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public class FindSpecialOrderElement<T> where T : IComparable<T> { public T FindElementWithOrder(T[] array, int startIndex, int endIndex, int order) { int pivot = Partition(array, startIndex, endIndex); //pivot支点为第(pivot-startIndex+1)小的值 int pivotOrder = pivot - startIndex + 1; if (pivotOrder == order) { return array[pivot]; } else if (pivotOrder > order) { return FindElementWithOrder(array, startIndex, pivot - 1, order); } else//pivotOrder < order { return FindElementWithOrder(array, pivot + 1, endIndex, order - pivotOrder); } } public static int Partition(T[] array, int leftIndex, int rightIndex) { //leftIndex的位置空出来了 T pivotValue = array[leftIndex]; //将所有<pivotValue的值移动到pivotValue的左边(不稳定排序,因为相等值得相对位置可能被此步骤改变) //将所有>=pivotValue的值移到右边 //移动的结果就是所有<pivotValue的值都在pivotValue的左边,>=它的都在右边 //记录之后pivotValue所在位置,返回该位置,完成一次分区划分。 while (leftIndex < rightIndex) { //因为是leftIndex先空出来位置,所以第一步要从右侧rightIndex向左寻找小于pivotValue的数值位置 while (leftIndex < rightIndex && array[rightIndex].CompareTo(pivotValue) >= 0) rightIndex--; //将找到的小于pivotValue的位置的元素放到空出的leftIndex位置,leftIndex++ if (leftIndex < rightIndex) array[leftIndex++] = array[rightIndex]; //leftIndex向右寻找>=pivotValue的值的位置 while (leftIndex < rightIndex && array[leftIndex].CompareTo(pivotValue) < 0) leftIndex++; //将找到的>=pivotValue的位置的leftIndex元素放到上一步空出的rightIndex位置 //此时leftIndex所在位置变成待插入位置,重新回到外圈循坏的初始状态 if (leftIndex < rightIndex) array[rightIndex--] = array[leftIndex]; } //最后while循环结束的位置就是leftIndex==rightIndex,并且这个位置是空出来的,正好把pivotValue放到这个位置 //这就是轴的概念,轴两边的值时由轴正好分开的,一边小于轴,一边大于等于轴 array[leftIndex] = pivotValue; return leftIndex; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { FindSpecialOrderElement<int> ESOE = new FindSpecialOrderElement<int>(); int[] data1 = new int[10] { 1, 2, 3, 20, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; Console.WriteLine(); data1.ToList<int>().ForEach(i => Console.Write("{0},", i)); int e = ESOE.FindElementWithOrder(data1, 0, data1.Length - 1, 4); Console.WriteLine("Find the 4th small element:{0}", e); int[] data2 = new int[10] { 6, 90, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Console.WriteLine(); data2.ToList<int>().ForEach(i => Console.Write("{0},", i)); int f = ESOE.FindElementWithOrder(data2, 0, data1.Length - 1, 7); Console.WriteLine("Find the 7th small element:{0}", f); Console.ReadKey(); }
作者:Andy Zeng
标签:com http class blog style div code img java javascript tar