Elegance is a combination of power and simplicity. Elegant code does much with little. Elegant code is not only correct but visibly, transparently correct. It does not merely communicate an algorithm to a computer, but also conveys insight and assurance to the mind of a human that reads it. By seeking elegance in our code, we build better code. Learning to write transparent code is a first, long step toward learning how to write elegant code — and taking care to make code discoverable helps us learn how to make it transparent. Elegant code is both transparent and discoverable.
The lesson is this: Don’t let your debugging tools be mere afterthoughts or treat them as throwaways. They are your windows into the code; don’t just knock crude holes in the walls, finish and glaze them. If you plan to keep the code maintained, you’re always going to need to let light into it.
the driver program has monitoring switches that merely (but sufficiently) expose the textual data flows among the components.
If you want transparent code, the most effective route is simply not to layer too much abstraction over what you are manipulating with the code.
Unix programmers are the original zealots about modularity, but tend to go about it in a quieter way. Keeping glue layers thin is part of it; more generally, our tradition teaches us to build lower, hugging the ground with algorithms and structures that are designed to be simple and transparent.
- What is the maximum static depth of your procedure-call hierarchy? That is, leaving out recursions, how many levels of call might a human have to model mentally to understand the operation of the code? Hint: If it’s more than four, beware.
- Does the code have invariant properties that are both strong and visible? Invariant properties help human beings reason about code and detect problem cases.
- Are the function calls in your APIs individually orthogonal, or do they have too many magic flags and mode bits that have a single call doing multiple tasks? Avoiding mode flags entirely can lead to a cluttered API with too many nigh-identical functions, but the obverse error (lots of easily-forgotten and confusable mode flags) is even more common.
- Are there a handful of prominent data structures or a single global scoreboard that captures the high-level state of the system? Is this state easy to visualize and inspect, or is it diffused among many individual global variables or objects that are hard to find?
- Is there a clean, one-to-one mapping between data structures or classes in your program and the entities in the world that they represent?
- Is it easy to find the portion of the code responsible for any given function? How much attention have you paid to the readability not just of individual functions and modules but of the whole codebase?
- Does the code proliferate special cases or avoid them? Every special case could interact with every other special case; all those potential collisions are bugs waiting to happen. But even more importantly, special cases make the code harder to understand.
- How many magic numbers (unexplained constants) does the code have in it? Is it easy to discover the implementation’s limits (such as critical buffer sizes) by inspection?
Programs that cannot reveal what they are doing make troubleshooting far more difficult. Thus, experienced Unix users actually take the presence of debugging and instrumentation switches as a good sign, and their absence as possibly a bad one. Absence suggests an inexperienced or careless developer; presence suggests one with enough wisdom to follow the Rule of Transparency.
The real challenge is not protocol syntax but protocol logic—designing a protocol that is both sufficiently expressive and deadlock-free. Almost as importantly, the protocol has to be seen to be expressive and deadlock-free; human beings attempting to model the behavior of the communicating programs in their heads and verify its correctness must be able to do so.
Unix’s popen(3) call can set up either an input pipe or an output pipe for a shellout, but not both for a slave process — this seems intended to encourage simpler programming.
A technique often used with signal IPC is the so-called pidfile. Programs that will need to be signaled will write a small file to a known location (often in /var/run or the invoking user’s home directory) containing their process ID or PID. Other programs can read that file to discover that PID. The pidfile may also function as an implicit lock file in cases where no more than one instance of the daemon should be running simultaneously.
Many well-known system daemons accept SIGHUP (originally the signal sent to programs on a serial-line drop, such as was produced by hanging up a modem connection) as a signal to reinitialize (that is, reload their configuration files); examples include Apache and the Linux implementations of bootpd(8), gated(8), inetd(8), mountd(8), named(8), nfsd(8), and ypbind(8).
Even if text streams were less efficient than RPC, the performance loss would be marginal and linear, the kind better addressed by upgrading your hardware than by expending development time or adding architectural complexity. Anything you might lose in performance by using text streams, you gain back in the ability to design systems that are simpler — easier to monitor, to model, and to understand.
Threads are a fertile source of bugs because they can too easily know too much about each others’ internal states. There is no automatic encapsulation, as there would be between processes with separate address spaces that must do explicit IPC to communicate. Thus, threaded programs suffer from not just ordinary contention problems, but from entire new categories of timing-dependent bugs that are excruciatingly difficult to even reproduce, let alone fix.