdn); //Dequeue command and execute; cmdQueue.Dequeue(); //We can add Run method to execute all queue commands. //cmdQueue.Run(); //From index 5 upto n will undo cmdQueue.Undo(5); }
public class Product { public int ID {get;set;} public string Name {get;set;} public decimal Price {get;set;} } public class OrderItem { public int ID { get;set; } public int Quantity { get;set; } public Product Product{ get;set; } public decimal Total { get;set; } } public class ShoppingCart { public ICollect<OrderItem> Items{ get;set;} public Order Checkout() { // Impletement checkout code ... } } public class Order { public int ID {get;set;} public string Number {get;set;} public DateTime OrderDate {get;set;} public ICollect<OrderItem> Items{ get;set;} }
public class CheckOutCommand:Command<ShoppingCart> { private OrderTranscationContext Context{get;private set;} public CheckOutCommand(ShoppingCart cart,OrderTranscationContext ctx):base(cart) { this.Context=ctx; } public override void Execute(object parameters=null) { ctx.Order= Receiver.Checkout(); } } public class ProcessPaymentCommand:Command<OrderTranscationContext> { public override void Execute(object parameters=null) { //Implement:Process with payment gateway Receiver.State=TranscationStates.Paid; } } public class AddPaymentCommand:Command<OrderTranscationContext> { public override void Execute(object parameters=null) { // Implement:Add payment to order ... Receiver.State=TranscationStates.Paid; } }
public class TranscationContext { public Guid TranID { get;set;} public dynamic Data { get;set;} } public class OrderTranscationContext:TranscationContext { public Order Order{get;set;} public TranscationStates State {get;set;} } public enum TranscationStates { Pendding=1, Paid=2, Completed=3, } public Transcation { public List<ICommand> Commands{get;set;} public void Add(params ICommand[] cmds) { Commands.AddRange(cmds);} public async Start(object parameters=null) { foreach (var cmd in Commands) { try { await cmd.Execute(parameters); } catch(Exception e) { var _errorHanlder=cmd as IErorrHandler; if (_errorHandler!=null) _errorHandler.OnError(e); } } } // Undo all commands public void Rollback() { foreach (var cmd in Commands) { var undoCmd=cmd as ICanUndo; if (undoCmd!=null) undoCmd.Undo(); } } }
public void Main() { var cart=new ShoppingCart(); var rep=new TransRepository(); var tranCtx=new OrderTranscationContext(); var checkOutCmd=new CheckOutCommand(cart,tranCtx); var processPaymentCmd=new ProcessPaymentCommand(tranCtx); var addPaymentCmd=new new AddPaymentCommand(tranCtx); var orderTran=new Transcation(); tran.Add(checkOutCmd,processPaymentCmd,addPaymentCmd); //将上下文状态存数据库内 rep.Add(tranCtx); rep.Submit(); tran.Start(); tran.OnStateChanged(s=>{ rep.Update(tranCtx); rep.Submit(); }); }
对 Receiver 的其它用法:
public void Main() { dynamic dynamicReceiver=new { State=0, Callback=new Action({ Console.Write("Receiver call back"); }); }; var dynamicCmd=new Command(dynamicReceiver,(o)=>{ Receiver.State=1; Receiver.Callback(); }); }
这种运用可以适用在装配Invoker的命令(集)序列时,也就是 Client端,也可以将其详细封装成为特定的Invoker或Factory 方法,这样可以令到代码更为之简洁清晰。同时也可以减少类的数量。
这篇文章中的代码有很多是为了说明问题而写的伪代码(运行可能有问题^_^),为了能让大家都得到方便,我将命令模式制作成了一个自由类库发布在NuGet上,有兴趣的朋友可以访问 https://www.nuget.org/packages/DNA.Patterns/ 下载或在VS.NET的NUGet 管理器内直接键入以下命令安装
PM> Install-Package DNA.Patterns
标签:des style class blog code http